1、总复习(Overall Review)o 系统 (Thermodynamic System): A quantity of matter or a region in space chosen for study.(系统就是指被选做研究对象的物体或空间。)2. 平衡状态 (Equilibrium State)A system in equilibrium experiences no changes with time when it is isolated from its surroundings.所谓平衡状态就是指在 没有外界影响 的情况下,系统的状态 不随时间而发生变化 。Basic
2、Concept3.准静态过程 (Quasi-static Process )在 无限小势差推动 下的由 连续平衡态 组成的过程,就是准静态过程。 When a process proceeds in such a manner that the system remains infinitesimally close to an equilibrium state at all times, it is called a quasi-static or quasi-equilibrium process.4.可逆过程 (Reversible process)系统经历某一过程后,如果能使 系统
3、与 外界 同时 恢复到初始状态,而不留下任何痕迹,则此过程为可逆过程 。A process that can reversed without leaving any trace on the surroundings. That is, both the system and the surroundings are returned to their initial states at the end of the reverse process.o 自发过程 (Spontaneous Process)不需要任何外界作用而 自动 进行的过程。Aprocess which can happy
4、 naturally without the interference from the surroundings.5.稳态稳定流动 (Steady-flow process)A process during which a fluid flows through a control volume steadily. That is, the properties remain the same at a fixed point during the entire process.6.循环 (Cycle)If a system returns to its initial state at t
5、he end of the process, it is said a system have undergone a cycle.系统经历了一系列状态变化过程,又回到了原来状态,称为热力循环。7.比热容( Specific Heat)将单位物量的物质温度升高 1K所需加入的热量。 The energy required to raise the temperature of a unit quantity of a substance by one degree 8.分容积 ( component volume )假定混合气体中组成气体具有与混合气体相同的温度及压力时,单独存在所占有的容积。
6、9.分压力( Component pressure)假定混合气体中组成气体单独存在,并具有与混合气体相同的温度及容积时的压力10.焓( Enthalpy)Enthalpy, a state function, is defined as follows,h= u + pvThis energy is composed of two parts: the internal energy of the fluid (u) and the flow work (pv) associated with pushing the mass of fluid across the system boundary. 对开口系统而言,焓指流动工质所携带能量的一部分,这部分能量取决于热力状态