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1、CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(一)一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题 15小题每题 1.0分,共 15.0分。In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one

2、right answer. )第 1题 Since writing home to their parents for money, they had lived _hope.A inB forC onD through【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】固定搭配。live in hope 生活在希望中;live for 为而生活,盼望;live on继续生活,以为主食,靠生活;live through 度过,经受过;根据句意应填 A。第 2题 _get older, the games they play become increasingly complex.A Child

3、renB Children, when theyC As childrenD For children to【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】语法应用。本句逗号前是状语从句,空白处应填连词;主句主语是 the games,因此选项 A、B、D 均不对;只有 as“随着”符合句意,所以 C为答案。第 3题 Martin has created enough memorable _to make it easy to forgive his lows.A youngstersB noblesC highsD miserables【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】

4、固定搭配。high 在此是名词,表“高水平,高额数字,高潮”,在本句中与low构成对比:成功之处与败笔。第 4题 Oranges are a _source of vitamin C.A wellB betterC goodD very【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】近义辨析。此题需辨清词性,本题空白处应填形容词。Awell 好,有利地(adv.);健康的,可取的,令人满意的(adj.);Bbetter 较好的(adj.),但应用在上下文有比较之时;Cgood 优良的,好的(adj.);Dvery 很,非常(adv.);因此 C为答案。第 5题 All students h

5、ave free_to the library.A passagewayB entranceC permissionD access【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】固定搭配。have access to 得以接近(或进入),享有机会。而 Apassageway过道,出入口;Bentrance 入口,进入;如:Police have not yet explained how the men gained entrance to the gallery警察还没有解释这些人是如何进入画廊的。Cpermission 许可,允许,后常接动词不定式。第 6题 Im so tired

6、that I cant take _what youre saying.A upB outC inD on【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】习语辨析。take up 拿起,开始从事,吸收;take out 拿出,出发,取得;take in接受,吸收,理解;take on 披上,呈现,承担,接纳;因此选项 C为答案。第 7题 Rice is the _food of most Southeast Asians.A commonB generalC stapleD popular【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】近义辨析。Acommon 共同的,共有的;普通的,

7、常见的;主要指共有的或共同享受的;Bgeneral 一般的,普通的,全面的;主要指普遍性;Cstaple主要的,常用的;staple food 指主食;Dpopular 通俗的,流行的;因此答案为 C。第 8题 What they never take into account is the frazzled woman who is leading a_life trying to be a good mother while having to pretend at work that she doesnt have kids at all.A doubleB hardC two-wayD

8、 miserable【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】词义辨析。Adouble 两倍的,双重的;Bhard 困难的,艰苦的;Ctwo-way双向的,两方面的;Dmiserable 痛苦的,悲惨的。此句还可从 while连接的两个意义相反的短语看出这个妇女过的是一种双重生活。第 9题 Good pencil erasers are soft enough not _paper but hard enough so that they crumble gradually when used.A by damagingB so that they damageC to damage

9、D damaging【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】语法应用。“enough+不定式”(足够能)结构常置于形容词后作状语,表示结果;本句是这一结构的否定式;所以 C是答案。第 10题 We were working_time to get everything ready for the exhibition.A againstB inC onD ahead【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】固定搭配。A(work)against(time)抢时间完成工作;Bin(time)及时;Con(time)按时、准时;Dahead 表“提前”时一般用 ahead o

10、f。第 11题 Our flight to Guangzhou was _by a bad fog and we had to stay much longer in the hotel than we had expected.A delayedB adjournedC cancelledD preserved【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】近义辨析。Adelayed 耽搁,延误,推迟(指由于某种原因推迟,稍后还将继续,但不表明延期的具体时间);如:The accident delayed the train火车因事故晚点。Badjourned 使中止,推迟(一般指会议休

11、会,则其在继续开);如:The hearing will be adjourned until tomorrow morning听证会推迟到明天上午举行。Ccancelled 取消;Dpreserved 保存,保藏。第 12题 _pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them.A AlthoughB HoweverC BecauseD On account of【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】近义辨析。although 虽然(多用于正式文体,语气较强,只用于表示

