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1、2018 北京高三二模单选汇总2018 海淀二模1. Excuse me, sir. Can you spare me a dollar _ I can buy this book?Sure, no problem.A. for B. so C. but D. or2. I need help now! I have to fix a leaking pipe in my bathroom but Im not sure _ to begin.A. what B. which C. where D. when 3. Personally speaking, _ the grand bluepr

2、int into reality is a long process.A. turning B. turn C. turned D. having turned4. I _ up my mind what I was going to say in the seminar, but it was cancelled.A. have made B. had made C. was making D. would make5. You dont need an invitation to help others. Give help _ you are asked.A. if B. as C. t

3、hough D. before6. By now 516 Confucius Institutes _ in 142 countries and regions, according to the Confucius Institute Headquarters.A. founded B. would foundC. have been founded D. had been founded 7. The stadium _ stands a theatre will be reconstructed.A. beside which B. for which C. when D. which

4、8. 40 grams of meat per day is _ people should consume in order to stay fit. A. that B. why C. how D. what9. Dream of the Red Chamber is believed to be semi-autobiographical, _ the fortunes of Caos own family. A. mirrored B. to mirror C. mirroring D. having mirrored 10. When I was small, my mom _ re

5、ad me stories at night.A. could B. should C. might D. would 11. He messed the project up, but he behaved as if nothing _.A. had happened B. happened C. would happen D. would have happened12. _ some people criticize graffiti for being ugly and destructive, those graffiti lovers still see it as real a

6、rt.A. As B. While C. Once D. Until13. -How was your vacation in Seattle?-Pretty good. In the evenings I _ to pubs to enjoy beer.A. have gone B. go C. had gone D. went14. _ naturally by the skin when exposed to sunlight, Vitamin D is needed for healthy bones, teeth and muscles.A. Making B. To make C.

7、 Made D. Make15. This view is common _ all sections of the community.A. across B. above C. around D. along1-5 BCABD 6-10 CADCD 11-15 ABDCA2018 西城二模1. Teds flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He _ be very tired after such a long trip.Yes, especially after working all night before the fligh

8、t.A. must B. need C. might D. dare2. _ there is still a long way to go, we believe that the doctor-patient relationship in China is gradually improving.A. Because B. Unless C. Although D. Once3. A new engineer was appointed to deal with the products _ by customers.A. returning B. returned C. to retu

9、rn D. return4. Astronomers have discovered that three planets have sizes and temperatures similar to _ of Earth.A. them B. these C. those D. ones5. Honey, shall we adopt a dog?Adopting a pet depends on _ we have the ability to care for it. Actually. we are so busy.A. that B. whether C. which D. what

10、6. _ your strengths and weaknesses will help you achieve your dreams.A. Known B. Know C. Knowing D. Being known7. Mom, is Dad coming to pick us up?Yes, I am sure he _ on the platform when we pull into the station.A. stands B. stood C. has stood D. will be standing 8. With a science project _, Kevin

11、spent his entire weekend in the library.A. to complete B. having completed C. completing D. completed9. The moment _ I learned the results of the competition was one of the happiest times in my life.A. which B. when C. where D. why10. Last year, every employee in our company _ a physical examination

12、 free of charge.A. offered B. was offered C. has offered D. had been offered11. Its so convenient to use cell phones to pay the subway fare.Yes. _ thought of the idea is really brilliant.A. Wherever B. Whenever C. Whatever D. Whoever12. Upon arriving home, Lily found that her husband _ a beautiful c

13、andlelight dinner. A. had prepared B. is preparing C. has prepared D. would prepare13. When _, the new bridge will reduce travel time between the two cities from two hours to thirty minutes.A. built B. building C. build D. to build14. If it had not been for the kind guide, we _ our way in the mounta

14、ins.A. would lose B. had lost C. would have lost D. lost15. By the time we _ to the movie theater, the tickets may be sold out. Dont worry. I told Jane we might be late and she will buy our tickets.A. got B. had got C. will get D. get1-5 ACBCB 6-10 CDABB 11-15 DAACD2018 朝阳二模1. Come here, Mary. If yo

15、u stand at this angle, you _ just see the sunset.A. must B. need C. can D. should2. The book is now out of print, _ it can easily be borrowed from libraries.A. and B. for C. so D. but3. _ an opposing idea effectively, you can use the following words and phrases.A. To express B. Expressing C. Express

16、ed D. Being expressed4. Sometimes tests are needed _ doctors discover exactly whats wrong with your body.A. since B. before C. although D. if5. It gives us great delight _ Chinese science fictions are becoming increasingly popular.A. how B. what C. that D. why6. The boy is having a fever. Youd bette

