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1、1硕士学位论文(20 届)试论减资方式多元化对公司债权人利益保护原则的影响姓 名学 科 、 专 业 法 律 硕 士 ( 全 日 制 法 律 硕 士 )研 究 方 向 经 济 法指 导 教 师2论文提交日期3试论减资方式多元化对公司债权人利益保护原则的影响(硕士论文摘要) 公司减资是指公司由于资本过剩或亏损严重等原因,根据经营的实际需要,按照法定的条件和程序减少公司资本的法律行为。资本的减少有可能缩减公司的责任财产,容易削弱对债权人的保护力度,进而危及交易的安全。但是减资方式多元化的发展使减资程序中的债权人利益保护原则和具体制度面临新问题的挑战。我国 2005 年新修订的公司法在减资规则方面只做



4、下:1、德国的披露机制下严格的债权人保护模式;2、偿债能力标准模式;3、司法介入下的折衷程序。然后讲述我国减资立法的价值取向,应遵守安全与效率相统一,效率优先的原则。在此基础上,对减资多元化下我国债权人利益保护的不足提出改善建议。结语,简略展望未来我国减资制度的发展趋势。关键词 减资 多元化 债权人保护 制度实施1Tentative Discussion about the Influence of Capital Reductions Diversity on the Principle of the Protection of CreditorsInterestsAbstractThe r

5、eduction of captial means that a corporation reduces its total capital through legal conditions and procedures in accordance with the managerial actual needs due to a surplus of capital or seriousness of deficit. It may reduce the secured property of a corporation,thus endanger the safety of social

6、transactions and is easy to weaken the protection of creditors. Especially in the background of diversified ways of the reduction of capital,the protection of creditors interests faces new problems and also is made new requests. Although our countrys Company LAW which is revised in 2005 made many ad

7、justments in rule ofthe companys capital which meet the needs of the economic development,there are only some small changes in rule of reducing the companys capital.The relevant provisions are still very brief and partly unreasonable.Obviously,it is not good to protect creditors. From the perspectiv

8、e of comparative jurisprudence,this dissertation makes a study on the reduction of capital system.Considering our tradition and reality of legislation,the author will bring forward the perfection suggestion in the last part.This dissertation proceeds as follows:preface,text and conclusion.As for the

9、 text,it consists of three chapters.The preface explains the cause of study and the object of study.Chapter one is the current legislation and review regarding our countrys reduction of capital. First,the writer presents the current legislation. These provisions protect the creditors legislative deb

10、ts to some extent. But they also show that our capital system hasnt been changed, which is still a statutory capital. Capital Credit idea has been occupied in the mainstream. Then the writer presents the active meanings of the current legislation of the redution of capital, and focuses on defects on

11、 the protection 2of creditors interests.Chapter two is the challenge on which the diversified ways of the redution of capital gives the principle of the protection of creditors interests. First, the writer presents the performances, reasons and prospects of the reductoin of capital. Then according t

12、o different reduction of capital, from decreasing capital formally and decreasing capital materially, voluntary and non-voluntary reduction of capital, share repurchase and others, explains the influences on protection of creditors which various reduction of capital make. On the basis of previous an

13、alysis, the writer thinks we should make different measures to protect creditors for the purpose of saving time and cost.Chapter three is how to perfect Chinas rules of reducing the capital in the background of diversified ways of reduction of capital. First,the writer presents three kinds of legisl

14、ation model regarding reducing the capital. The first kind is solvency standard pattern.United States and Canada are the representatives of the countries who adopt this model. The second kind is protecting the creditors under the disclosing information mechanism model.This model is adopted by some c

15、ountries among whom Germany takes the lead. The third kind is eclectic procedure under the judicial intervention model which is adopted by the United Kingdom. Then, explains the basic principle which shoulded be carried out in system of capital reduction and shows that we should take the efficiency