12、事实的让步状语从句中,叙述的是已成立的事实);however 然而(较正式,虽与 but意思相同,但比 but弱,且把相反的概念放到极为次要的地位,因此常常用来做插入语,还可较婉转地引出最后决定或结论);because 是从属连词,多表示所叙述的理由是本句的重点,引导原因状语从句;on account of 因为,由于(引导名词形短语,不能引导从句);所以 C为答案。第 13题 Leading stress management experts say that life with stress would be dull and_.A disorderlyB time-consumingC

13、fruitlessD unexciting【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】词义辨析。Adisorderly 混乱地,无秩序地;Btime-consuming 花费大量时间的;Cfruitless 不结果实的;Dunexciting 不令人兴奋的;“充满压力的生活”当然应是“难以令人兴奋及无趣的”了;所以答案为 D。第 14题 This book is full of practical _on home repair.A helpsB tipsC aidsD clues【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】词义辨析。help 和 aid都表“帮助,援助”之意,

14、help 指积极帮助别人出主意,或给予精神、物质上的帮助,强调受助者得到帮助或好处;但作表语时,一般用 helpful;aid 提供物质,尤其是金钱上的帮助或援助;tip 提示,技巧,点子,消息;如:He gave some good tips on gardening他在园艺方面提出了一些好点子。clue 线索;因此选项 B为答案。第 15题 The speaker _have criticized the paraprofessionals, knowing full well that they were seated in the audience.A should not toB m

15、ust notC ought not toD may not【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】近义辨析。此处需注意情态动词的用法:ought(not)to 与 should(not)后接完成时态意思相同,表示为本应做某事儿而未做(或本不应做而做了)感到遗憾,因此应选 C。二、Vocabulary Replacement(本大题 13小题每题 1.0分,共 13.0分。This part consists of 15 sentences in which one word or phrase is underlined. Below each sentence, there a

16、re four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. You are to select the ONE choice that can replace the underlined word without causing any grammatical error or changing the principal meaning of the sentence. There is only one right answer. )第 1题 Public relations practice is the delibera

17、te , planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its public.A completeB relatedC intentionalD active【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】形容词辨析。deliberate 深思熟虑的,故意的;Acomplete 全部的,完成的;Brelated 叙述的,相关的;Cintentional 有意图的,故意的;Dactive积极的,主动的;因此选项 C为答案。第 2题

18、Table tennis is easy to learn, and, by the same token , boys dont need a lot of space to practice it.A by the same ruleB symbolicallyC moreoverD by logic【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】词义辨析。by the same token 由于同样的原因,同样地;by rule 按照规则,墨守成规地;symbolically 象征性地;moreover 而且,此外;by logic 按逻辑。第 3题 Iceland has the

19、oldest parliament, which goes as far back to 930 A.D. when Althing, the legislative organization , was established.A officeB adobeC assemblyD building【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】名词辨析。Aoffice 办公室;(英)政府机关,部;Badobe 指砖坯砌成的房子;Cassembly 集合,集会;a legislative assembly 指立法机关;Dbuilding 建筑物;因此 C为答案。第 4题 The Natio

20、nal Industrial Recovery Act was designed to spur industry.A taxB stimulateC censureD rebuke【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】动词辨析。spur 鞭策,刺激;tax 对征税,使负重担;stimulate 刺激,激励;censure 责难;rebuke 斥责,非难;因此选项 B为答案。第 5题 Only individual benefactors and ad hoc grants have made possible the ecological surveys already und

21、ertaken.A additionalB governmentalC specialD organizational【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】形容词辨析。ad hoc 形容词或副词:特别的(地),临机应变的(地),为此时此地某一特定目的(的)。Aadditional 另外的,附加的;Bgovernmental 政府的,政府管辖的;Cspecial 特别的,专门的;Dorganizational 组织的。第 6题 Innovative approaches to manufacturing, coupled with the tremendous size of th

22、e domestic market, led to the emergence of the United States as an industrial giant.A followed byB deriving fromC combined withD mixed with【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】词语辨析。couple with 加上,外加;derive from 得自,由来,衍生;combine with结合,联合,合并,化合;因此选项 C为答案。第 7题 At the World Literacy Center, an organization that works to help people read, the helpers work hard, enabling them to successfully reach their goals.A assistantsB volunteersC part-timersD amateurs【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】近义词辨析。help 和 assist都有“帮助”之义,但 assist强调起协助、辅助性的作用;而本句话中的 helper并不仅仅指普通的帮手,而是帮助人们掌握阅


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