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1、2014-2015 课题研究情况登记 课例研究 1活动时间2015 年 9 月 16-9 月 17 号 (本次为课例研究互动,需集会两次)活动地点 江苏省溧阳中学高二英语备课组办公室活动内容 高二 深度阅读课例研究 1参加人员史颖、孙权、袁晶晶、谢晓莉、季静、董玉霞、曹蕾、李敏、别玲活动流程1.由课题主持人史颖介绍本课题主要操作方法和目的。欢迎新成员的加入。2. 由开课老师季静简述开课内容,教学目标,任务等相关情况。3.课题组内成员就本节阅读课的情况进行交流,提出修改意见。4.形成大致第二次上课修改稿5.分享本次课例课例研究心得其他课题研究情况登记 课例研究 2活动时间2015 年 11 月

2、12-11 月 13 号 (本次为课例研究互动,需集会两次)活动地点 江苏省溧阳中学高二英语备课组办公室活动内容 Teens 报纸 深度阅读课例研究参加人员史颖、孙权、袁晶晶、谢晓莉、季静、董玉霞、曹蕾、李敏、别玲活动流程1.由开课老师史颖简述开课内容,教学目标,任务等相关情况。2.课题组内成员就本节阅读课的情况进行交流,提出修改意见。3.形成大致第二次上课修改稿4.开课老师分享本次课例研究心得其他拓展阅读课例研究总结 (斜体部分为修改部分)撰写人 史颖一、选题理由近些年,江苏省英语高考阅读理解风格逐渐转向篇幅长、重视逻辑推理、概括主旨大意题等深层次信息处理。作文部分更是转向读写结合的风格。这

3、一转变对现行英语教育最大的反拨作用体现在一线教师对于课外拓展阅读的重视。然而,以何种形式开展的拓展阅读值得我们深思和探究。目前通常的做法大体可分为三种:加大阅读理解训练量作为拓展阅读的一种形式;增加第二教材教学,如新概念,人教版教材等;增加辅助阅读材料如 21 世纪英语报。但笔者认为,无论是哪种形式,都共同存在的一个关注焦点即从最大程度挖掘语篇材料的词汇,帮助学生形成词汇积累,但是这些形式也往往都忽视了帮助学生积累隐性的语言知识和技能,如文化背景知识,英文表达思维习惯,篇章结构分析,概括,信息推测,预判等能力。针对此现象,笔者近两年一直在寻求一种平衡在精泛结合间,以拓展学生英文思辨能力为主,词

4、汇学习为辅的拓展阅读课型。二、学情分析 笔者所任教的学校是所在县级市首个 4 星级高中,有着优质的生源质量。学生在高一时期的拓展阅读主要以第二教材新概念为主,有一定的词汇积累,但英语文章的阅读习惯并没有形成。刚接手班级时,发现一些学生仍有用笔点着文章逐字阅读,或用直尺防止自己跳行阅读等不良习惯,对于笔者所倡导的用英文进行篇章结构分析,主旨大意概括等能力要求均表现不适应。经过一个月的磨合期,再逐渐适应了笔者的教学风格后,笔者在同事的帮助下开展了本次以 21 世纪 teens 报纸为材料的拓展阅读课例研究。三、教材分析21 世纪 teens 报纸高二版,选材上具有鲜明的时效性,地道性和丰富多样性。

5、笔者最为关注的首版的名人报道、第二版的热点话题、第六版的心灵鸡汤美文以及第四到五版体坛明星或电影介绍。语言难度上,高二版的 teens 报纸刚好符合学生的水准,适合学生自行预习,辅以教师指导进行拓展阅读的开展。三、第一轮教案Teaching Aims:1. Students can fully understand the three passages taken from the Teens paper.2. Students have a basic idea of how poetic language style is achieved.3. Students can analyze

6、the structure and summarize the main idea of the 2nd and 3rd passage.4. Students can analyze the characteristics of McDulls mum.5. Students have a critical thinking of how McDull and Ma Yun become such a charming person.6. Students can recite the well-written sentences and wonderfully used phrases i

7、n each passage.Teaching Procedures:Step I. lead-inpositive thoughts1. Do you always look into the mirror before you go to school to make sure you look great today? 2. You know, there are times when we look into the mirror, we may think we look so great. However, sometimes we may just think why I am

