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1、高考英语复习 动词的时态改错I. A 级 单项单句改错1. The teacher told that the sun rose in the east.2. I will speak to him when I will see him next Sunday.3. I will get everything ready before my boss come back.4. Does your mother has lunch at home?5. He was writing a letter at the moment, I believe.6. He cant be waiting

2、us.7. I am looking at the sky, and I see a strange star.8. I havent seen her since two months.9. She has gone to Beijing several times.10. Jane is doing some cleaning this time yesterday.B 级 单项单句改错1. If it wont rain, we will go to visit the zoo.2. The new secretary will supposed to report to the man

3、ager as soon as she arrives.3. When I was at college I spoken three foreign languages, but I had forgotten all except a few words of each.4. The police found that the house has been broken into and a lot of things stolen.5. The volleyball match will be put off if it rain.6. Mary is making a dress wh

4、en she cut her finger.7. This is the first time I had been here.8. You can join the club when you will get a bit older.9. Mother promised she will buy me a bike.10. - We could have walked to the station. It was so near.- Yes. A taxi wasnt at all necessary.II. A 级 单项短文改错An artist went to beautiful pa

5、rt of the 1._country for a holiday, and stay with a farmer. 2._Every day he went out without his paints and brushes 3._and paint from morning to evening, and then 4._when it got dark, he went back to the farm or 5._had a good dinner before he went back to the bed. 6._In the end of his holiday he wan

6、ted to 7._pay the farmer and the farmer said, “No, I do 8._not want money, but give me one of your 9._picture. What is money? In a week it will all 10._be finished, but your painting will still be here.“B 级 单项短文改错One day, some children were playing hide-and-seek 1._in an garden. The garden was big a

7、nd full of man-made 2._stones. The children knew them very well because 3._they played at there very often. Then, the youngest of 4._them saw a tall jar, and had an idea. He decided climb 5._into it and hide himself. However, it was filled of 6._waters. As soon as he got into it and began to 7._drow

8、n, he let out a cry of help. When all were frightened, 8._one of their picked up a stone and threw it hard at 9._the jar. The jar was broke and the boy was saved. 10._III. A 级 综合单句改错1. She found her book this morning, but now she lost her pen.2. I was going to bed when the telephone rang.3. When I g

9、ot to the station, the bus has left.4. There will going to be an English evening tonight.5. “ Where is Jack?“ “ He has been to NewYork.“6. I saw that our teacher still working at eleven oclock last night.7. Will you bring it to the party the next Sunday?8. Who come to school earliest in your class e

10、very morning?9. He decides not to go to the office, for he has been very tire.10. The doctor advised him to take more rest, but he didnt listen him.B 级 综合单句改错1. The students were writing busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she has left in the office.2. We havent heard from Jane a long time.3.

11、Tom slipped the house when no one was looking.4. The reporter said that the UFO was travelled east to west when he saw it.5. “Had you seen my glasses?“ “Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago.“6. I dont think Jim saw me; he has just staring into space.7. The last time I saw Jane,she was picked cot

12、ton in the fields.8. How long have they known each other before they got married?9. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he leave office soon.10. I dont really work here; I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives.IV. A 级 综合短文改错The “big day“ had arrived for Agnes Cole. She 1._

13、finally is left the hospital after a long illness. Her hus- 2._band, Clark, is pushing her by a wheelchair. They say 3._good-bye to the nurse as they pass by on their ways to 4._the hospital entrance. Clark has parked the car there. 5._Agnes was illness for more than six weeks. The doc- 6._tors were

14、 not certain her illness. At first, they thought 7._that she needed operation. Finally, after many tests, 8._the doctors gave to her some new drugs. Now, she is 9._near well - only a little weak. 10._B 级 综合短文改错The problem with TelevisionNow I cant watch much television but a few years ago 1. _I was

15、used to watch it every night. I was often 2. _a little tired after a days work and watch TV 3. _demands very little effort. Unfortunate, there are 4. _too many people among my family. Some wanted 5. _to see the programme while others preferred 6. _ another. I am happy with any programme but 7. _the

16、others spent a lot time arguing and there 8. _was no way of settling the matter except by 9. _selling the set. Now someone at home reads instead. 10. _39. Shelly _ (leave)California for Texas in 1996 and _ (work) there ever since.44. Bob has gone to New York, I hear. Oh, I wonder when he _ (leave).4

17、5. Look at the black clouds. It _ (rain) soon. Sure. If only we _(start) out.46. She has no sooner got to the office than she got down to writing the report.47. Beijing Childrens Library had set up four branch libraries in different districts. They can receive more readers than before.49. I dont kno

18、w what decision has made at the conference, as Mike hasnt reported to me yet.51. Although the children have many difficulties, they kept happy.55. You didnt have to obey me if I am wrong.答案:改错阶梯训练I. A 级 单项单句改错1. rose - rises2. 将 when I 后 will 划去 3. come - comes4. has - have5. was - is6. 在 waiting 后加

