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1、1键入文字 非谓语动词用法总结 1非谓语动词用法总结一非谓语动词区别简表类别区别to do doing done含义 主动被动同位或将来 主动或(正在)进行 被动或完成成分 (名词)主语、宾语、表语(不定式)定语、状语、补语(动名词)主语、宾语、表语、定语(表用途)(现在分词) 定语、状语、补语(过去分词)作定语、状语、补语、表语(多表状态)否定 (not)to do (not)doing (not)done时态 一般:to do进行:to be doing完成:to have done完成进行:to have been doing一般:doing进行:本身完成:having done(只作状

2、语)完成进行:无一般:done进行:无完成:本身 语态 一般被动:to be done 进行被动:无完成被动:to have been done完成进行被动:无一般被动:being done 进行被动:本身完成被动:having been done完成进行被动:无本身作用 作目的状语、条件状语、原因状语、结果状语 作时间状语、条件状语、原因状语、结果状语、方式状语、伴随状语、让步状语作时间状语、条件状语、原因状语、方式状语、伴随状语、让步状语二不定式的用法不定式不可作谓语,但它可以有自己的宾语、状语,构成不定式短语,在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语(表用途) 、状语或补足语。高考对不定式的考

3、查主要有不定式的时态、语态、作用、否定、省略、连词不定式等。1.作主语不定式作主语表示具体的动作,通常指一件已知的事或目的。不定式作主语时,谓语动词用单数。eg:To say is a thing,to do is another.(说是一回事,做是另外一回事。)(2)不定式短语较长时,通常放在谓语之后,用 it 作形式主语。eg:It is important to learn English well.(学好英语是重要的。)It is necessary for us to do the job well.(我们做好这项工作是必要的。 )It is a great honor to be

4、invited to give a speech here.(被邀请在这儿发表演讲是一个极大的荣幸。)2.作宾语(1)常只用不定式作宾语的动词有:want,wish,hope,long,expect,desire,intend,decide,ask,promise,aim,offer,agree,plan,learn,choose,refuse,fail,manage,pretend 等。eg:He refused to help me.(他拒绝帮助我.)She has agreed to come tomorrow.(他已同意明天来.)(2) 不定式较长时,作宾语,也可用 it 代替,放在后

5、面。eg;I find it difficult to do the job well.(3) “特殊疑问词 不定式 to do 结构”具有名词特征,可作宾语。eg:She didnt know whether to go or not.2键入文字 非谓语动词用法总结 2They havent decided when and where to build the school.(4)不定式可作介 but,except,besides“除之外 ”的宾语,介词前有实义动词 do 的任何一种形式,后边的不定式就无 to,否则必带 to。eg:I want to do nothing but pla

6、y the computer games。I have no choice but to wait。3.动词不定式作表语(1)不定式作表语放在 be 和其他系动词后,说明主语的内容。同样, “特殊疑问词不定式”具有名词特征,也可作表语。eg:My job is to sweep the floor.His goal was to enter the key university of Beijing.The first question is how to find a better way to learn English well. (2)不定式作主语时,表语也必须为不定式,结构必须保持一

7、致。eg:To see is to believe.(3)如果主语部分的谓语动词或非谓语动词是实义动词 do 的某种形式,那么作表语的不定式可以省去 to.eg:The first thing to do is find her.The only thing he could do was tell the truth.4.不定式作定语不定式作定语常放在所修饰的名词或代词后。eg:I have something important to tell you.(不定式与被修饰名词构成被动关系。)His wish to be an artist has never come true.( 不定式与

8、被修饰名词构成同位关系。)He is the right man to do the job. ( 不定式与被修饰名词构成主动关系。 )The little girl was unhappy because she had no friends to play with. ( 不定式与被修饰名词构成主动关系。)(注:若不定式为不及物动词,其后须加上相应的介词。)5.不定式作状语不定式作状语主要是表示目的、条件、原因和结果,可位于句首或句末,但句首时通常用逗号隔开。eg:We set off early that morning to catch the first bus.(目的)To get