8、so fat. Oh gosh, I need to lose weight, especially for girls. Whatever, I hope most of the time your mind is occupied with positive thoughts. And this is what we are going to discuss today.Step II. 1st passage Positive Thoughts-language appreciation1. What do you think of the language style of this

9、essay, serious, humorous, or poetic?2. What is the writing purpose of this passage?3. To make his encouragement more powerful, how many points has the authored listed out for us?4. How does the author express the following meaning in a poetic way?1). Heart-felt care and concern is priceless.You cant

10、 put a price tag on genuine care & concern. 2). Sympathy is the most attractive thing.There are few things more attractive than compassion. 3).不管生活如何对待你,你都要一路向前。不管你跌倒多少次你都要重新站起来。不管你面对多少艰难,你都要牢牢站稳.No matter what life throws at you, you keep moving forward. No matter how many times you fall down, you

11、keep getting back up. No matter how many struggles you face, you stand firm.4). Be a source of light. give out positive energy5). Be grateful to those who help you and the good things in your life. Appreciate the people who help you and the blessings in your life.6). It is the most attractive thing

12、to be yourself. There is nothing more attractive than a person who is 100 percent comfortable in his or her skin. 5. Why are the red sentences more poetic or expressive than the black ones? What skills have been used by the writer?Step III. 2nd passage Me and My Mum 1. Lead-inNext I would like to in

13、troduce a cute cartoon character also with positive thoughts-McDull. You know a new film will be shown about McDull, that is Me and My Mum. So take a loot at Para 1, and tell me what it tells us?2. In Para 1, the author gives the pig a vivid description of McDull. Can you fill in the blanks to appre

14、ciate it?The best-loved pig in Hong Kong is back. McDull, the a_ and rather s_ cartoon character, is _to _your heart once again with his u_spirit and c_ behaviour.3. What is the main idea from Para 2 to Para 6?4. check your understanding of the Plot1). What kind of family was McDull born in?2). Does

15、 he have a terrible mother or a good mother?5. Since we all agree that he has a good mother, can you go through the plot part to find some details concerning how good she is and in which aspect she is good?6. What is the main idea of Para 7 and Para 8?7. Can you fill in the blanks to explain the uni

16、versal appeal for McDull?McDull is _ in every way, yet audiences can see the _of themselves. He is a pig who always faces his problems in a _, sunny and _way.Step III. 3rd passage Mas Crazy Success1. After we enjoyed a story of cute McDull, next I would like to introduce a real man who is also full

17、of positive thoughts. He is called Ma Yun. What big event has happened to Ma Yun recently?2. What impact does this big event have?3. Check the students understanding of the long sentence that describe the big events impact on Chinaput China on par with the US in . technological innovation & economic

18、 transformation4. Lets work out the structure of this passage?Para 1-2: Ma will see a film called _when he gets _.Para 3-(): Alibaba Group _ on the New York stock exchangePara ()-8 _ leading to Mas successPara 9 -10 Mas u_5. Can you name the factors leading to Mas success in details?6. Speaking of M

19、as uniqueness, can you fill in the blanks to give me a detailed description and summarize in which aspect is Mas uniqueness introduced1). unique _: He is very _and about 160cm tall. Ma is yet animated and _, with a _forehead and _, restless hands.2). unique _: It is his _ to make fun of himself, and

20、 speak his _that is a _ to Chinas often _corporate leaders.Step IV. Critical Thinking1. What contributed to such a cute and lovable McDull?2. What makes Ma Yun an amazing man?五、第一次教学反思及修改要点让人惊喜的是,学生对于本次容量较大(共分析了 3 篇文章)的报刊拓展阅读并没有表现出畏难情绪。反而热情高涨。文章开头时问及“你对着镜子时想到什么?” ,有男生非常自信地回答, “I am so handsome. So m

21、any girls love me!”从此小小玩笑,也可窥见当代高中生的特征非常自信,幽默风趣。此外,当问及 McDull 拥有怎样一个妈妈时,学生亦是展开了热烈的讨论。马云如何成为中国首富的报道用词比较正式规范,长句较多,学生在充分预习的情况下基本能用英文解释长难句。同时,让我产生疑惑反思的点很多,首先,可能是课堂容量过大或者课堂节奏把握的不准确,笔者在第一次授课时没有完成预先的教学任务,马云报道只涉及到分析篇章结构,课堂就结束了。其次,课堂的导入后期虽尚算成功,但同学对于早晨是否看镜子这一问题时,均摇头表示睡意十足,无暇顾及镜中形象。笔者在课上现场有直接转换了提问,才使得导入成功进行。另外