19、 for7. 正确 8. 在 months 后加 ago9. gone - been10. is - wasB 级 单项单句改错1. wont - doesnt2. will - is3. had - have4. has - had5. rain - rains6. is - was7. had - have8. 将 you 后 will 划去 9. will - would10. 正确II. A 级 单项短文改错1. 在 to 后加 a2. stay - stayed3. without - with4. paint - painted5. or - and6. 将 to 后 the 划去

20、7. In - At8. and - but9. 对 10. picture - picturesB 级 单项短文改错1. 正确 2. an - a3. them - it4. 将 at 划去 5. 在 decided 后加 to6. filled - full 或 of - with7. waters - water8. of - for9. their - them10. broke - brokenIII. A 级 综合单句改错1. 在 she 后加 has2. 正确 3. has - had4. will - is5. been gone6. 在 teacher 后加 was7. 将

21、party 后 the 划去 8. come - comes9. tire - tired10. 在 listen 后加 toB 级 综合单句改错1. 将 she 后 has 划去 2. 在 Jane 后加 for3. 在 slipped 后加 into4. travelled travelling5. Had - Have6. has - was7. picked - picking8. have - had9. 在 he 后加 would10. 正确IV. A 级 综合短文改错1. had - has2. left - leaving3. by - in4. ways - way5. 正确

22、 6. illness - ill7. 在 certain 后加about8. 在 needed 后加 an9. 将 to 划去 10. near - nearlyB 级 综合短文改错1. 将 much 划去 2. 将 used 前的 was 划去 3. watch - watching4. Unfortunate - Unfortunately5. among - in6. the - one 7. am - was8. 在 lot 后加 of9. 正确 10. someone- everyone 或everythingAAre you facing a situation that loo

23、ks impossible to fix? In 1969, the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio. It _1_ (be) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. The river was so polluted that it _2_(actual) caught fire and burned. Now, years later, this river is one of _3_ most outstanding exampl

24、es of environmental cleanup. But the river wasnt changed in a few days _4_ even a few months. It took years of work _5_(reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is _6_(clean) than ever. Maybe you are facing an impossible si

25、tuation. Maybe you have a habit _7_ is driving your family crazy. Possibly you drink too much or dont know how to control your credit card use. When you face such an impossible situation, dont you want a quick fix and something to change immediately? While there are _8_(amaze)stories of instant tran

26、sformation, for most of us the _9_ (change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be _10_(patience) BOne morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about _1_(be) late for school.There were many people waiting at the bus stop_2_ some of them lo

27、oked very anxious and _3_ (disappoint)When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next _4_ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy on a bike _5_(catch)my attention. He wasriding beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the dr

28、iver, but he refused _6_(stop) until we reached the next stop. Still, the boy kept _7_(ride). He wascarrying something over his shoulder and shouting. Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up to the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked, “

29、_8_ anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop ?”A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh dear! Its _9_(I) ”She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully. Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done, and the crowd of strangers _10_(sudden) became friendly to one another. CS

30、ara:How are you recently, Jane? Jane:Not very well. I have been gaining weight. Its too much for my _1_ (high). The doctor asked me to watch what I eat, _2_ I cant help eating sweets whenever they are in my presence. If only I _3_ (follow) my doctors advice. Sara:_4_ is believed that overweight resu

31、lts from overeating. You need to work out. Why dont you attend an aerobics class? Perhaps it can _5_ (less) your anxiety. Jane:Can I certainly lose weight after attending that class? Sara:Yes, I think _6_. You can _7_ work the fat off your body but also keep your body fit. Soyou can kill two birds w

32、ith one stone. Jane:You mean I dont need to diet? Sara:_8_ I mean is that you need to keep a diet while you are working out. _9_(combine) exercise with dieting may be the _10_(effective) way to lose weight. Jane:Thank you for your advice. I think Ill try that class. DLinda:Our flight has been delaye

33、d for two hours. My husband must be waiting _1_(anxious) at London Airport. David:Youd better make a phone call and tell _2_ about the situation here. Linda: Right. What are you here for? David:I was at _3_ two-week international conference on space technology in Beijing. Linda: How _4_(interest)! I

34、 was here with a tour. David:Really? How did you find Beijing? Linda:Beijing is one of _5_(beautiful) cities that I have seen. It has all the characteristics of a big city. It has impressed me a lot. _6_ Beijing, Ive also been to Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing. China is really rich in history and tr

35、adition. Is this your _7_(one) trip to China? David:No, I come here every year but always on business. I have no chance _8_(visit) the scenic spots here. Linda:What a pity! You should _9_. Excuse me, _10_Ill phone my husband in case he will be worried. David:OK. Just do it. E“Remember, your father i

36、s only one year _1_(old) than you.” That was Mums usual excuse when Dad said the wrong things or did something _2_(fool).Dadquitted drinking exactly one year before I was born. He joined a group of other people. He said they _3_(stop) drinking, too. I loved my dad _4_ I hated the way his weekly meet

37、ings took him away _5_ me. It seemed that they were more important to him than I was. But with my birthday coming up I thought Dad would make an _6_(except). “Cant you miss it just this time? Saturday is my birthday!” I begged him but _7_(refuse).He said “ I am chairing the meeting this Saturday. We

