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1、GWD_TN_2-GWD3-Q1:The four-million-year-old fossilized skeleton known as Lucy is so small compared with many other skeletons presumed to be of the same species, and so some paleontologists have argued that Lucy represents a different lineage.A. presumed to be of the same species, and soB. presumed to

2、 be of the same species thatC. presumed that they are of the same species, and soD. that they have presumed to be of the same species, so that E. that they have presumed are of the same species, and-GWD3-Q2:Hunter: Hunters alone are blamed for the decline in Greenrock National Forests deer populatio

3、n over the past ten years. Yet clearly, black bears have also played an important role in this decline. In the past ten years, the forests protected black bear population has risen sharply, and examination of black bears found dead in the forest during the deer hunting season showed that a number of

4、 them had recently fed on deer.In the hunters argument, the boldface portion plays which of the following roles?A. It is the main conclusion of the argument.B. It is an objection that has been raised against the main conclusion of the argument.C. It is a judgment that the argument opposes.D. It is a

5、 finding that the argument seeks to explain. E. It provides evidence in support of the main conclusion of the argument.-GWD3-Q3:A study by the Ocean Wildlife Campaign urged states to undertake a number of remedies to reverse a decline in the shark population, which includes the establishment of size

6、 limits for shark catches, closing state waters for shark fishing during pupping season, and requiring commercial fishers to have federal shark permits.A. which includes the establishment of size limits for shark catches, closingB. which includes establishing limits to the size of sharks that can be

7、 caught, closingC. which include the establishment of size limits for shark catches, the closing ofD. including establishing size limits for shark catches, closingE. including the establishing of limits to the size of sharks that are caught, the closing of-GWD3-Q4:Yellow jackets number among the 900

8、 or so species of the worlds social wasps, wasps living in a highly cooperative and organized society where they consist almost entirely of femalesthe queen and her sterile female workers.A. wasps living in a highly cooperative and organized society where they consist almost entirely ofB. wasps that

9、 live in a highly cooperative and organized society consisting almost entirely ofC. which means they live in a highly cooperative and organized society, almost allD. which means that their society is highly cooperative, organized, and it is almost entirelyE. living in a society that is highly cooper

10、ative, organized, and it consists of almost all-GWD3-Q5 to Q7:In 1994, a team of scientists led by David Mckay began studying the meteorite ALH84001, which had been discovered in Antarctica in 1984. Two years later, the McKay team announced that ALH84001, which scientists generally agree originated

11、on Mars, contained compelling evidence that life once existed on Mars. This evidence includes the discovery of organic molecules in ALH84001, the first ever found in Martian rock. Organic moleculescomplex, carbonbased compoundsform the basis for terrestrial life. The organic molecules found in ALH84

12、001 are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs. When microbes die, their organic material often decays into PAHs. Skepticism about the McKay teams claim remains, however. For example, ALH84001 has been on earth for 13,000 years, suggesting to some scientists that its PAHs might have resulted form

13、 terrestrial contamination. However, McKays team has demonstrated that the concentration of PAHs increases as one looks deeper into ALH84001, contrary to what one would expect from terrestrial contamination. The skeptics strongest argument, however, is that processes unrelated to organic life can ea

14、sily produce all the evidence found by McKay s team, including PAHs. For example, star formation produces PAHs. Moreover, PAHs frequently appear in other meteorites, and no one attributes their presence to life processes. Yet McKays team notes that the particular combination of PAHs in ALH84001 is m

15、ore similar to the combinations produced by decaying organisms than to those originating form nonbiological processes.-Q5: The passage asserts which of the following about the claim that ALH84001 originated on Mars?A. It was initially proposed by the McKay team of scientists.B. It is not a matter of

16、 widespread scientific dispute.C. It has been questioned by some skeptics of the McKay teams work.D. It has been undermined by recent work on PAHs.E. It is incompatible with the face that ALH84001 has been on Earth for 13,000 years.-Q6: The primary purpose of the passage is toA. describe new ways of

17、 studying the possibility that life once existed on MarsB. revise a theory regarding the existence of life on Mars in light of new evidenceC. reconcile conflicting viewpoints regarding the possibility that life once existed on MarsD. evaluate a recently proposed argument concerning the origin of ALH

18、84001E. describe a controversy concerning the significance of evidence from ALH84001-Q7: The passage suggests that the fact that ALH84001 has been on earth for 13,000 years has been used by some scientists to support which of the following claims about ALH84001?A. ALH84001 may not have originated on

19、 Mars.B. ALH84001 contains PAHs that are the result of nonbiological processes.C. ALH84001 may not have contained PAHs when it landed on Earth.D. The organic molecules found in ALH84001 are not PAHs.E. The organic molecules found in ALH84001 could not be the result of terrestrial contamination.GWD3-

20、Q8:Which of the following most logically completes the passage?Garnet and RenCo each provide health care for their employees. Garnet pays for both testing of its employees cholesterol levels and treatment of high cholesterol. This policy saves Garnet money, since high cholesterol left untreated for

21、many years leads to conditions that require very expensive treatment. However, RenCo dose not have the same financial incentive to adopt such a policy, because _.A. early treatment of high cholesterol dose not entirely eliminate the possibility of a stroke later in lifeB. the mass media regularly fe

22、ature stories encouraging people to maintain diets that are low in cholesterolC. RenCo has significantly more employees than Garnet hasD. RenCos employees are unlikely to have higher cholesterol levels than Garnets employeesE. the average length of time an employee stays with RenCo is less than it i

