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1、第 1 页听力部分(30 分)一、Listen and choose(听录音,选出你所听到的单词)(10 分)( ) 1. A. shirt B. short C. sure ( ) 2. A. sunny B. Sunday C. Saturday( ) 3. A. day B. today C. tomorrow( ) 4. A. tasty B. healthy C. delicious( ) 5. A. fruit B. foot C. food( ) 6. A. work B. homework C. housework( ) 7. A. kind B. strict C. hard

2、-working( ) 8. A. potato B. tomato C. salad( ) 9.A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday ( )10. A. Mr B. Mrs C. Ms二、Listen and choose(听录音,选出你所听到的选项)(10 分)( )1.A.Id like orange juice. B.I like tea .( )2.A.Its Wednesday B.Its Thursday.( )3.A.I often watch TV. B.I often read books.( )4.A. My new teacher is ki

3、nd. B.My new teacher is old.( )5.A. Hes tall and funny. B. Hes old and quiet.三、Listen and choose(听录音,选出你所听到问题的最佳答案)(10 分)( ) 1. A. Mr Li B. Hes tall. C. Hes 20.( ) 2. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, we do. C. Yes, I like.( ) 3. A. I like English. B. I often read English. C. I have English.( ) 4. A. Yes, I can

4、. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, it is.( ) 5. A.I like noodles. B. I like vegetables. C. Id like some eggs.笔试(70 分)一、Read and choose(读一读,选出每组中不同类的一项 )(10 分)( )1. A.what B. who C. water ( )2. A.Math B. English C.China ( )3. A. today B. teacher C. tomorrow ( )4. B. watch TV C. play football ( )5. A. fr

5、esh B. fish C. delicious ( )6. A.milk B. beef C. Carrot juice ( )7. A.Friday B. weekend C.helpful ( )8. A. hot B. vegetable C. sweet ( )9. A. shy B. strict C. know ( )10. A. food B. tomato C. rice 二、choose the best answer.(选择最佳答案)(15 分)( )1、 Mr Wang is _ and _ .A.young;old B.tall;strong C.polite;tha

6、nk( )2、 -whats Zhang Peng like? - _.A.Hes ten. B.Hes very short and strong. C.He have two pencils.( )3、 -_ your science teacher? - Mr Black. A.what is B.who is is( )4、 Look at that woman. She is _ Green.A.Mr B.Miss )5、 -Is Miss Wu funny? -_.第 2 页A.Yes, he does. B.No, she is. C.yes, sh

7、e is.( )6、 -Whats _ your favourite food? - B.I C.your( )7、 Im heavy now. I_ eat B.are C.have to( )8、 -Whats Amys favourite food? -_.A.Bread B.I like bread C.They are fresh( )9、 Amy _ B.likes C.have ( )10、 I often play _ football at school.A.the B.a C./( )1

8、1、 We often _ homework together.A.does B.are )12、 -What do you have for dinner today? -I have some_and fish.A.tomato B.tomatoes C.tomatos( )13、 I like ice cream. _ you?A.How old B.What about C.How are( )14、 There are days in a week.A. six B. eleven C. seven( )15、 I like ice-cream. Its .A. sour

9、 B. sweet C. salty3、Read and choose.(读句子,选答句。)(5 分 )( )1.Do you often play sports?( )2.What would you like to eat?( )3.Is it Tuesday?( )4.whos your art teacher?( )5.What classes do you like?A. Miss Xu.B. I like English and music.C. Yes, I do.D. Id like some cakes.E. No,It is Sunday.四、Read and write.

10、(根据汉语意思,完成下列单词。)(5 分)s_ndw_ch (三明治 ) h_mb_ger (汉堡) m_day (星期一)y_ung(年轻的) p_l _te (有礼貌的 )5、Read and choose.(读一读,选一选。) (10 分 )A.park B.delicious C.Tuesday D.wash E.salad H.shy I.robot L.speak M.Saturday1、星期:_2、感觉:_3、食物:_6、选词填空(5 分)On look at thirsty art with for1、Id like some wate

11、r. Im _.2、_ my picture.3、Whos your _ teacher.4、I have a cooking class _your grandma.5、What do you do _Mondays?第 3 页7、Reading comprehension.(20 分)(一)阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。 (10 分)Sarah: Hi, Chen Jie.Chen Jie: Hi, Sarah. Do you have new teachers?Satah: Yes. We have three new teachers.Chen Jie: Who are they?S

12、atah: An English teacher, a music teacher and a Chinese teacher.Chen Jie: Wow, its so good. Whos your English teacher?Sarah: Miss White. Shes very kind. Her class is so much fun. We all like her.Chen Jie: Whats she like?Sarah: Shes tall and thin. Shes young. We have English class today.Chen Jie: Tha

13、ts great!( ) 1. Sarah has three new teachers.( ) 2. Sarahs Chinese teacher is a new teacher.( ) 3. Miss White is a music teacher.( ) 4. Miss White is short and thin.( ) 5. Sarah has English class today.(二) 阅读短文,选择正确答案。Cook: Oh, its time for lunch. Look! This is the school menu(菜单). The first day we

14、have salad . On Tuesdays we have chicken and tofu . On Wednesdays we have vegetable and pork. On Thursday we have rice and potatoes . On Fridays we have green beans and beef. What do you like ,Amy?Amy: I like tofu. It is Chinese food. Cook: What about you, Chen Jie?Chen Jie: I like beef . I like Fri

15、day!Cook: What about you, John?John: I like salad. It is healthy.( ) 1. The children have _ at school.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner( ) 2.They have _ on Thursdays.A.noodle and fish B.bread C. rice and potatoes( ) 3. Amy likes tofu because it is_.A.vegetable B.American food C.Chinese food( ) 4.They hav

16、e chicken on _.A.Friday B.Thursday C.Tuesday( ) 5.What does John like? beans B.salad C.pork第 4 页听力材料一、1.My teacher is short.2.Today is Sunday.3.What do you have today?4.The fish is healthy for us.5.My favorite food is rice.6.I do homework at 6:15.7.Is he strict? No,Hes kind.8.I like tomato an

17、d beef.9.What day is it today? Its Thursday.10.Ms Wang is my new music teacher.二、1. Whats your favorite drink?2. I often read books on Saturdays.3. What day is it today? Its Wednesday.4. We have a new teacher. Is she kind? Yes, she is.5.Whats he like? Hes tall and funny.三、1. Whos your Chinese teacher?2. Do you like cabbage?3. What do you have on Saturdays?4. Is today Tuesday?5. What would you like for dinner?


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