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1、 外文翻译 原文 Multicriteria Evaluation and Local Environmental Planning for Sustainable Tourism Material Source: Advances in Modern Tourism Research, 2007( 2) Author:Andrea De Montis,Giancarlo Deplano and Peter Nijkamp Absrtact:This paper points out how evaluation might become a useful tool to develop su

2、itable policies for integrated sustainable development. This concept is quite complex and requires analysis able to cope with conicting multiple objectives. Notwithstanding these assumptions, the Regime method combined with the AHP approach has proved in this application to be a useful multicriteria

3、 procedure, since it yields very good and easy to handle results. In a more general perspective, this paper sheds some light on the broad basis of decision-making processes. One of the main ndings is that the application of the Regime method framework has allowed the analyst to use both cardinal and

4、 ordinal criteria within the system of individual preference structure, mathematically described by means of the outranking analysis. In this case, there seems to be enough evidence to conrm that the outranking structure embedded in the Regime framework is able to cope much better with the complexit

5、y and uncertainty, which is often present in environmental tourist policies, than other multicriteria frameworks. Nevertheless, the analysis of the results considered in this exercise demonstrates how subjective the advice for the nal choice might become, especially when different stakeholders are i

6、nvolved at the same time in the same decisional arena. In this case, the degree of uncertainty of the system has been limited by xing the list of criteria and by allowing variability only to the weight vector. However, the volatility of the nal ranking may increase, if subjectivity is also allowed t

7、o creep in for the construction of the criteria system. In this case, the whole system of criteria and weights should be tuned every time according to each different stakeholder. Starting from this lesson, further research has to be directed into studying the relationship between politics and evalua

8、tion procedure, with a particular focus on the meaning of delegation in decision-making. Future research should focus on the way systems of access for everybody could be put into practical application. This is one of the main reasons for developing research on the role that theWorld WideWeb could pl

9、ay in this perspective and on the distribution of information for decisionmaking (Carver, 1999; De Montis, 2002; De Montis and Nijkamp, 2006). Key words:Sustainable;Tourism;Evaluation;Planning 1 Introduction: Evaluation and Construction of a New Development Framework for Tourism During the last 30 y

10、ears, the successful development of a variety of regions has been paralleled by growing condence in tourism as a catalyst for economic and cultural development. In a classical perspective, economists in developing countries have been supporting policies for a higher level of tourist activities and r

11、evenues in the hope of obtaining overall higher performances in the whole economic system. However, there have been many changes in this paradigm. Recent advanced studies on the concept of integrated tourist development (Pearce, 1989; Wall, 1997) reveal how tourism per se can not be indicated as a f

12、actor of development, as it has to be linked to the other sectors of the economy. On the other hand, research ndings (APDR, 2000) also indicate that integrated tourist development involves many stakes and interests that most of the time are conicting. Butler (2000) notes that integration in tourism

13、is often regarded as a common purpose in many research studies on environmental policy and planning. Indeed, integration is frequently associated with sustainability. In the light of many institutional reports, as long as the objectives of the development are generally linked to the human and materi

14、al resources embedded in the local context, sustainable development can then be guaranteed by the positive attitude of local communities towards social learning and self-organizing. In the perspective of policy makers and planners, addressing local societies to sustainability calls for the adoption

15、of methodologies and indicators able to capture hardly measurable properties conveyed in the issues at hand, such as tourism integration, community empowerment, and self-reliance. In this realm, multicriteria analysis represents a suitable methodology to tackle complexity, as it provides a framework

16、 for constructing, aggregating, and managing complex indicators. 1.1 New Developments of Coastal Planning: Pushing Economic Activities by Environmental Protection According to classical economic approaches, tourism per se is able to bring advantage to the economies of developing countries. The main

17、assumption of these theories is that especially international tourism is able to generate a higher level of consumption, thus leading to an overall higher level of disposable income (Krapf, 1961). As a consequence, since the end of the 1960s many developing countries have been introducing internatio