9、 a good result,she worked very hard.(目的)I feel it an honor to be invited to the party.(条件)She was very happy to get the first prize.(原因)He worked hard only to fail.(结果)(注:1. 不定式常用在 so as 或 in order 后,与它们一起作谓语,表示目的,但 so as 引起的不定式不可置于句首。eg:In order to avoid mistakes,check your homework. 2.不定式表目的常和 onl

10、y 连用,往往表示出乎意料的意想不到的不愿得到的结果。eg:He hurried to the station only to find the train had left.)3 “形容词enough不定式 ”和“too 形容词或副词(不表情感)不定式” 也可作结果状语。eg:He is old enough to go to school. He is too weak to raise the stone.但“too 表情感形容词(pleased,ready,glad,willing,anxious 等)to do”表示肯定意义,too 前面可用 only,but 等词修饰。eg:The

11、y were (only) too anxious to leave.(他们只是太急于离开了。 )She is (only) too pleased to go home.(她非常高兴可以回家了。)6.不定式作补语不定式作补语表示动作的完成。宾语与作补语的不定式之间是主动关系。(1)后接动词不定式作宾补的常见动词有:want,wish,expect,prefer,like,hate,ask,beg,request,require,beg,get,advise,persuade,invite,order,remind,p3键入文字 非谓语动词用法总结 3ermit,allow,send,call

12、on,wouldlike/love,arrange for,depend on 等。eg:She wanted me to arrive there early. Our headmaster call on us to work hard.(2)动词不定式可作感官动词(五看二听一感觉)即:see,look at,watch,observe,notice,hear,listen to,feel)和使让动词(let,make,have 等)后面的宾补时,不定式符号 to 要省略,但如果句子变被动结构,必须带 to.表示动作的完成。eg:He made them climb the hill. T

13、hey were made to climb the hill.(3)动词不定式可作形容词的补足语动词不定式可作形容词的补足语,句型为:(一)主语系动词表语(adj 为 convenient/easy/expensive/difficult/hard/impossible/pleasent 等)to do.(注:to do 常用主动表被动,其中 do 为 vt,主语为 to do 的宾语。)(二)主语find/think/consider/believe 等宾语adj to do.(注:其中 to do 常用主动表被动,其中 do 为 vt,主语为 to do 的宾语。)eg: He is e

14、asy to fool. The woman is easy to work with. He found the job is difficult to work out.() “特殊疑问词不定式 to do”具有名词特征,可作宾补。(谓语动词多为show,know,teach,tell 等。)eg:Ill tell you how to get there7 不定式作评注性状语或插入语不定式可以作评注性状语或插入语,放在句子前面、中间或末尾。常见的有 to be frank,to be honest,to tell the truth,to begin with,to start with

15、,to be short 等。eg:To begin with,I think you are wrong.三动名词用法动名词具有动词和名词的特点,有一般式和完成式,有主动式和被动式,可作主语、宾语、表语和定语.否定形式在其前面加 not.(1)动名词作主语动名词作主语表示抽象动作,指一件已知的事或经验。eg:Driving a car on the crowded road is boring.Reading is my hobby.(2)常只用动名词作宾语的动词有:admit,avoid,appreciate,consider,dislike,enjoy,escape,excuse,fin

16、ish,imagine,keep,mind,miss,practise,risk,resist,suggest 等。eg:I cant imagine marrying her.She managed to escape being punished.以下动词词组后面只接动名词作宾语:give up,belong to,look forward to,keep on,insist on,be busy,get down to,be devoted to,have difficulty/trouble(in),have a good/wonderful time (in)等。eg:Im look

17、ing forward to hearing from you soon.He gave up smoking three years.(3)动名词可作表语动名词可作表语,一般为主语的内容.表示一般性或习惯性的动作。在概念上可以和主语划等号。把主语和表语倒过来,句子的基本含义不变。eg:His hobby is painting.(4)动名词可作定语动名词可作定语,表示所修饰事物的功能或用途。eg:He often studies in the reading room.四现在分词现在分词具有动词、形容词和副词的特征,在句中作定语、状语、补语和表语。1 作定语现在分词作定语,单个 v-ing

