新人教版选修六 Unit 2 Poem Period 6[教案].doc

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1、优质文档优质文档Period 6 Summing Up,Learning Tip and Assessment整 体 设 计教学内容分析 This is the last teaching period of this unit,so the emphasis should be placed on going over and summarizing what has been learned in this unit.It includes the following parts:Summing Up,Learning Tip ,Checking Yourself and some oth

2、er consolidation exercises.Summing Up summarizes the whole unit from the aspects of topics,vocabulary and grammar.The teacher can first use this part to let students sum up what they have learned in this unit and then let them find out what they cant understand very well.Learning Tip gives students

3、instructions on how to get the general idea of the text.Let the students think about what they already know about the topic and what new information they will find.Finally,ask students to finish Checking Yourself on Page 54 in the Workbook.This part aims at encouraging students to make a selfassessm

4、ent after they finish learning this unit.It is very important to improve their learning.Of course,a testing assessment is also needed.来源:学科网In this period, the teacher can also provide more practice to consolidate what students have learned in this unit.三维目标设计 Knowledge and skills1To get students to

5、 master all the useful new words and expressions in this unit.2To have students understand the new grammar item “Subjunctive Mood(2)” better,and enable them to use the following structure correctly:If I had done.I would have done.3To develop the students ability to use the important language points

6、in this unit.Process and methodsDesign some additional exercises for students to do in order that they can learn to use and grasp all the contents.来源:学科网 ZXXKEmotion,attitude and value1To encourage students to learn more about poetry and know more about some famous poets both at home and abroad.2To

7、train the students to appreciate the beauty of poetry.教学重、难点 Using what they have learned in this unit to solve real problems.教 学 过 程Step 1 Revision1Check the homework exercises.2Dictate some useful new words and expressions in this unit.Step 2 LeadinAsk the students to turn to Page 16.Think about w

8、hat they have learned in this unit and tick 优质文档优质文档the boxes to see how well and how much they have learned.Step 3 Summing upFive minutes for the students to summarize w hat they have learned in this unit by themselves.Then check and explain something where necessary.Suggested answers:(Students ans

9、wers may vary.)From this unit we have learned some simple forms of poems: nursery rhymes,list poems,cinquain,haiku and Tang poems.From the Workbook we have learned some other forms of poems,such as songs and adverb poems.From this unit we have also learned:useful verbs:tick,convey,tease,transformphr

10、asal verbs: take it easy,run out of,be made up of,try out,let outuseful nouns: exchange,sponsor ,rhyme ,nursery,diamond,pattern,cottage,sparrow,minimum,translation, branch,sorrow ,librarian,sectionuseful adjectives and adverbs:con crete,flexible, appropriate,eventually,contradictory,salty,endless,fo

11、reveruseful expressions:in particular,by chance/accidentnew grammar item:Subjunctive Mood(2)Step 4 PracticeShow the exercises on the screen or give out exercise papers.Word spelling1Can you r_ any poems you have read in high school,either in Chinese or in English?2I think youd bett er consider other

12、 a_ of the matter.3Some poems try to c _ certain emotions.4The n_ teacher made the chi ldren sit bolt upright.5Mind your manners,guys! I want no r_ of your bad behavior.6The lady has a very expensive ring with a d_ in the centre.7Somebody dreamed of after retirement moving to a remote c_ in the coun

13、tryside.8If you always t_ others like that,youll miss the good opinion of your friends.9There is e_ work to do when you have children in the house.10He t_ the speech from Spanish into English.11Your room looks old.Why not t_ it by painting it?12He told me with s_ that his mother was very ill.13His c

14、asual clothes were not a_ for such a formal occasion.14If you are lost in the wood,its very necessary to have a c_ with you.15The cloth has a p_ of flowers on it.16John was touched by the w_ of their welcome.17The truck was carrying a l_ of bananas.Complete the passage using the words and expression

15、s in the box in their correct forms.cottage,run out of,nursery,rhyme ,minimum,convey,contradictory,pattern,translation,form优质文档优质文档When I was a baby,my mother used to read me _ rhymes.I loved their _ meaning and the way that the words _ at the end of the lines.When I grew older,I was introduced to o

16、ther _ of poetry.Many of them also had a strong _ which was repeated.The forms I liked best _ their meaning by using the bare _ _ of words.Some of these forms came from Asia(like the haiku)and some of these were _from their original language.When I_ new poems to read and enjoy,I would go to the libr