18、nal tourism into their economic system. Examples are the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Thailand, Indonesia, the Maldives, and Spain. In summary, the following characteristics can be attributed to the traditional approach to tourist policies: autarchy of tourist entrepreneurship; internationalization; a

19、nd lack of perception of the local culture. One of the main results of these practices is the perception of an initial lack of concern of tourist ventures for local environments and ecosystems. On the other side, Coccossis and Nijkamp (1996), reecting on the interaction between tourism and environme

20、nt, emphasize that tourist activities, if correctly conceived, might actually contribute to the protection of the natural environment. They point out that classical economic frameworks, such as the internalization of the externalities, do not seem to solve the dilemma of tourist impacts. In the same

21、 perspective, Briassoulis (1996, p. 33) claims that mainstream economic analysis is not adequate to support tourism policy decisions because tourism is not a typical economic sector or activity as is assumed by this kind of analysis. When tourism is conceptualized as a complex and multifaceted socio

22、-economic activity, more integrated analytical approaches are required to represent the interrelatedness among the tourism-related economic sectors and environment. A new paradigm in tourism economics is required, because today tourism is recognized worldwide as a strategic sector of the economy. Th

23、e tourist experience is indeed a multifaceted phenomenon. Many research studies (Ryan, 1998) have identied the main characteristics of leisure traveling. In the last few years, the technological change, the widening of leisure time and the specialization of tourism demand have introduced new element

24、s into the classical patterns of tourist sector planning. The idea is that mono-cultural tourism based on the exploitation of singular beauties of a country is no longer considered sustainable. It seems that an innovative development model should involve diversifying activities and smoothing out sea

25、sonal uctuations in demand. 1.2 Towards Tourist Complementarity in the Framework of Sustainability In the perspective of policy makers and planners, understanding the level of achievement of tourist integration with respect to the remaining economic sectors and readdressing local strategies and oper

26、ative actions accordingly represent major issues. Planning and managing new sustainable tourist destinations imply a conspicuous demand of contextual knowledge and information retrieval. The assessment of the characteristics of tourist entrepreneurship and its relations with local economies, environ

27、ment and societies is a primary yet complex activity focused on benchmarking actual and potential performance improvements, recommending policy actions, and suggesting nancing strategies. This is why evaluation plays a central role in the identication of suitable conditions for tourist development f

28、or contemporary societies.In many countries, increasing concerns for environmental protection and sustainable development have recently led to the inclusion in central policy programs of procedures for evaluating the compatibility between projected activities and the environment. According to recent

29、 studies, relating soundly productive tourist ventures and their economic activities with local environmental systems as well as developing efficacious communication strategies proved to become success factors for tourist destinations. Mihalic (2000) stresses that environmental management of a desti

30、nation, when correctly conceived, constitutes a determinant factor for its success and attractiveness. In the same direction, Lee (2001) stresses the potential comparative advantage of sustainable tourism destinations. Many institutions stress that evaluation of the environmental impacts has to beco

31、me a requirement for the acceptability of territorial projects. As the UNI ISO 14000 regulations and many other homologous documents also associated with LA21 suggest, each territory can be assigned a certain level of quality and can thus more easily access the network European funding for tourism.

32、The UNI ISO 14001 regulation, in particular, refers to activities carried out by an organization, with the aim to receive the Certicate of Environmental Quality about its environmental management system (EMS). This approach is conrmed by the principle of integration between tourism and a healthy env

33、ironment, embedded in Local Agenda 21, the document that proposes a translation of the principle of sustainable development into policy practice. 1.3 Measuring the Immeasurable: Towards Composite Indicators for Tourism Policy Making and Planning In general terms, the need to understand and address p

34、rogress toward tourist sustainability recalls the broader issue of assessing a system of measures able to face complexity. It is very difficult to conceive a unique yardstick able to yield a reliable assessment of, for instance, the degree of environmental performance. Under an analytic perspective,

35、 it is easier to rephrase the question by referring to a number of simple components and by adopting a coordinated set of parallel composite indicators. Usually, these indices are meant as complex measurement instruments and “are based on sub-indicators that have no common meaningful unit of measure

