配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 1 A land of diversity话题功能集锦(人教版选修8).doc

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配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 1 A land of diversity话题功能集锦(人教版选修8).doc_第1页
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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 1 A land of diversity1.Encouraging others to speak(鼓励别人说话) 【日常用语】鼓励别人说话的常用语:Good! 很好!Really?真的吗?来源:Zxxk.ComYes,thats right. 是的,你说对了。 来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_KMmm,sounds interesting.哦,听起来很有趣。That surprises me. 这太令我吃惊了。Such as?比如说?来源:Z.xx.k.ComIs that so?是这样的吗?Oh,I see.噢 ,我明白了。What about.?怎么样? 来源:

2、学,科, 网Give an example,please. 请举例说明。Sounds great! 太好了!Just as I thought. 正如我所想的。【情景会话】来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*KA: Will you do me the honour of dancing with m e,M s Jones?琼斯女士,请你和我跳支舞好吗?来源: 学|科|网B: Oh,Im re ally sorry. Ive done too much of it.哦,真的对不起,我已经跳得够多了。来源: 学科网A: OK, I see. Would you like to see a film

3、with me tonight? 来源:学科网哦,我明白了。今晚你和我一起去看电影好吗?B: Oh,it is great. 哦,好极了。【典例剖析】Shall we go out for dinner tonigh t?_ _.A. You are right B. It must be funnyC. That sounds great D. Have a nice time剖析:A:你是对的;B:那肯定很有趣;C:那听起来好极了;D:祝你玩得高兴。由句意“今晚我们出去吃晚饭好吗?”可知, 对方提出了邀请,其答语或接受邀请,或拒绝邀请,四个选项中只有 C 项符合语境, 表示接受对方的预约,

4、意为“那听起来好极了” 。答案 :C2.Describing a place ( 描写地方)【日常用语 】Where is the pic ture?图画在哪里 ?Its on/above/in/under/beside/near/behind the table.它在桌子上/里/下/旁/附近/ 后面。He sits at the back of the room.来源: 学科网他坐在房间的后面。The lab is in th e centre of the school.实验室在学校的中心位置。He lives across the street from us.他住在我们对面的大街。Do

5、nt park in front of the office building.不要在办公楼前停车。The train is going to the east/west/south/north.这列火车往东/西/南/北开。The office is on the right of the school gate.办公楼在校门口的右 侧。The sc hool lies about two miles east of the city centre.那所学校在市中心以东约两英里处。 【情景会话】A:Could you t ell me the way to the library?你能告诉我去

6、图书馆的路吗?B:Walk along this road, and then turn left at the second crossing. The library is at t he end of the road.沿着这条路走下去,然后在第二 个路口向左拐。图书馆就在路的尽头。【典例剖析】Excuse me,can you tell me where th e nearest bank is, please? Oh,yes!Its past the post of fice, next to a big market.A. Mm,let me think.B. Oh,I beg your pardon?来源: 学科网C. Youre welcome.D. What do you mean?剖析:A. 嗯,让我想想;B.噢,请再说一遍?;C.不客气(用来答谢) ;D.你是什么意思(用来询问或质问)?句意:“打扰一下,请您告诉我最近的银行在哪里,好吗?” “嗯,我想一想。噢,对了!它经过邮局,紧挨着一个大市 场。 ”解答本题的关键就是空格后的“Oh,yes!” ,它表示恍然大悟,所以其前的空格处只能选 A。答案:A


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