Module3 Unit3 Language in use.doc

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1、优质文档优质文档山 东 省 2012 级初二英语课时学案编制人课 题Module 3 Journey to spaceUnit 3 Language in use 现在完成时(2) 审核人目标及要求 识记 理解 应用1. 体验课文经典例句,进一步感知现在完成时的用法。 预习2. 明确一般过去时与现在完成时的区别;熟知并运用现在完成时的标志词并熟练运用。新知学习新知学习学习目标与评价设计3. 学以致用,完成相应练习。 练习重点难点 现在完成时的标志词:yet, already 等的用法。预 习 学 案学生笔记(教师点拨) 学 案 内 容优质文档优质文档班级 小组 姓名_ 使用时间_年 月 日 编

2、号 004 审批: 第 1 页课 堂 学 案 学生笔记(教师点拨)【新知学习】请同学们对重难点内容圈点勾画。【预习时间】 10 min。【我的问题】请同学们将预习中的疑难问题写出来。【我的纠错】请同学们记录自己的错题并分析原因。【课文典句】1. Has it arrived yet? 译:_2. Ive just made a model spaceship.译: _3. Astronauts have already been to the moon.译:_4. The astronaut has gone to the space station. He will come back to

3、morrow.译:_以上四个句子为现在完成时表结果,常与 already, yet, just 连用。优质文档优质文档【语法全解】1. 现在完成时和一般过去时的区别:现在完成时表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调现在的情况,与现在密切相关。不能和表示过去的时间状语连用。而一般过去时只表示过去的动作和状态,和现在不发生关系。I have seen the film. ( 我了解电影的内容 )I saw the film last week. ( 只说明上周看电影这件事,不涉及现在 )2. have/has been to, have/has gone to 与 have/ has

4、been inhave/has been to意为“到过,去过” ,表示曾到过某地,而此时人已不在那了Have you ever been to Hong Kong?你曾经去过香港吗?have/has gone to意为“去了某地” ,现在人可能在去的途中或已在那个地方了,而不再说话人处。Where is Lily? Has she gone to the library?莉莉在哪?她去图书馆了吗?have/ hasbeen in意为“曾经待在某地”,并且常和表示持续意义的时间状语连用。I have been in Harbin for three years.我已经在哈尔滨待了三年了。3.

5、already 与 yetalready: 一般用于肯定句,意为“已经” 。有时用于疑问句表示惊奇或希望对方给出肯定答复。eg. I have already finished my homework. 我已经完成作业了。Have you already done? 你已经做过了吗?yet: 一般用于否定句和疑问句,常放在否定词之后或句末。eg. Has she gone to school yet? 她已经去学校了吗?His mother hasnt yet been to Beijing. 他的妈妈还没有去过北京。优质文档优质文档第 2 页 学生笔记 学 案 内 容【训练时间】 20 mi

6、n。【语法专练】 用 have/has been/ gone (to) 填空1. A spaceship _ Mars. It is coming back to earth next year.2. Lots of astronauts _ to the space station. They found it very interesting.3. Where _ you _? I _ the library.4. Is Mr Smith at home? -No, he _ town.5. She _ Guangzhou twice.6. Where are your parents?

7、- I think they _ work.7. How many times _ you _ there? 用 already, yet, just 完成下则新闻。Spaceship on Mars!Astronauts have _ been to the moon but they have not been to any other planets. However, a spaceship has _ arrived on Mars and it has _ sent photos of the red planet. Is there life on Mars? We do not

8、 know _. 用括号中动词的正确形式完成对话。Betty: Ive just _ (watch) a great TV programme about space. Do you know that scientists have _ (discover) water on Mars?Tony: No! Really? Thats very interesting. _ they _ (try) to find life on Mars?Betty: Well, theyre looking for life but they _ (not find) anything yet.Tony: _ you _ (see) the photos of Mars?Betty: No. What does it look like?Tony: Its red!自 我 反 思优质文档优质文档第 3 页


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