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1、附录一:英语口语等级考试话题项目表说明:1、表中的“级别”指考试内容中次话题的适用级别。2、表中的“例子”中的例子包括所标注级别范围中可能出现的内容。3、本话题项目表参考了 2003 年 12 月的全日制义务教育“英语课程标准”(修订稿)中的话题项目表。序号No.话题 topics 次话题 sub-topics例子 examples 级别bandIndividua1 data (1)name, age, date of birth, place of birth, etc.1-6 Individua1 data (2)telephone number, address, postal code

2、, e-mail address, etc.2-6Family data number of people, their names/ age, etc1-6 Schoo1 data school, grade, class, teacher, etc. 1-6 Jobs and career teacher, doctor, farmer, driver, official, etc.2-6 1 个人情况 Personal informationRelated informationeducation, experiences, hometown, etc.3-6 Family and re

3、lativesparents, brother, uncle, cousin, daughter, husband, etc.1-6 Friends neighbor, c1assmate, roommate, etc.2-6 2 家庭、朋友与周围的人 Family, friends and people around Other peop1e neighbor, teacher, colleague, etc. 2-6 Kinds of homesapartment, house, dormitory, etc. 2-6 Rooms in homesbedroom, kitchen, liv

4、ing-room, bathroom, etc.1-6 Furniture and house items table, chair, sofa, bed, television, etc.1-6 3 周围的环境Personal environmentsCampus classroom, playground, hall, computer room, office, etc.2-6 Outside (1)grocery store, book store, supermarket, bank, library, museum, cinema, park, street, etc.2-6 Ou

5、tside (2) neighborhood, community, etc. 4-6 Getting ready time for school, brushing teeth, taking a shower, etc.1-6Eating breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, etc.1-6 Daily chores tidying, sweeping, doing dishes, cooking, etc. 2-6 Homework reading, writing, reviewing, etc. 1-6 4 日常活动Daily routinesFamil

6、y time watching television, going out, visiting people and places, etc. 1-6 School organization grade, class, course, break, schedule, etc. 1-6 Subject-related activitiesclass lecture experiment, etc. 2-6 People teacher, classmate, schoolmate, etc.1-6 Subjects Chinese, math, Eng1ish, geography, hist

7、ory, etc. 1-6 Extra-curricular activitiessports, parties, trips, etc. 2-6 Educational methodspreview, review, discussion, presentation, summary, etc.2-6 Projects and assignments teaching practice, thesis, research, etc. 4-6 5 学校生活School lifeJob-hunting resume, application, interview, etc.4-6 Subject

8、s music, arts, gongfu, etc. 1-6 Games physical games, computer games, ball games, etc.1-6 Hobbies collecting stamps/ coins/ dolls, etc.2-6 Reading books, newspapers, comics, etc. 2-6 6 兴趣与爱好 Interests and hobbiesCultural eventsfilm, concert, play, etc. 2-6 Entertainment listening to CD/MP3, watching

9、 TV /DVD, etc. 2-6 Socializing having parties, issuing invitations, making appointments, etc. 2-6 Feelings happiness, sadness, anger, etc. 1-6 Emotions smiling, laughing, crying, etc. 2-6 7 个人情感Personal emotions Facial expressions and gestures frowning, nodding, finger crossing, etc.3-6 People relat

10、ionship with / among family members, friends, neighbors, etc.2-6Establishment and maintenance of relationship (1) greeting, introducing, giving thanks, etc.1-6 8 人际关系 Interpersonal relationshipsEstablishment and maintenance of relationship (2) so1ving problems, dea1ing with conflicts, etc.4-6Plans h

11、olidays, social events, further education, career, etc.2-6 9 计划与愿望 Plans and intentions Intentions asking for advice / help / permission, exploring possibilities, expressing needs and wants, etc.2-6 Festivals and holidaysSpring Festival, National Day, Christmas, summer vacation, etc.2-6 10 节假日活动Fest

