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1、 外文翻译 原文 Economic Evidence in Antitrust: Defining Markets and Measuring Market Power Material Source:Library Author: Jonathan B. Baker under such circumstances,researchers tend to approximate that dependence in a simple way. One useful generalization has structured much of the empirical literature o

2、n estimating quasi-supply:game-theoretic models of supply commonly indicate that there is more market power with less elastic industry demand.This generalization leads many empirical economists to include the term-Qfr( ) in the markup function, to capture the pricing incentive that lies in the diffe

3、rence between price and marginal revenue. Estimating Demand.Variation in the slope of the demand curve,equation(1), and the resulting incentive for market power,can be assessed at the individual firm level as well as at the market level.The distinction is particularly important in product differenti

4、ated industries.One approach is to estimate a multiple-price,multiple quantity version of equation(1).This approach is well suited for data-rich environments in which the identification problem at issue in measuring buyer substitution can readily be solved. Another approach is to estimate the slope

5、of the residual demand curve facing a particular firm or a small number of firms.A residual demand function can be defined for a firm or a candidate market.It is derived from the structural demand function by substituting best response functions for the output of rivals,thus projecting rival output

6、on demand and cost-shift variables.Its elasticity reflects the response of a firm to cost variation after accounting for two economic forces: buyer substitution(the parameters of demand)and rival reactions(incorporated through the determinants of rival best responses).If a firms(or group of firms) r

7、esidual demand function is perfectly elastic,it does not exercise market power.It cannot raise price on its own;the combination of buyer substitution and output expansion of rivals would make any such effort ineffective.But a downward sloping residual demand function indicates that the firm(or group

8、)has the ability to raise price by reducing output, and thus can exercise market power. In econometric terms, the elasticity of a firms residual demand is identified by a movement in an exogenous variable affecting the supply of firm and no other. The intuition is that a higher marginal cost for the

9、 firm of interest (and that firm alone) gives the firm an incentive to raise price,but price will not rise in fact unless the firm also has the ability to increase price after accounting for the expected response of buyers and all rivals(none of which experienced a similar cost increase, so none of

10、which have an incentive to raise price on their own). The empirical literature has made progress in two very different areas in estimating residual demand functions.One is in product differentiated industries. Here the largest advantage of the residual demand curve approach is that it economizes on

11、identifying variation.When the source of single-firm market power is differentiation, in other words, there is little distinction between what is learned about market power from estimating the residual demand curve and what is learned from estimating structural demand curves. The empirical literatur

12、e has also made progress on the case in which a single firms residual demand curve is sloped because the supply curves of other firms rise steeply.This approach has been deployed in studies of wholesale electricity markets, for example. In those markets,observable measures of the height and slope of

13、 other firms supply curve are available.For example, the capacity of other firmsplants, the capacity of their most efficient plants,and so on,are in some data sets.A firm competing against only capacity-constrained rivals will face the industry demand elasticity and thus generally have more market p

14、ower than a firm whose competitors might expand if price were to rise.The literature has taken advantage of that feature in estimating residual demand curves.Empirical economists have also estimated residual demand curves in the intermediate case of a firm facing only competitors whose more efficien

15、t plants are at capacity. 译文 反垄断中的经济证据:定义和测量市场的市场 势力 资 料 来 源 : 图书馆 作者: 乔纳森贝克和蒂莫西布雷斯纳汉 确定和衡量市场 势力 市场势力是提高公司高于该水平持续期间的价格竞争的能力是一个反垄断的情况下在多个法律框架的一部分。 垄断权力的垄断, 是根据谢尔曼法罪行。此外,市场势力往往是根据谢尔曼法经常评估,确定行为是否根据一项协议进行的是合理的。市场势力的调查可以适用于一个公司或一个单独的公司作为一组号码。从历史上看,反垄断的世界里,最常用的市场实力已被确定通过推理,从一个较高的 市场占有率。但是,越来越成为直接证据作为一种替代的

16、重要部分,因为学术经济学家已经制定了衡量市场势力的经济计量方法的数量。 值得强调的是,最终的反托拉斯诉讼的经济问题是,几乎没有公司或是否有市场的企业设置的势力。此案涉及的经济几乎无一例外地反对质疑的行为 -竞争对手之间的协议,合并的,排他性的战术及类似品 -即开启该行为是否有所增加(在回顾的情况下)或有可能增加(在前瞻性案)的市场势力。因此,经济问题不是市场的势力,但变化程度。反托拉斯法,有时依赖于假设,如果市场力量水平高,各类型的行为会增加它,如果市场力量 水平低,他们不会。也就是说,在法律上,在反竞争效果,从市场势力的证明推断倍。不论这种推论是合理的经验,他们从最终转向市场势力是否增加了经