23、节通过不断追问的方式引发学生深层思考;马云所爱看的电影阿甘正传部分,笔者不再一带而过,而是紧扣全课主题 positive thoughts,邀请同学们一块回顾了阿甘是个怎样的人物;马云报道最后一段,第一次授课时笔者直接跳过。但在第二次授课时,笔者让学生用动词性短语归纳马云未来的计划,并从这些计划中推测马云是个什么样的人。最后基于这些探讨,笔者引领学生来到最后的思辨题,马云为何如此有魅力。以下为笔者第二次授课教案,修改部分以红色标出。六、第二轮教案Teaching Aims:1. Students can fully understand the three passages taken fro

24、m the Teens paper.2. Students have a basic idea of how poetic language style is achieved.3. Students can analyze the structure and summarize the main idea of the 2nd and 3rd passage.4. Students can analyze the characteristics of McDulls mum with the help of questions raised by the teacher.5. Student

25、s have a critical thinking of how Ma Yun becomes such a charming person.6. Students can recite the well-written sentences and wonderfully used phrases in each passage.Teaching Procedures:Step I. lead-inpositive thoughts1. Before we go any further, I would like to invite one boy to do me a favor. Ple

26、ase look into the mirror and tell me how you feel?Step II. 1st passage Positive Thoughts-language appreciation1. What do you think of the language style of this essay, serious, humorous, or poetic?2. What is the writing purpose of this passage?3. To make his encouragement more powerful, how many poi

27、nts has the authored listed out for us?4. How does the author express the following meaning in a poetic way?1). Heart-felt care and concern is priceless.You cant put a price tag on genuine care & concern. 2). Sympathy is the most attractive thing.There are few things more attractive than compassion.

28、 3).不管生活如何对待你,你都要一路向前。不管你跌倒多少次你都要重新站起来。不管你面对多少艰难,你都要牢牢站稳.No matter what life throws at you, you keep moving forward. No matter how many times you fall down, you keep getting back up. No matter how many struggles you face, you stand firm.4). Be a source of light. give out positive energy5). Be gratef

29、ul to those who help you and the good things in your life. Appreciate the people who help you and the blessings in your life.6). It is the most attractive thing to be yourself. There is nothing more attractive than a person who is 100 percent comfortable in his or her skin. 5. What writing skills ha

30、ve been used to make the red sentences more poetic?Step III. 2nd passage Me and My Mum 1. Lead-inNext I would like to introduce a cute cartoon character also with positive thoughts-McDull. You know a new film will be shown about McDull, that is Me and My Mum. So take a loot at Para 1, and tell me wh

31、at it tells us?2. In Para 1, the author gives the pig a vivid description of McDull. Can you fill in the blanks to appreciate it?The best-loved pig in Hong Kong is back. McDull, the a_ and rather s_ cartoon character, is _to _your heart once again with his u_spirit and c_ behaviour.3. What is the ma

32、in idea from Para 2 to Para 6?4. check your understanding of the Plot1). What kind of family was McDull born in?2). Does he have a terrible mother or a good mother?5. Since we all agree that he has a good mother, can you focus on the following details to tell me what kind of mum she is?1). Like any

33、mom, Mrs. Mark tries to provide the best for her soncaring2). She changes a 300-square foot apartment into two bedrooms, a dinning and living room, a sauna, a gym, and a library(further question: why does she need and a library instead of a room for playing MaJiang?)She values both his sons physical

34、 and intellectual development3). She even uses rice, salted fish, and cabbage to cook rich cuisines ranging from Chinese, Japanese, and Korean to Thai and French. She is creative and excels at cooking4. Mrs. Mark keeps using her ability to provide the most with the least, taking job after job, and f

35、inally falling ill because of over-exhaustion.She has committed her heart and soul to taking care of her son.6. What is the main idea of Para 7 and Para 8? 7. Can you fill in the blanks to explain the universal appeal for McDull?McDull is _ in every way, yet audiences can see the _of themselves. He

36、is a pig who always faces his problems in a _, sunny and _way.Step IV. 3rd passage Mas Crazy Success1. After we enjoyed a story of cute McDull, next I would like to introduce a real man who is also full of positive thoughts. He is called Ma Yun. What big event has happened to Ma Yun recently?2. What

