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1、浙江大学远程教育学院英语写作课程作业答案(必做)Chapter 2 Diction (措词)1. List three levels of words and give several examples for each level. Formal words: accommodation, approximately, commence,Common words: room, abut, start, Colloquial words: There aint nothin wrong with me. (isnt anything)Hey are you gonna move or what

2、? (going to)2. What are the denotation and connotation of a word?Denotation: what a word stands for without any emotional associationsConnotation: the emotional, social, and political associations a word has in addition to its denotative meaning3. Fill in each blank with one of the following words:

3、kill, assassinate, execute, massacre, slaughter, murder1) Two people were killed in a car accident.2) Martin Luther King was assassinated by a white people. 3) He is likely to be executed as a murderer this year.4) They cruelly slaughtered/massacred all the people in the village.5)According to the p

4、olice, he murdered his rival in cold blood. 4. List at least 9 types of figures of speech and give an example for each. 1) SimileIt is a comparison between two distinctly different things and the comparison is indicated by the word as or like. e.g. Her face is like a red apple. 2) MetaphorIt is an i

5、mplied comparison between two distinctly different things and the comparison is NOT indicated by the word as or like.e.g. My life is one long curve, full of turning points.3) PersonificationIt is to treat a thing or an idea as if it were human or had human qualities. e.g. This time fate was smiling

6、to him.4) MetonymyIt is substituting the name of one thing for that of another, with which it is closely associated. e.g. Have you ever read Shakespeare?5) SynecdocheWhen a part is substituted for the whole or the whole is substituted for a part, synecdoche is applied. e.g. The farms were short of h

7、ands during the harvest season.6) Overstatement (hyperbole) and understatementOverstatement is an intentional exaggeration for emphasis. Understatement intentionally downplays the seriousness of a situation or sentiment by saying less that is really meant. e.g. She is dying to know what job has been

8、 assigned her. It took a few dollars to build this indoor swimming pool. 7) Transferred epithetAn epithet is an adjective or descriptive phrase that serves to characterize somebody or something. A transferred epithet is one that is shifted from the noun it logically modifies to a word associated wit

9、h that noun. e.g. She was so worried about her son that she spent several sleepless night. 8) Oxymoron In oxymoron apparently contradictory terms are combined to produce a special effect. e.g. When the news of the failure came, all his friends said it was a victorious defeat. 9) AlliterationIt refer

10、s to the appearance of the same consonant sound in two or more words. e.g. Proud as a peacockChapter 3 The Sentence (造句)1. List the types of sentences in terms of structure, function and rhetoric respectively and give an example for each type. 1) In terms of function, sentences can be classified int

11、o the following four types.declarative sentence - Tom is clever.interrogative sentence - Is Tom clever?imperative sentence - Lets go.exclamatory sentence - How clever Tom is! 2) In terms of structure, sentences can be classified into the following four types.simple sentence: The dog pound sentence:

12、The dog barked, and the cat yowled. complex sentence: The dog that was in the street howled pound-complex sentence: When the heat comes, the lakes dry up, and farmers know the crops will fail.3) From a rhetoric point of view, sentences can be classified into the following two types.In a loose senten

13、ce, the basic statement goes before additional details.e.g. I am willing to pay slightly higher taxes for the privilege of living in Canada, considering the free health care, the cheap tuition fees, the low crime rate, the comprehensive social programs, and the wonderful winters.In a periodic senten

14、ce, additional details are placed before the basic statement.e.g. Considering the free health care, the cheap tuition fees, the low crime rate, the comprehensive social programs, and the wonderful winters, I am willing to pay slightly higher taxes for the privilege of living in Canada.2. What are th

15、e features of an effective sentence?Unity; coherence; conciseness; emphasis; variety3. List several types of common sentence problems and the strategies to solve these problems. 1) sentence fragmentsTwo strategies to revise a fragment:a. attach the fragment to an adjacent independent clause.b. turn