17、济问题的关注。 我们的认同问题时,测量的市场势力还重点对清晰度水平。然而,重要的是不要失去视力的终极问题。因此,如果可能,应该使用经济手段,以评估在市场势力的变化,研究在回顾案件没有被质疑的做法历史反事实或者提供准一的变化分析中的激励机制。 正如查明买方替代,测量通过市场势力的直接证据的定量方法有相似之处涉及定性证据。在这一节,我们讨论了许多方法来确定市场,并突出特点与计量 经济问题,每一种方法出现,不论现有的证据是定量或定性的。我们强调的识别方法。 为市场势力正式框架功率测量 市场势力的众多测量方法可以被理解为越来越多的功能与产业需求和行业准供给函数两方程模型进行: ( 1) P=f(Q,Y

18、,u) ( 2) P=C(Q,W,v)+h(f( ),C( ),Z) 方程( 1)是一种反需求函数,有关行业的价格 P 到产业输出 Q,可见需求的移变载体,美国和随机误差在一个同质产品行业的案例,均 P 和 Q 是标量。如果行业有区别的,他们有很多因素,因为在工业产品。 方程( 2)是一个准供应职 能。它自称为行业的价格等于边际成本 C,这是作为一个成本转移变量 W 和一个随机误差五,加上一个标记,该函数 h( )载体功能看。在方程标记功能( 2)取决于边际成本,需求,和 Z 在文献中通常采用完全竞争的允许作为特殊情况(价格回吐)的标记功能,允许为零,模型外生变量。如果标记是积极的,价格超出了

19、竞技水平。在这两个方程( 1)和( 2)我们有抑制,将未知参数进行估计。 在这两个方程组的两个方程可以提供相关的信息对市场 势力 作出推论。行使市场 势力 激励是有关斜坡或需求函数,方程( 1)弹性。在多大程度上其中一个公司或企业已注意到这 些激励措施的优点是在方程相关的标记功能( 2)。寡头垄断的互动(例如静态贝特朗或古诺,或某种形式的协调)的性质也与标记功能,并在多大程度上熊哪些公司已经行使市场 势力 。 我们以前曾讨论的问题涉及需求鉴定,市场势力的定义方面,虽然他们会回到本节简要。我们还将讨论确定有关市场势力在方程( 2)参数的战略。在此之前,我们将描述推断市场势力与此相关的两方程设置一

20、些通用的策略。 估计准供应。实证经济文献员工数方法估算的准供应函数,方程( 2)。一些研究指定( 2)从一个特定的游戏市场力量的理论模型推导。例如,当调查涉及单方面的 市场势力,贝特朗(价格设置)竞争是最常见的假设。伯特兰假设导致的价格超过边际成本只有产品是有区别的,或者如果企业有增加的边际成本估计反垄断的目的,( 2)是区分更高的成本和更高的价格作为源更高的标记。 标记函数 H( )可采取多种形式,根据不同产业结构方面和可行的方法中,企业可能范围互动。最简单的模型比赛( H( ) =0)和垄断( P-h( )=MR.)对于某些游戏理论模型,标记功能只在需求和成本弹性而定。其他理论更为复杂,可

21、能导致的 H( )对复杂依赖,如公司的信息。一个数的理论表明,企业行为和市场情况会有所不同。 因此,一些方法允许的标记随观测,这可能包括(向量 Z 变量),例如,市场集中度(如 H 股指数)或负的需求冲击( u 的负面实现),通过各种措施,建议理论的寡头垄断。但是,当准在任何特定时间内供应量作为一个重复博弈实现单周期出现,标记功能可能依赖于对时间的偏好,信息,和其他变数复杂的方式,在这种情况下,研究人员倾向于这种依赖近似在一个简单的方法。 一个有用的概括有很多结构上的实证文献估计准供应:供应游戏理论模型表明,通常有更多的行业需求弹性较小的市场势力。这导致许多经验概括经济学家包括在标记功能一词 QFR 型( ),捕捉 激励的定价,在价格和边际收益之间的差别所在。 估计需求。 变化中的需求曲线,方程( 1)坡,和对市场势力产生的激励,可以评估在个别企业层面以及在市场层面。这种区别是重要的,特别是在产品有区别的产业。一种方法是估计一个多价格,数量方程的多版本( 1)。这种方法非常适合数据丰富,其中在测量买方替代问题的识别问题可以很容易地解决了环境。


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