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1、NANJING AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITYReport of Islam CultureCourse Name: Islam cultureTeacher Name: khuram yousafClass Name: 材控 152 班Student Name: Gan ChundanStudent No: 33315205Semester : 20152016 year but it is not the only part of the Islamic faith. Contained in the Quran are the Five Pillars of Islam,

2、 which included an absolute monotheism, a ritual prayer to be said five times toward Mecca, a fast at Ramadan, a tithe consisting of 2.5-10% of ones wealth to be given to the poor, and hajj, in which each follower must make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in life if possible.Archaeology and Isla

3、mArchaeologically, Islamic sites can be identified using the Five Pillars. For example, the presence of inscriptions which report on prayers and alms, or the dedications of hospitals, mosques, and schools could be present at Islamic sites. Way-stations and other types of sites have been identified o

4、n the roads to Mecca.Further, mosques and residences have specific architectural layouts; and Moslem burials have set rituals and grave goods. Dietary restrictions are in evidence at Islamic sites; and distinctive art and calligraphy are known as well.Cities of IslamBy definition, the cities of Isla

5、m were founded or taken over after the traditional founding of the Meccan dynasty of the Islamic civilization. Eventually including much of the Mediterranean region at its peak, the cities are today blends of architecture from many periods and times. Among the best studied archaeological components

6、of Islamic cities include Timbuktu and Essouk-Tadmakka in Mali, Qusayr Amra inMuhammad(PBUH)Muammad is the central figure of Islam and widely regarded as its founder. He is known to Muslims as the “Holy Prophet“, almost all of whom consider him to be the last prophet sent by God to mankind to restor

7、e Islam, which they believe to be the unaltered originalmonotheistic faith of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. He united Arabia into a single Muslim polity and ensured that his teachings, practices, and the Quran, which Muslims believe was revealed to him by God, formed the basis of

8、Islamic religious belief.Born approximately in 570 CE in the Arabian city of Mecca, Muhammad was orphaned at an early age; he was raised under the care of his paternal uncle Abu Talib. After his childhood, Muhammad primarily worked as a merchant. Occasionally, he would retreat to a cave named Hira i

9、n the mountains for several nights of seclusion and prayer; later, at age 40, he reported being visited by Gabriel in the cave and receiving his first revelation from God. Three years after this event Muhammad started preaching these revelations publicly, proclaiming that “God is One“, that complete

10、 “surrender“ to him is the only way acceptable to God, and that he was a prophet and messenger of God, similar to the other prophets in Islam. Muhammad gained few early followers, and met hostility from some Meccan tribes. To escape persecution, Muhammadsent some followers to Abyssinia before he and

11、 his followers migrated from Mecca to Medina (then known as Yathrib) in the year 622. This event, the Hijra, marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar, also known as the Hijri Calendar. In Medina, Muhammad united the tribes under the Constitution of Medina. In December 629, after eight years of in

12、termittent conflict with Meccan tribes, Muhammad gathered an army of 10,000 Muslim converts andmarched on the city of Mecca. The attack went largely uncontested and Muhammad seized the city with little bloodshed. He destroyed 360 pagan idols at the Kaaba. In 632, a few months after returning from th

13、e Farewell Pilgrimage, Muhammad fell ill and died. Before his death, most of the Arabian Peninsula had converted to Islam. The revelations , which Muhammad reported receiving until his death, form the verses of the Quran, regarded by Muslims as the “Word of God“ and around which the religion is base

14、d. Besides the Quran, Muhammads teachings and practices (sunnah), found in the Hadith and sira literature, are also upheld by Muslims and used as sources of Islamic law.Muslim festivals1.Eid Al-FitrEid al-Fitr is an importantreligious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ram

15、adan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. The religious Eid is a single day during which Muslims are not permitted to fast. The holiday celebrates the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. The day of Eid, therefore, falls on the first day of the

16、 month of Shawwal. The date for the start of any lunar Hijri month varies based on the observation of new moon by local religious authorities, so the exact day of celebration varies by locality. However, in most countries, it is generally celebrated on the same day as Saudi Arabia.Eid al-Fitr has a

17、particular Salat (Islamic prayer) consisting of two Rakats (units) and generally offered in an open field or large hall. It may be performed only in congregation and has an additional extra six Takbirs, three of them in the beginning of the first rakaah and three of them just before Ruku in the seco