17、ary for some more.The librarian was a friend of my mother,and she would put poetry books on one side for me.In fact, my family love reading so much that we keep buying books.Now the living room of our _ is full of books.Translate the follo wing expressions into Chinese.1make a list of _ 2.expr ess f

18、eelings _3rhyming words _ 4.an aspect of _5convey certain emotions _ 6.nursery rhymes _7delight sb._ 8.score goals _9take the eyes off the ball _ 10.stay up _11take it easy _ 12.run out of energy _13be made up of _ 14.convey a strong picture _15be brimful of _ 16.transform into _17translate into _ 1

19、8.appropriate ending _19by chance _ 20.pay attention to _.Multiple choice来源:Z.xx.k.Com1It is getting late.I am afraid I must be going now.OK._.ATake it easy B Go slowlyCStay longer DSee you2What will the world use for power when it _ oil?Arun out of Bis running out of Chas run out of Dran out of3To

20、enjoy the scenery,Irene would rather spend lon g hours on the train_ travel by air.Aas BtoCthan Dwhile来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K4Dont believe him.He _ a story.Amakes up Bis making upCmakes up of Dis making out5There are _ these books and _ pencils on the desk.Aa dozen;scores of Bscores;a dozen ofCscores of ;

21、a dozen Dtwo dozens;a score6He suggested that we _ the plan later,which suggested that he _ against it.Adiscussed;was Bwould discuss;should beCdiscuss;was Dshould discuss;should be7The train _ over three hundred passengers over day.Atransmits Bships优质文档优质文档Cconveys Dferries8Look at the trouble I am

22、in.If only I _ your advice.Afollowed Bwould followChad followed Dshould follow9Before leaving this country,you must be in _ of a valid passport.Aprovide BpossessionCown Dlabel10Everything _ doing is worthy of _ well.Aworthy;being done Bworthy;doingCworth;being done Dworth;doing 11The head office of

23、the bank is in Beijing,but it has _ all over the country.Acompanies B branchesCorganizations Dbusinesses12They _ two free tickets to Canada,otherwise theyd never have been able to afford to go.Ahad got BgotChave got Dget 13He hears the little girl _ a scream of terror when he was about to leave.Aset

24、 out Blet outCcome out Dgive out14Nowadays young people,_ children ,are _ about their foods and clothes.Aespecially;special Bespecially ;particularCparticularly;especial Dspecially;especial15After having worked hard for so many years,Tom _rose to the position of manager of the company.Aeventually Bu

25、nfortunatelyCgenerally DpurposefullyFirst get the students to do the exercises.Then the answers are given.The teacher can give them explanations where necessary.Suggested answers:.1.recite 2.aspects 3.convey 4.nursery 5.repetition 6.diamond 7.cottage8tease 9.endless 10.translated 11.transform 12.sor

26、row 13.appropriate pass 15.pattern 16.warmth 17.load.nursery;contradictory;rhymed ;forms ;pattern;conveyed ;minimum;translations;ran out of;cottage.1.把列成一张表 2.表达思想 3.押韵的词 4.的一方面 5.传达某种感情 6.童谣 7.使某人高兴 8.进球 9.没有留心看球 10.不睡觉,熬夜 11.放松,不着急 12.精疲力竭 13.由组成 14.呈现一幅清晰的画 15.洋溢着 16.改变,转变成 17.翻译成 18.恰当的结尾 19.碰巧

27、20.注意到,留意到.15 DCCBC 610 CCCBC 1115 BBBBAStep 5 Learning tipAsk the students to turn to Page 16.Read through the passage and make sure they understand it.Encourage them to do as the passage tells because if they are doing so they will be teaching 优质文档优质文档themselves a useful way of learning.Step 6 Ass

28、essment1Checking yourself(on Page 54 in the Workbook)First get the students to think about the 6 questions individually.Then they can discuss in groups sharing their experience.The teacher can join in and give them advice and suggestions where necessary.2Testing assessm ent(1)Complete the following

29、dialogue with the proper forms of the verbs given.Tom:What _ you _(do)at this moment if you were at home?Henry:Playin g cards,maybe.Tom:If I had known you liked cards,I _(buy)some yesterday.If I happen to see them tomorrow,I_(buy)them.Henry:Oh,if I liked them so much,I_(bring)some with me yesterday.