12、ivals, holidays and celebrationsCelebrations birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc.2-6 Plans shopping list, needs, wants, etc. 2-6 Goods clothes, groceries, electronics, etc.1-6 Selection quality, size, color, style, etc. 2-6 Negotiation and bargainprice, discount, on sale, etc. 4-6 11 购物ShoppingPa

13、yment cash, cheque, credit card, etc. 2-6 12 饮食 Meats beef, chicken, pork, etc. 1-6 Soups chicken, tofu, vegetab1e, etc. 1-6 Fruits and vegetablesapple, cabbage, eggplant, etc. 1-6 Staple food rice, bread, noodles, etc. 1-6 Drinks juice, tea, coke, beer, wine, etc. 1-6 Fast food sandwiches, hamburge

14、rs, pizza, etc. 1-6 Snacks ice cream, cookie, pancake, etc. 1-6 Ways of eatingtimes to eat, table manners, tableware (chopsticks, knife, fork), etc.2-6 Ordering foods and drinksmenu, reservation, table, etc. 3-6 Food and drinkComments on food and drinkstaste, smell, nutrition, etc. 3-6 Eating habits

15、 vegetarian, skipping breakfast, etc.2-6 Physical fitness and exerciseshaping, hiking, Taiji, etc. 3-6 Persona1 hygienewashing, bathing, shaving, etc. 2-6 Illnesses stomachache, headache, flu, cold, etc.1-6 Medications physical checkup, seeing a doctor, taking medicine, etc.2-6 Accidents injury, cut

16、, burn, etc. 2-6 Hospital doctor, nurse, patient, etc. 2-6 Describing problemspain, running nose, sore back, etc.2-6 13 健康HealthMedical insuranceinsurance company, policy, compensation, etc.4-6 Weather sunny, rainy, hot, cold, etc. 1-6 Climate conditions, temperature, dry, etc. 2-6 Weather and cloth

17、escoat, hat, raincoat, rubber boots, etc.2-614 天气和气候Weather and climateExtreme weatherstorm, typhoon, hurricanes, etc. 3-6 15 文娱与体育entertainment Movies and theatrecomedy, action movie, Beijing Opera, etc.3-6Music and dancefolk music / dance, pop music, ballet, etc.2-6 Sports games football, table te

18、nnis, swimming, etc.2-6 Track and fieldmarathon, high jump, disk throwing, etc.2-6 Sports events Olympic Games, World Cup, CUBA, etc.2-6 and sportsSpectators and fanscheering team, football fan, etc. 2-6 Means of transportationbicycle, bus, train, boat, plane, etc.2-6 Travel schedules, maps, tickets

19、, fares, etc.3-6 Getting and asking directionsturn left/ right, go straight ahead, drive north, etc.2-6 Traffic rules traffic lights, safety belt, zebra crossing, , etc.3-6 Describing a journeyexciting, tiring, unforgettable, etc.2-6 International travelpassport, visa, customs, exchange rate, etc.4-

20、6 16 旅游和交通Travel and transportInquiring and making reservationshotel, tourist information, check-in /-out, etc.3-6 Varieties of languagesstandard language, dialects, accents, etc.4-6 Language and cultureculture shock, cross-culture communication, conflict, etc.3-6 Language learning difficultiespronu

21、nciation, grammar, vocabulary, etc.2-6 Language skills and learning strategiesreading, translation, recitation, repetition, association, etc.3-6 17 语言学习Language learningAttitudes to language and communicationmotivated, passive, positive, etc. 3-6 18 自然NaturePlants trees, bushes, grass, crops, etc. 2

22、-6 Animals domestic / wild / endangered animals, etc.2-6 Universe the sun, the earth, stars, spaceship, UFO, etc.3-6 Landscape mountain, lake, river, valley, plain, etc.3-6 Natural disastersvolcano, earthquake, flood, landslide, etc.3-6 Countries China, the Great Britain, the United States, Australi