18、nd rakaah in the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam. Other Sunni schools usually have twelve Takbirs, seven in the first, and five at the beginning of the second rakaah. This Eid al-Fitr salat is, depending on which juristic opinion is followed, Fard (obligatory), Mustahabb (strongly recommended, just sho

19、rt of obligatory) or mandoob (preferable).Muslims believe that they are commanded by Allah, as mentioned in the Quran, to continue their fast until the last day of Ramadan and pay the Zakat and fitra before offering the Eid prayers.2.Maulid al-NabiMawlid is the observance of the birthday of the Isla

20、mic prophet Muhammadprophet Muhammad which is celebrated often on the 12th day of Rabi al-awwal, the third month in the Islamic calendar. The 12th Day of Rabi al-awwall is the most popular date from a list of many dates that are reported as the birth date.The origin of Mawlid observance reportedly d

21、ates back to the period of the early four Rashidun Caliphs of Islam. The Ottomans declared it an official holiday in 1588.The term Mawlid is also used in some parts of the world, such as Egypt, as a generic term for the birthday celebrations of other historical religious figures such as Sufi saints.

22、 Most denominations of Islam approve of the commemoration of Muhammads birthday; however, some denominations including Wahhabism/Salafism Deobandism and the Ahmadiyya disapprove its commemoration, considering it an unnecessary religious innovation. Mawlid is recognized as a national holiday in most

23、of the Muslim-majority countries of the world except Saudi Arabia and Qatar which are officially Wahhabi/Salafi.3.Eid al-AdhaEid al-Adha (“Festival of the Sacrifice“), also called the “Sacrifice Feast“ or “Bakr-Eid“, is the second of two Muslim holidays celebrated worldwide each year, and considered

24、 the holiest of the two. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son, as an act of submission to Gods command, before God then intervened, through his angel Jibrail (Gabriel) and informs him that his sacrifice has already been accepted. The meat from the sacrificed animal is

25、preferred to be divided into three parts. The family retains one third of the share; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the remaining third is given to the poor and needy.In the Islamic lunar calendar, Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah and lasts for four

26、 days. In the international (Gregorian) calendar, the dates vary from year to year drifting approximately 11 days earlier each year.Eid al-Adha is the latter of the two Eid holidays, the former being Eid al-Fitr. The word “Eid“ appears once inAl-Maida, the fifth sura of the Quran, with the meaning “

27、solemn festival“.Like Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha begins with a sunnah prayer of two rakats followed by a sermon (khutbah). Eid al-Adha celebrations start after the descent of the Hujjaj, the pilgrims performing the Hajj, from Mount Arafat , a hill east of Mecca. Eid sacrifice may take place until suns

28、et on the 13th day of Dhu al-Hijjah. The days of Eid have been singled out in the Hadith as “days of remembrance“ and considered the holiest days in the Islamic Calendar. The takbir (days) of Tashriq are from the Fajr prayer of the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah up to the Asr prayerof the 13th of Dhu al-Hijja

29、h (five days and four nights). This equals 23 prayers: five on the 9th12th, which equals 20, and three on the 13th.Islamic calendarIntroduction All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, we seek His aid, we ask for His forgiveness, and we repent to Him. We seek refuge from the evils of ourselves and

30、 the evil consequences of our actions. Whomsoever Allah guides, then none can misguide him and whomsoever Allah sends astray there is no guide for him. I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah alone, having no partners, and I further testify that Muhammad ibn Abdullah (salla a

31、llahu alaihi wa salaam) is His slave and Messenger.Calendar FactsA calendaris a system for naming periods of time, typically days. A lunar month is determined by the period required for the moon to complete its full phased cycle of 29 and a half days.A lunar calendaris a calendar whose date indicate

32、s the moon phase.Hijrah Calendar CalculationsMuslims measure the passage of time using the Islamic (Hijrah) calendar.This calendar has twelve lunar months, the beginnings and endings of which are determined by the sighting of the crescent moon. The Islamic calendar is the official calendar in many M

33、uslim countries, especially Saudi Arabia. Other Muslim countries use the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes and only turn to the Islamic calendar for religious purposes. Islamic months begin at sunset, on the day when the lunar crescent is visually sighted. The lunar year is approx. 354 days insh