30、I_(not mind)at all if I didnt play here.We _ only _(waste)this nice weather if we were playing cards now.It_(be)much nicer if we could go walking.Tom:Why not?(2)Study the example below together with your group members.Then complete the following sentences with the proper forms.Example:If I_hadnt_tak

31、en your advice,I would_have_made a bad mistake.If I had a cold,_.If you were in his place,_.It would be nice _ _.If I had left a little earlier, _.She would have come _.(3)Match the two parts of the sentences.If I knew why she ran away, aif you met a monster?She would sleep better, bif you thought I

32、 was behaving badly?If I saw his face again, cI would know it immediately.Would you tell me, dI would tell you.If cloning were banned, eif she watched fewer hor ror films on TV.Wouldnt it be terrifying, fthis research would end tomorrow.Suggested answers:(1)would;be doing;would have bought;shall buy

33、;would have brought;wouldnt mind;would;be wasting;would be(2)I would stay in bed you wouldnt do it in that way if we went togetherI could have arrived on time if she hadnt had another appointment(3)d e c b f aStep 7 Homework1Finish off the Workbook exercises.2Review and summarize what you have learn

34、ed in Unit 2.优质文档优质文档Step 8 R eflection after teaching教 学 参 考诗歌欣赏(课外欣赏) 来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_K1If I Could Catch a Rainbow 如果我能留住彩虹If I could catch a rainbow 如果我能留住彩虹I would do it just for you 我将只为你一个人挽留And share with you its beauty 在你感到忧伤的日子On the days youre feeling blue. 与你分享它的美丽If I could build a mounta

35、in 如果我能建造大山You could call your very own 你尽可把它当成你自己的A place to find serenity 体验宁静的空间A place to be alone. 独处的地方If I could take your troubles 如果我能带走你的烦恼I would toss them into the sea 我会把它们通通扔进大海But all these things Im finding 然而我发现所有这些事情Are impossible for me. 我都无能为力I cannot build a mountain 我建不成一座大山Or

36、catch a rainbow fair 也留不住彩虹的美丽But let me be what I know best 就让我做你最好的朋友吧A friend thats always there. 永远与你相伴2月下独酌 Drinking Alone Under the Moon李白 Li Bai花间一壶酒 Among the flowers from a pot of wine独酌无相亲 I drink alone beneath the bright moonshine.举杯邀明月 I raise my cup to invite the moon,who blends对影成三人 He

37、r light with my shadow and were three friends.月既不解饮 The moon does not know how to drink her share;影徒随我身 In vain my shadow follows me here and there.暂伴月将影 Together with them for the time I stay行乐须及春 And make merry before springs spend away.我歌月徘徊 I sing the moon to linger with my song;我舞影零乱 My shadow

38、disperses as I dance along.醒时同交欢 Sober,we three remain cheerful and gay醉后各分散 Drunken,we part and e ach goes his way.永结无情游 Our friendship will outshine all earthly love;相期邈云汉 Next time well meet beyond the stars above.3Why am I the one that has to die?I went to a party,Mom,I remembered what you said.

39、You told me not to drink,Mom,so I drank soda instead.I really felt proud inside,Mom ,the way you said I would.I didnt drink and drive,Mom ,even though the others said I should.I know I did the right thing,Mom,I know you are always right.优质文档优质文档Now the party is finally ending,Mom,as everyone is driv

40、ing out of sight.I started to drive away,Mom ,but as I pulled out into the road,the other car didnt see me,Mom,and hit me like a load.As I lay there on the pavement,Mom,I hear the policeman say ,the other guy is drunk,Mom,and now Im the one who will pay.Im lying here dying,Mom.I wish youd get here s

41、oon.How could this happen to me,Mom? My life just burst like a balloon.There is blood all around me,Mom,and most of it is mine.I hear the doctor say,Mom ,Ill die in a short time.I just wanted to tell you,Mom,Im certain that I didnt drink.It was the others,Mom.The others didnt think.He was probably a

42、t the same party as I.The only difference is,he drank and I will die.Why do people drink,Mom? It can ruin your whole life.Im feeling sharp pains now.Pains just like a knife.The guy who hit me is walking,Mom,and I dont think its fair.Im lying here dying and all he can do is to stare.Tell my brother n

43、ot to cry,Mom.Tell Daddy to be brave.And when I go to heaven,Mom,put “Daddys Girl” on my grave.Someone should have told him,Mom ,not to drink and drive.If only they had told him,Mom,I would still be alive.My breath is getting shorter,Mom.Im becoming very afrai d.Plea se dont cry for me,Mom.When I needed you,you were always there.I have one last question,Mom,before I say good bye,I didnt drink and drive,so why am I the one that has to die?


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