精选优质文档倾情为你奉上Passage OneQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.The prospects for women who are scientists ,书名:大学英语四级阅读 200 篇前 40 篇出版社:上海
1、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上Passage OneQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.The prospects for women who are scientists 。
2、书名:大学英语四级阅读 200 篇前 40 篇出版社:上海交通大学出版社1/200.There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals. Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possible months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, out long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid 。
3、英语四级阅读题库含答案解析英语四级阅读题库含答案解析第 1 页 共 94 页英语四级阅读题库含答案解析1.Passage OneGlobal warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but regardless of whether it is or isnt we wont do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed.Al Gore calls global warming an “。
4、1A Question of RightsUnfortunately , a crime was about to be committed but at that moment Lesley was unaware of the impending(即将发生的,迫近的) event , which would affect her life so drastically(极端地,彻底地) for the next years .For the moment at least, her holiday at the cottage had been ideal. She had spent many idle hours relaxing on the deck , reading ,eating a sandwich when she was hungry and in the evening watching the sky turn from brilliant orange to peach and finally to pale purple , 。
5、听力课堂,开放式外语学习平台!TingClass.com声明:本资料由听力课堂网站收集整理,仅供英语爱好者学习使用,资料版权属于原作者。 - 1 -大学英语四级阅读冲刺指南阅读: 快速阅读 1200-1500words 选词填空 15 个选项 仔细阅读 20min 之内(一)存在问题 第一,读不懂 所谓读不懂,就是考生拿过文章,满头雾水,即使硬着头皮读文章,也是一知半解。然后匆忙做体,仅凭感觉去蒙,因此做体准确率必然不高。 第二,读不快 读不快表现为,文章读完了,题也做完了,但往往是比考试要求多用 15 乃至 20 多分钟的时间。于是影响了其他问题的有效。
6、 Passage One Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage. The prospects for women who are scientists and engin。
7、英语四级考试阅读解题秘诀一、深度阅读(2 篇) 首先是阅读文章,四六级阅读的时候拿一支笔做笔记,需要注意的以下的“扎眼字符”: 1. 大写字母们人名、地名、学校机构国家名称、专业特指的名词们,都会有大写字母表示(China, University of Phoenix, John 等) ,既然提到了这么显眼的东西,很有可能在真题题目中就会拿这些说事; 2. 各类数字们不管是百分比还是年代又或者是时间日期,这些以阿拉伯数字出现在阅读中的时候,应该是能第一时间抓住我们的眼球,我们会像亲人一般的,在茫茫的英文字符的海洋中一下找到它们; 3. 奇怪的符。
8、大学英语四级阅读 40 篇1/200.There are three kinds of goals: short-term,medium-range and long-term goals.Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities,which we can apply on a daily basis.Such goals can be achieved in a week or less,or two weeks,or possible months.It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation ,out long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals.Upon completing our short-term 。
9、大学英语四级真题中文章来源如下(除听力): 快速阅读:Colleges taking another look at value of merit-based aid 出自 USA Today http:/www.usatoday.com/news/education/2007-03-14-merit-aid_N.htm 选词填空:Childhood: Fathers Influence a Childs Language Development 出自 NY Timeshttp:/www.nytimes.com/2006/11/14/health/14chil.html?_r=1 传统阅读一:What Michelle Can Teach Us 出自 Newsweekhttp:/www.newsweek.com/id/166857 传统阅读二:A Global Headhunt 出自 Newsweekhttp:/www.newsweek.com/id/151689/page/1 完。
10、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 1A Question of Rights 1,一个权利的问题 Unfortunately, a crime was about to be committed but at that moment Lesley 。
11、Among the more colorful characters of Leadvilles golden age were H.A.W.Tabor and his second wife, Elizabeth McCourt, better known as “Baby Doe”. Their history is fast becoming one of the legends of the Old West. Horace Austin Warner Tabor was a school teacher in Vermont. With his first wife and two children he left Vermont by covered wagon in 1855 to homestead in Kansas. Perhaps he did not find farming to his liking, or perhaps he was lured by rumors of fortunes to be made in Colorado mines. A。
12、阅读复习是四六级考试备考的一项大工程,尤其当我们烦躁的时候,其篇幅之长,题目之多,简直可以令我们感到发指。这个时候,你就需要一些阅读技巧,今天给到的阅读技巧是排除选项四原则。排除原则no.1: 排除与原文相关句态度相反的选项态度相反原则,即。
13、 1A Question of Rights 1,一个权利的问题 Unfortunately, a crime was about to be committed but at that moment Lesley was unaware 。
14、英语四级阅读资料更多的请到这儿来哦,发现了好资料,和大家一起共享http:/club.topsage.com/thread-297844-1-1.html2009 年 6 月英语四级阅读备考 (1)There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested inspelling .No school I have taught in has ever _ spelling or considered it unimportantas a basic skill. There are, however , vastly different ideas about how to teach it , or howmuch _ it must be given over general language development and writing ability. Theproblem is , how to 。
15、英语四级阅读:你是读不懂读不快还是做不对作者:口袋中心 日期:2009-04-24 03:56:55 阅读: 3100(一)存在问题 第一,读不懂 所谓读不懂,就是考生拿过文章,满头雾水,即使硬着头皮读文章,也是一知半解。然后匆忙做体,仅凭感觉去蒙,因此做体准确率必然不高。 第二,读不快 读不快表现为,文章读完了,题也做完了,但往往是比考试要求多用15乃至 20多分钟的时间。于是影响了其他问题的有效解答。匆忙起笔,必然影响整个四级的考试成绩。 第三,做不对 就是虽然文章也读懂了,但是一做题就错。 (二)解决办法 第一、掌握正确的阅读方法 。
16、1教育点亮未来 Education lights up your future大学英语四级阅读文章赵南望Text 1Wine buffs are like art collectors. Few can tell the difference between a well-made fake and the real thing. Yet whereas counterfeit art has been around for centuries, wine forgery is relatively new. It started in the late 1970s when the prices of the best winesespecially those from Bordeauxshot up. Today, with demand from China fuelling a remarkable boom, counterfeiting is rife. By some estimates 5% of fine wines sold 。
17、 专家授课 权威讲解 考试必过大学英语四级阅读:英语四级考试阅读理解浅析在现行的笔考四级考试中,阅读理解分成两个部分,分别是 Part II 快速阅读(Skimming and Scanning)和 Part IV 仔细阅读(Reading in Depth);其中仔细阅读又分为 Section A 选词填空(或短文问答,不过四级从2006年12月份改革到现在没考过,六级一直在考这种形式)和 Section B 多项选择。试行的机考中取消了选词填空这种题型,不过目前由于试题题库不成熟及学校硬件设施达不到,所以暂时不大可能全国铺开,所以只能在某些学校试行考试。对于绝大多数同学来说,还是需。
18、1. Eye LanguageJust back from a tour of several Arabian Gulf1 countries, a woman recalls how jumpy she felt talking to men there. “Not because of what they said, ”she explains,“ but what they did with their eyes. ”Instead of the occasional blink, Arabs lowered their lids so slowly and languorously that she was convinced they were falling asleep. In Japan eye contact is a key to the way you feel about someone. And the less of it,the better. What a Westerner considers an honest look in the eye。