34、aAllah.Allah Says in the Noble Quraan“Verily, the number of months with Allah is twelve months (in a year), so it was ordained by Allah on the Day when He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are sacred. That is the right religion, so wrong not yourselves therein, and fight not against th

35、e Mushrikin idolaters collectively as they fight against you collectively. But know that Allah is with those who have taqwaa.”Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Bakrah said that the Prophet (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) said in a speech during his Hajj, “The division of time has turned to its original f

36、orm which was current when Allah created the heavens and the earth. The year is of twelve months, out of which four months are sacred: Three of them are in succession Dhul-Qadah, Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram, and (the fourth is) Rajab of (the tribe of) Mudar which comes between Jumada (ath-Thaniyah) and

37、 Shaban.”Months of the YearMuharram SafarRabial-Awal Rabiath-ThaniJumada al-Awal Jumada ath-ThaniRajab ShabanRamadan ShawwalDhul-Qadah Dhul-HijjahNames for the days of the weekYaum al Ahad Sunday Yaum al-Ithnayn MondayYaum ath-thalatha TuesdayYaum al-Arbaa WednesdayYaum al-khamees ThursdayYaum al-Ju

38、muah FridayYaum as-Sabt Saturday4 Sacred MonthsDhul-Qadah Dhul-Hijjah Muharram Rajab The postponing (of the Sacred Months) is indeed an addition to disbelief, thereby the disbelievers are led astrayIslamic foodHalal is often used in reference to foods and drinks, i.e. foods that are permissible for

39、Muslims to eat or drink under Islamic Shariah (law). The criteria specify both what foods are allowed, and how the food must be prepared. The foods addressed are mostly types of meat and animal tissue. The most common example of non-halal (or haraam) food is pork (pig meat). While pork is the only m

40、eat that cannot be consumed by Muslims (the Quran forbids it Sura 16:115), other foods not in a state of purity are also considered haraam. The criteria for non-pork items include their source, the cause of the animals death, and how it was processed. It also depends on the Muslims madhab.Muslims mu

41、st also ensure that all foods (particularly processed foods), as well as non-food items like cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, are halal. Frequently, these products contain animal by-products or other ingredients that are not permissible for Muslims to eat or use on their bodies.Other foods that are no

42、t considered halal for Muslims to consume include blood and intoxicants such as alcoholic beverages.Dhabihah: method of slaughterThe food must come from a supplier that uses halal practices. Dhabah () is the prescribed method of slaughter for all meat sources, excluding fish and other sea-life, per

43、Islamic law. This method of slaughtering animals consists of using a well-sharpened knife to make a swift, deep incision that cuts the front of the throat, the carotid artery, trachea, and jugular veins.The head of an animal that is slaughtered using halal methods is aligned with the qiblah. In addi

44、tion to the direction, permitted animals should be slaughtered upon utterance of the Islamic prayer Bismillah “in the name of God“.The slaughter must be performed by a Muslim. Blood must be drained from the veins. Carrion (carcasses of dead animals, such as animals who died in the wild) cannot be ea

45、ten. Additionally, an animal that has been strangled, beaten (to death), killed by a fall, gored (to death), savaged by a beast of prey (unless finished off by a human), or sacrificed on a stone altar cannot be eaten.The animal may be stunned prior to having its throat cut. The UK Food Standards Age

46、ncy figures from 2011 suggest that 84% of cattle, 81% of sheep and 88% of chickens slaughtered for halal meat were stunned before they died. Supermarkets selling halal products also report that all animals are stunned before they are slaughtered. Tesco, for example, says “the only difference between

47、 the halal meat it sells and other meat is that it was blessed as it was killed.“ The British Veterinary Association, along with citizens who have assembled a petition with 100,000 signatures, have raised concerns regarding a proposed halalabattoir in Wales, in which animals are not to be stunned pr

48、ior to killing. Concern about slaughtering, without prior stunning, has resulted in the religious slaughter of animals being banned in Denmark, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.Exception if no halal is availableIf there is absolutely no other halal food available and the M

49、uslim is forced by necessity, then a Muslim is allowed to eat non-halal food in order to prevent death due to starvation.Halal food certificationGlobally, halal food certification has been criticised by anti-Halal lobby groups and individuals using social media. These critics argue that the practice results in added costs, a requirement to officially certify intrinsically-halal foods, leads to consumers subsidising a particular religious belief. Austr


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