36、ment and there is no obvious way of weighting these sub-indicators” (Saisana and Tarantola, 2002, p. 5). According to Saisana and Tarantola (2002), composite indicators, while presenting a bundle of shortcomings,“are useful to provide experts, stakeholders and decision-makers with: the direction of

37、developments, comparison across places, situations, and countries, assessment of state and trend in relation to goals and targets, early warning, identication of areas for action, anticipation of future conditions and trends, and communication channel for general public and decision-makers.” (Saisan

38、a and Tarantola, 2002, p. 6) Many methods are suitable for constructing and aggregating composite indicators, such as principal component analysis, factor analysis, aggregation techniques, multicriteria analysis, but they obey to a general scheme. This is articulated in the following steps:“deciding

39、 on the phenomenon to be measured, selecting subindicators, assessing the quality of the data, analyzing the relationships between the sub-indicators, normalizing and weighting the indicators, and testing for robustness and sensitivity.”(Saisana and Tarantola, 2002, p. 8) Environmental policy makers

40、 and planners are daily confronted with a wide range of questions, such as pollution control and natural resources depletion, and face continuously a lack of precise and timely information. Thus their activities require suitable support tools and methods. The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is

41、 a composite indicator specically built to support decision makers facing uncertain or fuzzy environmental phenomena (Esty et al. 2006). It is based on the aggregation of 19 indicators grouped in six policy categories pointing at two broad objectives: environmental health and ecosystem vitality.This

42、 indicator measures the performance of world countries: top scorers are New Zealand, Sweden, and Finland while lowest ones Ethiopia, Mali, and Mauritania. 译文 对可持续旅游业的全方位评价和当地环境规划 资料来源 :现代旅游的最新研究 作者:安德里亚德蒙蒂斯 摘要: 本文指出了如何评估 ,可成为一个有用的工具来开发综合可持续发展的适当政策。这是个相当复杂的概念,需要通过分析来应付冲突的多个方面。除去这些因素,该制度方法结合 AHP 法 已被证

43、明是一个有用的应用程序,因为它的效率非常高且其结果容易处理。 从更广的角度来看,本文揭示一些关于决策过程的本质所在。其中最主要的发现是政权的应用方法框架,使得分析师使用范围内的个人偏好结构体系由级别高于数学分析方 法描述,同时基数和序数的标准。在这种情况下,似乎有足够证据证明该级别高于结构的制度框架中是可以应付很多的复杂性和不确定性,这在目前的旅游政策环境比其他的许多框架,效果更好。 然而,在这项工作中考虑的结果分析,演示了如何为主观意见,有可能成为最后的选择,特别是当不同的利益相关者都在同一时间同一舞台上的决策参与。在这种情况下,对系统不确定性的程度是有限的固定的标准清单,只允许变异权重向量

44、。 然而,最终排名波动可能增加,如果主体也允许为蠕变的标准体系建设。 在这种情况下,整个系统的标准和权重调整每次应根据每个不同的利 益相关者。 从这一教训出发,进一步研究将直接进入研究和评价程序之间的政治关系对代表团在决策过程中的意义,特别着重。未来的研究应该注重进入系统,而每个人都使用的方式。这是这项研发工作在世界范围内的宽带中的观点和决策信息的分布起着非常重要作用的一个主要原因(卡弗, 1999 年 ;德蒙蒂斯, 2002;德蒙蒂斯和尼茨卡普, 2006)。 关键词:可持续;旅游业;评价;规划 1、 简介 :评价和介绍一种新的发展旅游的框架 在过去的 30年中,地区的多样化能成功的发展,还

45、应增加对旅游业在经济、文化发展中的催化作用的信任。从传统的角度看 ,发展中国家的经济学家一直看重旅游活动政策进一步完善的水平 ,在整个经济体系中,以期出现总体收入更高的情况。 但是,在这个范例中有了很多的变化。最近更深入地研究综合旅游开发 (皮尔斯 ,1989;威尔 ,1997)的观念展示了如何旅游本身不能表明是一个因素的发展 ,而是被连接到其它领域的经济。另一方面 ,研究 (APDR,2000年 )还显示 ,综合旅游发展 ,涉及许多风险和收益的大部分时间都是有矛盾的。巴特勒 (2000)指出 ,综合旅游通常被视为在许多环境政策、规划设计研究的一种共同目的。 事实上 ,综合通常与可持续发展联系