16、as the supreme value criterion. On the basis of previous analysis, puts forward relevant suggestions on legislation, law enforcement and judicial.The epilogue makes brief prospect of the legislation of capital reduction system.Key Words Reduction of capital; Diversity; Protection of creditors intere

17、sts1目 录引 言 .1第一章 现行公司减资的立法现状及评析 .2一、现行公司减资的立法现状 .2二、公司减资立法现状的评析 .3(一)新公司法有关公司减资立法的积极意义 .3(二)现行公司减资立法存在的问题 .3第二章 减资方式多元化对债权人利益保护原则提出的挑战 .7一、减资方式多元化含义 .7(一)减资方式多元化的表现 .7(二)减资方式多元化的原因 .10二、减资方式多元化对债权人利益保护原则的影响 .12第三章 我国在减资方式多元化背景下对债权人利益保护的完善 .19一、国外有关公司减资的立法例 .19(一)德国立法例 .19(二)美国立法例 .20(三)英国立法例 .20二、我国

18、减资的立法模式及改善 .212(一)我国减资立法的价值取向 .21(二)债权人利益保护的改进与完善 .22结 语 .25参考文献 .26后 记 .303试论减资方式多元化对公司债权人利益保护原则的影响引 言公司资本制度是公司法的核心制度之一,在公司法中占据着举足轻重的地位。公司的注册资本是股东对公司的永久性投资,它是公司生存和发展的物质基础,是公司承担财产责任的基本保障,是对债权人最低限度的担保额及公司信用的衡量标准。但在公司的运营过程中,为了适应市场的发展,取得公司利益的最大化,客观上又要求公司资本相应的增加或减少。同时,公司成立之后,其实有资产经常处于变动之中,为使公司资本真实地反映公司净


20、务清偿风险增加。为保护债权人的利益,各国法律无不对减资行为予以规制。2005 年公司法的修订是较之以往一次力度较大的修改。虽然取得了很多实质性的进步,但是就公司减资程序中债权人利益保护的修改只有寥寥几字,显得过于简单和原则。与国外的相关立法规定相比,对减资的法定事由、条件、方式、程序保障和救济措施等没有明确规定,缺失有效的运行机制,操作性不强。正因为如此,某些公司在实际的运营过程中,刻意规避减资规则,滥用减资以减资为名抽逃资金、规避债务,从而侵犯债权人或中小股东的利益,扰乱经济秩序。4随着公司经营方式的变化和发展,减资方式亦日趋多元化,对债权人利益保护原则的有效实施亦产生了不同程度的影响,对债

21、权人利益保护提出了新的挑战。出于成本和效率的考虑,同时也为了给债权人提供更多和更加完善的保障措施,对于不同的减资应采取不同的规制。这正是本文写作的主旨所在,以期对我国公司减资中的债权人利益保护的完善提供参考意见。第一章 现行公司减资的立法现状及评析一、现行公司减资的立法现状公司资本的减少,可能在实际上减少公司的资产,缩小公司的责任财产范围,因而直接影响到公司债权人的利益,因此法律规定了严格的法律条件和程序。根据我国新公司法有关条文的规定,公司减资须符合下列条件和程序:1、董事会制定公司减资的方案。2、股东(大)会对公司减少注册资本作出决议。在有限责任公司中,作出减资决议,必须经代表 2/3 以上表决权的股东通过,在股份有限责任公司中,必须经出席会议的股东所持表决权的 2/3 以上通过。但是,公司减少资本后,其注册资本不得低于法定注册资本最低额。3、公司必须编制资产负债表及财产清单。4、通知或公告债权人。公司应当自作出减资决议之日起 10 日内通知债权人,并于 30 日内在报纸上公告。5、债务清偿或担保。债权人自接到通知书之日起 30 日内,未接到通知书的自公告之日起 45 日内,有权要求公司清偿债务或者提供相应的担保。5、办理减资登记手续。公司注册资本发生变动后,必须办理变更登记,并自登记之日起,减资生效。基于上述规定,可以把对债权人的利益保护归纳为以下几方面:公开资产


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