1、Do you know what these things are?Chinese cultural relicsWhat is a cultural relic?A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time, often a part of something old that has remainedwhen the rest of it has been destroyed;it tells people about the past.Ming Dynasty vaseIts very old and it
2、 is very special to the Ming dynasty period.Look at the pictures below and discuss what they are and whether they are cultural relics or not.4Ming Dynasty vase明朝花瓶This vase is a kindof china which wasmade in China.Taj Mahal(泰姬陵). It is located in India.It is the grave a king built for his wife.It sh
3、owed the deeplove of theking andqueen.ivory dragon boatspecial material and fine design Mogao Caves (In China)Its part of the cliffs. 莫高窟( 千佛洞)8Mogao CavesThere are man-made Buddhist (佛教)paintings in those caves.It represents the period when people felt strongly enough about Buddhism.9.Pre-reading:Have you ever seen a piece of amber?What do you know about it?color yellow- brownfeel likeAmber is the fossil(化石)form of resin(树脂) from trees. It takes millions of years to form.feel as hard as stoneWhat is amber?