18、放在被修饰的名词前;如果短语作定语,则放在所修饰词的后面。v-ing 作定语和被修饰词之间为主动关系,表示动作正在同时进行或经常性发生。4键入文字 非谓语动词用法总结 4eg:the falling leavesthe leaves which are fallingthe rising sunthe sun which is risingI saw him go into the house facing south.2 作状语动词-ing 或其短语作状语时,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果、让步、方式、伴随等。表示时间关系的动词-ing 短语可由连词 while 或 when 引出。eg:H

19、earing the news,they got excited.(时间)Having finished his homework,she was playing on the playground.(原因)Studying hard,you are sure to get the first prize.(条件)3 作补语现在分词作补语表示动作正在进行,宾语与作补语的现在分词之间是主动关系。后面常接现在分词作宾补的动词有感官动词(五看二听一感觉 see,look at,watch,observe,notice,hear,listen to,feel)使让动词(have,get)以及其他类动词

20、leave,keep,catch,set 等。表示动作正在进行。eg:I saw them playing games on the playground yesterday.Dont leave him waiting outside the room.作表语现在分词作表语相当于形容词,常表示主语所具有的特征,含有主动意味。大多数使动词的现在分词通常可作表语,常见的有:interesting,amusing,boring,tiring,pleasing,exciting,moving,disappointing,surpring,encouraging 等。eg:His story was

21、very moving.The speech is really boring.作评注性状语或插入语可以作评注性状语或插入语,放在句子前面、中间或末尾。注:“连词+doing 短语”一般情况下,分词作状语时,只能根据逻辑关系而不能根据语法特征来判定它是时间状语、条件状语或让步状语等。因此,有时会遇到很难判断其归属的情形。但如果在其前加上 when,if,once,since 等连词,就会很清楚地表明状语的性质。对于这种结构,也可作另外的解释,即在连词与现在分词之间省略了主语和 be 动词。五过去分词过去分词既有副词的特征又有动词的特征,在句中可作定语、状语、补语、表语等成分。(1)作定语过去分

22、词作定语,它和被修饰词之间是被动、完成关系,单个过去分词作定语放在前,过去分词短语作定语放在后。其中及物动词的过去分词表示完成或被动概念,不及物动词的过去分词只表示完成概念,没有被动的意味。eg:the risen sun the sun which has risenfallen leavesleaves which has fallenThis is the house built several years ago.This is the house which was built sveral years ago.(2)作状语过去分词在句中作状语,说明动作发生的背景或情况。它和被修饰词

23、之间是被动关系。它在句中可以作时间、条件、原因、方式、让步和伴随状语。eg:Tired out,they stopped to have a rest.(原因)Taken around the city,we were impressed by the citys new look.Though warned of the danger ,he still went skating on the thin ice. (3)作补语及物动词的过去分词作补语,和宾语之间构成被动关系。不及物动词的过去分词作宾补表状态和完成。5键入文字 非谓语动词用法总结 5(1)可以带过去分词作宾补的动词有感官动词(

24、五看二听一感觉) ,使役动词 have,get,make 等,以及其他类动 keep,leave,like,want,wish 等。eg:I cant get the car going.I had my leg broken last week. (4)作表语过去分词作表语表示被动意义,主语常是人,一般用来表示感受和状态,可以用作表语的常见的过去分词有:astonished,delighted,disappointed,excited,experienced,exhausted,frightened,interested,puzzled,qualitied,satisfied,upset 等

25、,有些过去分词作表语实际上已经构成固定短语。如:be interested in,be satisfied with,be covered with,be dressed in,be seated,be locked 等。能用这些分词作表语的系动词有be,get,remain,stay 等。eg:The door remained locked.We were greatly encouraged when we heard the speech.六非谓语动词的独立结构非谓语动词的独立结构为“名词或代词非谓语动词” 或“with名词/代词非谓语动词”。在语法上是一个独立的短语,不是句子(即:非

26、谓语动词的逻辑主语与主句主语不一致,须保留之后所构成的结构) 。可放在句首或句尾。(一) 名词或代词非谓语动词(1)名词/代词不定式名词或代词通常为动作的执行者,与不定式构成逻辑上的主谓关系,可位于句首或句末。eg:He will send me 100 first,the rest to follow in a year.(2) 名词/代词现在分词名词或代词通常为现在分词所表示的动作的执行者,与现在分词构成逻辑上的主谓关系。eg:Time permiting,we finish the work.(表条件)Spring coming on,the trees turns green.(表时间