16、the fragment into a sentence. 2) run-onsStrategies to revise run-ons:a. revising with periods.b. revising with semicolons.c. revising with coordinating conjunctions.d. revising with subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns. 3) misplaced and dangling modifiersStrategy to correct a misplaced mo

17、difier:place phrases as close as possible to the words they modify. Two strategies to correct a dangling modifier:a. creating a new subjectb. creating a dependent clauseChapter 4 The Paragraph (段落)1. What are the features of an effective paragraph?Unity; coherence; transition2. List several patterns

18、 of paragraph development and give some examples for each pattern.Development by time, process, space, example and generalization, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, classification, definition and a combination of methods. 3. List several strategies for effective introductions and conclusion

19、s.strategies for effective introductions:beginning with quotation or series or quotations; beginning with question or series of questions; beginning with definition; or beginning with controversial statement. strategies for effective conclusions:ending with prediction; ending with warning; ending wi

20、th recommendation for action; or ending with quotation4. Which sentence is the topic sentence in the following paragraph?My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with otherstopic sentence. Dont argue with parents; they will think you dont love them. Dont argue with children;

21、they will think themselves victimized. Dont argue with spouses; they will think you are a tiresome mate. Dont argue with strangers; they will think you are not friendly. My mothers rules, in fact, can be summed up in two words: Dont argue.Chapter 5 The Whole Composition (完整的作文)1. What are the featur

22、es of an effective composition?Unity; good logic; balanced structure; important, interesting and fresh idea; clear, accurate and appropriate expression. 2. What is a description?Description is painting a picture in words of a person, place, object, or scene.3. What details should a writer pay great

23、attention to when describing a person? Give some examples. In describing a person, the writer should give details of his appearance, character, thoughts and feelings. See the examples on pages 114 and 115 of the textbook. 4. What is a narration?To narrate id is to give an account of an event or a se

24、ries of events. In its broadest sense, narrative writing includes stories, biographies, histories, new items, and narrative poems. 5. What aspects should a writer consider when planning a narrative? Give some examples.Context, selection of details, organization, point of view, and purpose6. What is

25、an exposition?An expository paper explains or explores something, such as the process of making a machine, the causes of a natural or social phenomenon, the planning of a project, or the solution of a problem. 7. How can a writer achieve clarity when writing an exposition?1) Limit the subject or sco

26、pe of discussion, for it is impossible to explain many things clearly in a short essay. 2) Prepare enough materials (details or examples) to help the explanation.3) Present the facts and views in proper order, in the order of time or of logical sequence depending on the nature of the subject. 4) Pay

27、 attention to the accuracy and clarity of words and sentences; avoid ornamental as well ambiguous expressions.5) Make the exposition, if possible, interesting and moving. 8. List five patterns to plan an exposition, and explain the principles a writer should keep in mind when using each of the five

28、patterns to plan an exposition. 1) Illustrationa. Selecting sufficient examples wisely which are specific and typical, interesting and relevant. b. Arranging these examples logically - similar or related examples should be grouped together and arranged climatically. 2) Division and classificationa.

29、Choosing an appropriate principle of division/classification suited to your purpose.b. Applying your principle consistently and thoroughly, and avoid overlapping. 3) Comparison and contrasta. Only items of the same general class can be compared /contrasted.b. A comparison/contrast essay usually foll

30、ows one of these two patterns: the subject by subject pattern or the point-by-point pattern. c. The comparison/contrast should be balanced; the two items being compared/contrasted are to be given equal treatment. d. The comparison/contrast should be supported by concrete and relevant facts.e. A comp

31、arison/contrast shows similarities and differences in order to make a particular point. 4) Cause and effecta. Do not over-simplify causes.b. Beware especially of making a mistake in logic known as the fallacy of post hoc, ergo proper hoc. c. Distinguish between direct and indirect causes and effects

32、 and between major and minor causes and effects. d. Do not omit links in a chain of causes and effects. e. Be objective and support the analysis with solid, factual evidence. 5) Definitiona. A definition paper discusses abstract terms such as liberty, equality, etc., the denotative and especially connotative


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