23、a, Canada, Iraq, etc.2-6 19 世界和环境The world and the environment Environmental issues pollution, population growth, global warming, etc.3-6 Inventions, technological advances, passes, digital camera, mobile phone, etc.3-6 20 科普知识与现代技术Popular science and modern technologyComputer science and applicatio

24、nssoftware, internet, hard drive, etc.3-6 21 热点话题Topical issuespopulation explosion/ controlenvironmental conservationterrorism AIDS drug abuseetc.3-6 General knowledge of history and geography about Chinalocation, population, capital, dynasty, etc2-6 General knowledge of history and geography about

25、 the worldWorld War II, the Pacific Ocean, Asia, etc.3-6 22 历史与地理History and geographyHistoric events9/11 Event, Long March, Discovery of the New World, etc.4-6 Historic personsMao Zedong, Washington, Albert Einstein, etc.2-6 Nationality and peopleFrench, Han nationality, minority group, etc.2-6 Fam

26、ous peopleDeng Xiaoping, Bill Gates, William Shakespeare, etc.2-6 Law lawyer, court, case, etc. 3-6 Custom and culturewedding ceremony, folklore, costume, etc.3-6 Fashion stylish, trendy, modern, etc. 2-6 Religions and beliefsChristianity, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc.4-6 23 社会SocietyLiterature and a

27、rt formsdrama, novel, essay, poetry, short story, etc.4-6 Famous literary people and artistsLu Xun, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Xu Beihong, etc.3-6 24 文学与艺术Literature and artLiterature and art worksAesops Fables, Monkey King, Mona Lisa, etc.4-6 附录二:英语口语等级考试交际项目表 说明:1. 本表中的级别(如 16 级)与本考试的级别相对应。2. 本表

28、参照了全日制义务教育英语课程标准、1985 年版大学英语教学大纲和 1999 年大学英语教学大纲(修订版)。1. 寒暄与社会交往 (Courtesy and Social Communication)(1)问候 (Greetings) 1-6 级例如:A. Hi!Hello!Good morning / afternoon / evening.How are you?How are you doing?Please say hello to your parents.Please give my love / best wishes to Lucy.B. Hi!Hello!Good morni

29、ng / afternoon / evening.Im OK.Fine, thanks, and you?Very well, thank you.Just so so.Sure.All right.(2)介绍 (Introduction) 1-6 级例如:A. My name is Jim.Im a student.Im from England.This is Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Ms Brown.Id like you to meet Bob.May I introduce Professor Jeff Brown?B. Hello!How do you do?Nic

30、e / Glad / Pleased to meet (see) you.(3)告辞或告别 (Leave-taking or Farewell ) 1-6 级例如:A. Good-bye / Bye / Bye-bye.Good night.See you later / then / tomorrow / soon.I am sorry I have to go now.I am afraid I must be leaving now.B. Good-bye / Bye / Bye-bye.Good night.See you.See you later / then / tomorrow

31、 / soon.(4)致谢或感谢 (Gratitude or Thanks ) 1-6 级例如:A. Thank you (very much).Thanks a lot.Thank you for your help.Its very kind / nice of you.I appreciate your help.B. Youre welcome.Thats OK/ all right.Its a pleasure.My pleasure.Don t mention it.(5)道歉(Apology) 1-6 级例如:A. Sorry. Im sorry.Excuse me, pleas

32、e.I beg your pardon.I m sorry for losing your book.Im sorry to interrupt you.Im sorry (that) Im late. Im sorry about my absence.Im sorry to have interrupted you.B. Thats OK.1 Its all right.Never mind.It doesnt matter.Its nothing.Forget it.What a pity!Its a pity + that you are late.(6)邀请(Invitation) 2-6 级例如:A. Would you like to go for a walk?You must come to dinner with us.May I invite you to dinner?What / How about having a swim?B. OK.Thank you.


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