27、)(3)名词/代词过去分词名词或代词通常为过去分词所表示的动作的承受者。与过去分词构成逻辑上的动宾关系或系表关系。eg: The sigal given,the bus started. Their strength exhausted,they sank down one by one.(表原因)(二)with名词/代词非谓语动词(1)with名词/代词不定式不定式和宾语之间是被动关系,表示动作尚未发生。eg:With nothing to do,they went out for a walk.(表原因)(2)with名词/代词现在分词宾语和动词-ing 之间是主动关系,表示的动作和谓语动

28、词的动作同时发生。eg:The boy slept with the light burning.(表伴随)(3) with名词/代词过去分词不定式和宾语之间是被动关系,表示动作已经完成。eg:They stayed inside with the door locked.(表伴随)七非谓语动词的区别问题(一)动词后接 to do 不定式还是 doing 动名词的情况:(1)只能接 to do 不定式的动词有:want,wish,hope,long,expect,desire,intend,decide,ask,promise,aim,offer,agree,plan,learn,choose

29、,refuse,fail,manage,pretend 等。(2)常只用动名词作宾语的动词有:admit, avoid, appreciate, consider dislike, enjoy, escape, 6键入文字 非谓语动词用法总结 6excuse, finish, imagine, keep, mind, miss, practise, risk,resist, suggest 等。(3)动词后二者都可跟,意义不同的有:remember to do sth 记起要做某事 remember doing sth 记起做过某事forget to do sth 忘记要做某事 forget

30、doing sth 忘记做过某事regret to do sth 后悔要做某事 regret doing sth 后悔做过某事go on to do sth 接着做另外一件事 go on doing sth 接着做同一件事stop to do sth 停下来开始做另外一件某事 stop doing sth 停止做正在做的某事try to do sth 尽力做某事 try doing sth 试着做某事mean to do sth 打算(意欲,企图)做某事 mean doing sth 意味着做某事cant help (to) do sth 不能帮忙做某事 cant help doing sth

31、 情不自禁地做某事 (4)动词后二者都可跟,意义相同的有:begin,start,like,love,prefer,hate 等。但是区别在于:后接动名词时表示经常性的动作,后接不定式时表示的是具体的特定的动作。eg:I like playing football,but I dont like play now.重点提示:在下列情况下 begin 和 start 后只接不定式:.主语是物不是人。eg:Spring came on and the snow began to melt.二者用于进行时 eg:Its begin to rain.二者后接表示心理活动或状态的动词。 eg:I beg

32、an to realize how stupid I was.二者后接不定式的被动式。 eg:The new type of computer began to be developed in the 1980s.(二) “感官动词宾语宾补(to do sth/doing sth) ”的区别感官动词宾语宾补(to do sth)表示事实或全过程感官动词宾语宾补(doing sth)表示片段或进行eg:The missing boys were last seen playing near the river.Did you see a pencil-box lying on the groun

33、d just now.(三)个别“使让动词宾语宾补”的特别词的用法1)have宾语宾补have宾语do“让做某事”,不定式作宾补可以指现在、将来或可能发生的动作。eg:They had me repeat the message.I wont have you say such things.I wont have you blame it on me.have宾语doing “让一直做某事” ,现在分词作宾补可以表示主语有意让别人去做或无意引起某人可能去做或表示遭遇。eg:Tom tried to have her talking.But no use.I wont have you spe

34、aking to your parents like that. (注:have宾语doing 用于否定句,have 有容忍之意。) Why should we have the boy standing in the corner the whole morning.have宾语done “使 被做” 过去分词作宾补可表示主语有意识的行为或表示“遭遇”、 “经历”(动作违背主语的意愿)eg:We ought to have her examined by a doctor.The old woman had her handbag stolen.2)get宾语宾补get宾语to do( have宾语do) “让做某事” 有时则是“说服/劝说某人做某事”eg:I will get the publisher to illustrate(加上插图) the book. get宾语doing“使(静的物体)动起来” ,具有进行含义。eg:I shall soon get the machine working.3)get宾语done“让被做”用法与 have宾语done 基本相同。eg:He got his wrist broken.


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