23、s with Garnet-GWD3-Q9:Studies in restaurants show that the tips left by customers who pay their bill in cash tend to be larger when the bill is presented on a tray that bears a credit-card logo. Consumer psychologists hypothesize that simply seeing a credit-card logo makes many credit-card holders w

24、illing to spend more because it reminds them that their spending power exceeds the cash they have immediately available.Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the psychologists interpretation of the studies?A. The effect noted in the studies is not limited to patrons who have credit

25、 cards.B. Patrons who are under financial pressure from their credit-card obligations tend to tip less when presented with a restaurant bill on a tray with credit-card logo than when the tray has no logo.C. In virtually all of the cases in the studies, the patrons who paid bills in cash did not poss

26、ess credit cards.D. In general, restaurant patrons who pay their bills in cash leave larger tips than do those who pay by credit card. E. The percentage of restaurant bills paid with given brand of credit card increases when that credit cards logo is displayed on the tray with which the bill is prep

27、ared.-GWD3-Q10:Antarctica receives more solar radiation than does any other place on Earth, yet the temperatures are so cold and the ice cap is reflective, so that little polar ice melts during the summer; otherwise, the water levels of the oceans would rise 250 feet and engulf most of the worlds gr

28、eat cities.A. is reflective, so that little polar ice melts during the summer; otherwise,B. is so reflective that little of the polar ice melts during the summer; were it to do so,C. so reflective that little polar ice melts during the summer, or elseD. reflective, so that little of the polar ice me

29、lts during the summer, orE. reflects so that little of the polar ice melts during the summer; if it did-GWD3-Q11:Retailers reported moderate gains in their November sales, as much because of their sales of a year earlier being so bad as that shoppers were getting a head start on buying their holiday

30、 gifts.A. of their sales of a year earlier being so bad as thatB. of their sales a year earlier having been as bad as becauseC. of their sales a year earlier being as bad as becauseD. their sales a year earlier had been so bad as becauseE. their sales of a year earlier were as bad as that-GWD3-Q12 t

31、o Q15:In its 1903 decision in the case of Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, the United States Supreme Court rejected the efforts of three Native American tribes to prevent the opening of tribal lands to non-Indian settlement without tribal consent. In his study of the Lone Wolf case, Blue Clark properly empha

32、sizes the Courts assertion of a virtually unlimited unilateral power of Congress (the House of Representatives and the Senate) over Native American affairs. But he fails to note the decisions more far-reaching impact: shortly after Lone Wolf, the federal government totally abandoned negotiation and

33、execution of formal written agreements with Indian tribes as a prerequisite for the implementation of federal Indian policy. Many commentators believe that this change had already occurred in 1871 whenfollowing a dispute between the House and the Senate over which chamber should enjoy primacy in Ind

34、ian affairsCongress abolished the making of treaties with Native American tribes. But in reality the federal government continued to negotiate formal tribal agreements past the turn of the century, treating these documents not as treaties with sovereign nations requiring ratification by the Senate b

35、ut simply as legislation to be passed by both houses of Congress. The Lone Wolf decision ended this era of formal negotiation and finally did away with what had increasingly become the empty formality of obtaining tribal consent.-Q12: The author of the passage is primarily concerned withA. identifyi

36、ng similarities in two different theoriesB. evaluating a work of scholarshipC. analyzing the significance of a historical eventD. debunking a revisionist interpretationE. exploring the relationship between law and social reality-Q13: According to the passage, which of the following was true of relat

37、ions between the federal government and Native American tribes?A. Some Native American tribes approved of the congressional action of 1871 because it simplified their dealings with the federal government.B. Some Native American tribes were more eager to negotiate treaties with the United States afte

38、r the Lone Wolf decision.C. Prior to the Lone Wolf decision, the Supreme Court was reluctant to hear cases involving agreements negotiated between Congress and Native American tribes.D. Prior to 1871, the federal government sometimes negotiated treaties with Native American tribes.E. Following 1871,

39、 the House exercised more power than did the Senate in the governments dealings with Native American tribes.-Q14: As an element in the argument presented by the author of the passage, the reference to Blue Clarks study of the Lone Wolf case serves primarily toA. point out that this episode in Native

40、 American history has received inadequate attention from scholarsB. support the contention of the author of the passage that the Lone Wolf decision had a greater long-term impact than did the congressional action of 1871C. challenge the validity of the Supreme Courts decision confirming the unlimite

41、d unilateral power of Congress in Native American affairsD. refute the argument of commentators who regard the congressional action of 1871 as the end of the era of formal negotiation between the federal government and Native American tribesE. introduce a view about the Lone Wolf decision that the a

42、uthor will expand upon-Q15:According to the passage, which of the following resulted from the Lone Wolf decision?A. The Supreme Court took on a greater role in Native American affairs.B. Native American tribes lost their legal standing as sovereign nations in their dealings with the federal governme

43、nt, but their ownership of tribal lands was confirmed.C. The federal government no longer needed to conclude a formal agreement with a Native American tribe in order to carry out policy decisions that affected the tribe.D. The federal government began to appropriate tribal lands for distribution to

44、non-Indian settlers.E. Native American tribes were no longer able to challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court.-GWD3-Q16:Economist: Tropicorp, which constantly seeks profitable investment opportunities, has been buying and clearing sections of tropical forest for cattle ranching, although pastures newly created there become useless for grazing after just a few years. The company has not gone into rubber tapping, even though greater profits can be made from rubber tapping, which leaves the


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