17、r damp a towel and lay it _ his forehead.A. across B. within C. through D. beyond7. Just an hour ago he told me on the phone that he _ home right after his work.A. has come B. comes C. came D. would come8. We really appreciate our learning environment, _ we can have direct communication.A. whom B. w

18、hich C. where D. when9. _ the difference between the two findings is one of the worst mistakes youve made.A. Ignored B. Ignoring C. To ignore D. Having ignored10. You seem to be familiar with this city.I _ here for three years. Its so great to be back.A. lived B. had lived C. have lived D. live11. I

19、 wish I _ photography then. If so, I could give you a hand at present. A. studied B. had studied C. have studied D. will study12. The girls eyes brightened when she saw the birthday present she _.A. would promise B. had promised C. would be promised D. had been promised13. If you leave this applicat

20、ion form and go to another website, you will lose _ you have already filled out on this form.A. whatever B. whoever C. wherever D. whenever14. In the library you can use your own computer to connect to Wi-Fi specially _ for readers.A. preparing B. to prepare C. prepared D. prepare15. The small resta

21、urant is always crowded in every part.Thats _ it has a unique dining environment and quite a few wonderful dishes.A. why B. because C. where D. when15 CDABC 610 ADCBA 1115 BDACB2018 丰台二模1. A heavy sandstorm is going to envelop our city. It is unwise to have your car .A. wash B. washed C. washing D.

22、to wash2. Wu Lei is the only Chinese player has made it onto the latest World Soccer 500 list.A. who B. which C. whose D. whom3. Your donation greatly appreciated and the money will be used to help the students from poor families.A. has been B. is C. was D. had been4. Even a small personal computer

23、store vast amounts of information.A. might B. can C. ought to D. has to5. We packed all the hooks in wooden boxes so that they damaged.A. dont get B. wont get C. didnt get D. wouldnt get6. It is not surprising the new course on electronic games has attracted many students.A. what B. which C. that D.

24、 where7. basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.A. Known B. Having known C. Knowing D. Being known8. Did your father enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday?Yes, he did. They each other for ages.A. didnt see B. wouldnt see C. havent seen D. hadnt seen9. Could you chec

25、k my list to sec I have forgotten anything?No problem.A. whether B. which C. that D. what10. Someone called me up at midnight, but he had hung up I could answer the phone.A. as B. since C. until D. before11. We climbed up to the top of a hill, we got a good view of the whole forest park.A. which B.

26、where C. when D. that12. Beijings new international airport into operation in 2019 will serve 72 million passengers annually.A. being put B. to be put C. put D. to put13. She doesnt speak our language, she seems to understand what we say.A. yet B. and C. or D. so14. David didnt attend his daughters

27、graduation ceremony, but he does wish he there.A. should be B. would be C. had been D. were15. What is your main reason for choosing one restaurant another?A. over B. of C. from D. for1-5 BABBD 6-10 CCDAD 11-15 BBACA2018 东城二模1.Its lucky of you to get your new job!A friend told me about it, so I _ an

28、d got it.A. apply B. have applied C. applied D. was applying 2. I can clearly remember the first time I met Ms. Lee, _ its over 10 years ago.A. unless B. since C. after D. although3. They will fly to London, _ they plan to stay for two or three weeks. A. which B. that C. when D. where 4. Dogs have a

29、 far wider hearing range than humans, _ them able to detect sounds far above a humans hearing limit.A. making B. made C. having made D. to be made5. When do you want to visit Mr. Smith with me? Whenever you _ time. A. have B. will have C. have had D. had 6. Considered poisonous for many years in Eur

30、ope, tomatoes _ for decoration only.A. grow B. are grown C. grew D. were grown 7. The snowstorm has lasted for several days _ it is freezing cold now. A. for B. and C. but D. or8. In A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking wrote _ non-technical terms about the origin and development of the universe

31、. A. from B. by C. in D. with 9. It is almost impossible for planes _ in such a heavy fog. A. take off B. to take off C. to have taken off D. having taken off 10. According to the Public Librarys regulations, each reader _ borrow at most five books at a time. A. should B. must C. may D. would 11. Th

32、e book covers the knowledge I wish I _ five years ago. A. knew B. had known C. would know D. would have known12. The new theme park, _ last year, has received 27 million visitors so far. A. open B. opened C. being opened D. to open13. It is generally believed _ modern technology and mass media are h

33、elping to break traditional cultural boundaries. A. that B. if C. why D. how 14. Jim started to play the guitar at the age of 12 when his uncle gave _ to him as a present.A. this B. one C. it D. that15. The ability to make and use tools is one of the most basic characteristics of _ it means to be human. A. whether B. how C. what D. when 1-5 CDDAA 6-10DBCBC 11-15BBABC


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