38、 will have your party on Sunday.” Saturday evening I sat on my bed, _8_(feel) sorry for myself. Dad started to leave, then paused and said, “Why not come with me together tonight? Its an open meeting. All are welcome”. _9_ would I do at a meeting? But maybe I needed to see why something Dad did ever

39、y week mattered so much. After we arrived, Dad announced the theme of the meeting was going to be gratitude. He told his story about giving up smoking. Later, a man _10_(call) Dave also told his story. Only then did I know it was Dad that saved his life from drinking. Showing up week after week and

40、meeting with people, Dad was changing lives. Shame washed over me. A 篇 答案: 1was 时间是在 1969 年,显然要用一般过去时态。 2actually 由语境可知,此处要用副词修饰 catch,故填 actual 的副词形式 actually。 3the此处是跟 outstanding 一起构成形容词的最高级的,前面需加定冠词 the。 4or 此处表示“河流在几天里或者甚至是几个月里都改变不了” ,表示选择,要用并列连词 or。 5to reduce 分析结构可知,此处是 It takes some time to

41、do sth.结构,意为“花费多长时间干某事” 。 6cleaner 由 than 可知,此处要填 clean 的比较级。 7that/which 分析结构可知,此处 habit 为定语从句的先行词,为限制性定语从句,从句缺少主语,用 that/which 引导。8amazing 修饰名词 stories 要用 amazing,指“令人吃惊的 ”。9changes 由空后面的 are 可知,此处要用名词复数。 10patient be patient 耐心点,形容词 patient 作表语。 B 篇 答案: 1being about 为介词,后跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语,故用 being。 2

42、and 由上下文,人们等车,看起来很焦急,之间是顺承关系,故用 and 连接。 3disappointed 人们看起来很焦急失望,用形容词形式 disappointed“失望的”修饰人,而 disappointing“令人失望的”修饰物,不合题意。 4to 我得到了一个靠近窗子的座位, next to 靠近,临近。 5caught 文章是讲述过去的事情,故用过去时。 6to stop 固定短语 refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事。 7riding 固定短语 keep doing sth.一直做某事。 8Did “有人在上一站丢了手提箱吗?”一般疑问句,过去时用 did。 9me/mi

43、ne 此处作表语,强调“它是我的” ,用 mine;或者表示“是我丢了包” ,用 me。 10suddenly 副词作状语修饰动词 became,故用 suddenly。 C 篇答案: 1height 考查形容词和名词的词形转化。high 的名词形式:height 。 2but 考生应能从上下文的行文逻辑,填入适当的并列连词。句意:医生告诉我注意饮食,但是我只要看见糖果,就禁不住要吃。 3had followed 考查虚拟语气中的动词形式。句意:我要是听从了医生的意见该有多好!If only 是虚拟语气的标志,与过去相关,用 had过去分词。 4It 考生应能在理解语篇的基础上,准确理解句意并

44、能正确判断句子结构和句式。It 在此作形式主语。 5lessen 考查形容词和动词的词形转化。情态动词 can 后面应该加动词原形, lessen 动词,意为“减少” 。 6so 考生应能根据上下文,填入一个符合语境的词。句意:是的,我认为是这样。7not only 考生应能根据上下文,填入符合语境的词。根据下文的 “but also”可以判断出此空应填“not only” 。 8What 考生应能准确理解句意并能正确判断句子结构和句式。what 在此引导主语从句,并在从句中作宾语。 9Combining 考生应能准确理解句意并能正确判断句子结构。动名词作主语。 10most effectiv

45、e 考查形容词最高级的用法。句意:运动和节食相结合是我所知道的最有效的减肥方式。D 篇答案: 1anxiously 用副词修饰前面的动词 waiting。 2him 你最好打电话告诉你丈夫这一情况。此处 him 指代 your husband。 3a 此处中心词为 conference,又表泛指,所以用不定冠词 a。 4interesting How 修饰形容词;此处表示这件事情,所以用 interesting。 5the most beautiful “one of 最高级”表示“最之一的” ;beautiful 是多音节形容词,其最高级为“the most beautiful” 。 6Be

46、sides/Apart from 由后文 also 可知,此处填“除了之外” 。 7first 这是你到中国的第一次旅行吗? 8to visit/of visiting have a chance to do sth./of dong sth.“有机会做某事” 。 9have (visited) 真是遗憾,你本应该参观一下的。should have done 本应该做某事(却没有)。10but Excuse me,but. “对不起,但是” 。E 篇 答案: 1older 由空后的 than 可知,此处用比较级。 2foolish 形容词作后置定语。 3had stopped 考查时态。他们戒酒发生在父亲说之前,符合“过去的过去” ,所以用过去完成时。 4but 前后句之间为转折关系,所以填 but。 5from take sb. away from.“把某人从那里带走” 。 6exception 冠词 an 后应接名词,所以填 exception。 7was refused 我乞求父亲不要去开会,但是被拒绝了。由 but 可知,应该是被拒绝了。 8feeling feel 与句子主语 I 之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用其-ing 形式。 9What 会议上我能做点什么?所以填 what。 10called 过去分词作后置定语,名为大卫的一位男子也讲述了自己的故事。


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