37、 impact does this big event have?3. Check the students understanding of the long sentence that describe the big events impact on Chinaput China on par with the US in technological innovation & economic transformation4. Lets work out the structure of this passage?Para 1-2: Ma will see a film called _

38、when he gets _.Para 3-(): Alibaba Group _ on the New York stock exchangePara ()-8 _ leading to Mas successPara 9 -10 Mas u_5. Speaking of Mas favorite film Forest Gump, have you ever watched the film? What kind of guy he is? What does Ma like this film so much?Forrest Gump is a s_ man with c_ behavi

39、or. Yet no matter what life _ at him, he just keeps moving _.6. Can you name the factors leading to Mas success in details?7. Speaking of Mas uniqueness, can you fill in the blanks to give me a detailed description and summarize in which aspect is Mas uniqueness introduced1). unique _: He is very _a

40、nd about 160cm tall. Ma is yet animated and _, with a _forehead and _, restless hands.2). unique _: It is his _ to make fun of himself, and speak his _that is a _ to Chinas often _corporate leaders.8. Can you use some verbal phrases to tell me what Ma Yuns future plan is?1). Slow down and look aroun

41、d (further question: why to slow down)2). Open a tai chi club (further question: what is the spirit of tai chi?)3). Continue to work on several environmental projects (what can you infer from this detail?)Step IV. Critical Thinking-What makes Ma Yun an amazing man?Requirement: try your best to use s

42、ome newly-learned wordsrags-to riches, perseverance, forceful, make fun of himself, speak his mind, contrast, conservative七、第二轮教学反思同第一轮教学相比,教学节奏把握有了明显地进步,基本教学目标均能达成。 尤其是修改处的三个深入分析,教师不断地追问为学生提供了很好的支架作用, 有效帮助了学生进行深度思考。比如分析麦度妈妈人物形象时,学生在追问下意识到除去勤劳外,妈妈是个重视教育、颇具创意、善于生活、牺牲自我的典型中国式好妈妈;分析阿甘人物形象时,借助 positive

43、thoughts 的词汇积累,学生很快就给予了阿甘精准地分析;对于最后马云未来计划的归纳,学生体会到了马云在快节奏的现代生活中,追求慢、平衡的太极精神理念。当然,遗憾不可避免。笔者还是未能当堂完成 critical thinking,只能留为家作,进行一个微型话题写作。不过,第二日知识巩固时,词汇积累学生完成的不错,但是微型话题写作,学生写作热情不高。这点非常值得反思和探究个。关于这点笔者认为,学生的思维习惯不会一蹴而就,需长期培养。由于过度习惯了老师说我来记这种消极式思维习惯,学生碰到需要他们主动思考时总有一点畏难情绪。八、总结与感言笔者有着一段多数同龄人不一样的求学经历。未曾经历过高中,笔

44、者在经过三年的师范学习后得到进入本科学习的机会。同班上经历高中三年苦读的同学相比,笔者的英语基础异常薄弱。但是经过一年的大量泛读和泛听,笔者很快赶上了甚至超越了同班同学。这段经历使得笔者非常坚信开展拓展阅读的价值所在。暑期学习期间接触到 Krashen 的自然输入理论,更是感到兴奋,对开展拓展阅读颇有跃跃欲试之心。虽然各大高中都在以不同的形式开展着拓展阅读,但笔者认为多数时候拓展阅读沦陷为机械的阅读理解训练、或以补充词汇为宗旨的划出词组背诵词组的材料。对于文本材料中所蕴含的内容图式、结构图式,学生很少受到引导去进行积累。最为值得注意的是,阅读课堂尤其是拓展阅读课堂,教师的提问基本局限于事实性问

45、题的问答。较少涉及深度信息处理层次的概括、推断,更别提欣赏、创作。通过本次课例研究活动,笔者更加坚定了深度开展课外阅读的决心。希望可以通过深度阅读的方式有效培养学生思辨能力,正确阅读习惯,在阅读的过程中达到词汇的附带学习!课题研究情况登记 课例研究 3活动时间 2014 年 12 月 2 日活动地点 江苏省溧阳中学高二英语备课组活动内容 报刊阅读在语法中运用参加人员史颖、谢晓莉、季静、董玉霞、曹蕾、李敏、别玲活动流程1.由开课老师史颖简述参与八校联合上课教研活动2.李敏老师汇报教研互动中对于我校报刊阅读在语法中运用研究主题兄弟学校的反馈其他附 常州市武进高级中学召开的 常州八校联合教研活动记录


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