46、在一起。根据许多制度报告 ,只要发展的宗旨与当地人类和物力资源的状况联系在一起,当地社区就会在社会学习和自我组织方面,对可持续发展抱有积极的态度。 从政策的制定者和规划者角度看 ,解决当地社会可持续发展要求采用能够捕获传达几乎可测量特性的方法和指标,以得到一些好处 ,如旅游一体化、社区自主、自力更生。在这方面 ,多指标分析代表一个合适的方法去分析处理复杂问题 ,因为它为用于建设、合并和管理复杂的指标提供了一个框架。 1.1 沿海的新发展规划:通过环境保护推动经济活动 按照 传统经济的方法,旅游本身能给发展中国家的经济带来利益。这些理论的主要假设 ,尤其是国际旅游能产生更高消费水平 ,从而总体获

47、得更高层次的可支配收入 (克拉普夫 ,1961)。因此,自从 19世纪 60年代末以来,许多发展中国家引进了国际旅游,并把其纳入国民经济系统。加勒比群岛、墨西哥、泰国、印尼、马尔代夫和西班牙就是很好的例子。总之 ,以下特点 ,可以归因于旅游政策的传统途径:专制旅游创业、国际化支持和缺乏对当地文化的感知。这些实践中最主要的一个研究结论是,最初的旅游企业对当地环境和生态系统缺乏关注和洞察力。 另一方面 ,柯克 斯和尼茨卡普 (1996),反思旅游与环境之间的相互作用 ,并强调,如果正确的构思旅游活动 ,就能有助于自然环境的保护。他们指出 ,传统经济的框架,比如说,国际化的外部效应,不能解决旅游冲击

48、的困境。 在同一角度看,布莱斯乌里斯( 1966)声称,主流经济学分析不足以支持旅游政策的决定,因为旅游并不是典型的经济部门或活动来支持这种分析。当旅游被定义为一种复杂的和多方面的社会经济活动,更多的综合分析方法需要代表旅游相关经济部门和环境之间的相关联系。一个新的旅游经济的典范是必须的,因为今天旅游已经被全世界认为的一个战略的经 济部门。 旅游经验确实是一个多方面的现象。许多研究 (莱恩 ,1998)已经确认休闲旅游的主要特征。在过去的几年里 ,技术变化 ,繁多的闲暇时间和专业化的旅游需求已经产生了新的元素进入旅游部门的经典规划模式。这种想法是基于开发单一资源的国家的单一文化的旅游已经不再被

49、认为是可持续发展。似乎创新发展模式应该涉及分散活动和理顺季节波动的需求。 1.2 旅游互补的框架下的可持续发展 政策的制定者和规划者的观点,相应的呈现主要议题是,了解关于剩余经济部门达成旅游经济一体化的水平,解决当地的政策和采取有效的行动。 计划和管理新的可持续的旅游目的地暗示了文化和信息检索的明显要求。创业精神和旅游特点的评估与当地经济、环境和社会的关系是一个复杂的主要活动,重点在于基准实际的和潜在的性能提升 ,必要的政策行动 ,并且提出融资策略。 这就是为什么在确定合适的条件中,评价为当代旅游开发的社团活动扮演着重要的角色。近期,在许多国家,越来越多的关注环境保护和可持续发展,导致包括中央政策程序以评价计划活动和保护环境的协调为目的。 据最近的研究 ,涉及生产旅游企业健康,以及他们的经济活动与当地环境系统开发有着有效的沟通策略,被证明是旅游目的地 成功因素之一。米赫里克(2000)强调环境管理的终极目标是,正确的构思,以建造一个决定性的因素使其成功并具有吸引力。在同一方面 ,李 (2001)强调了旅游可持续发展的旅游胜地的比较优势潜力。


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