1、Ascaris LumbricoidesP172Ascaris LumbricoidesAscaris lumbricoides , common saying “round worm of man”, is the largest of the intestinal nematodes parasitizing humans. It is the most common worm found in human. It is worldwide in distribution and most prevalent through out the tropics, sub-tropics and
2、 more prevalent in the countryside than in the city 似蚓蛔线虫(蛔虫)Ascaris lumbricoides一、形态成虫活体2035cm1531cm蛔虫唇 瓣扫描电镜图受精卵未受精卵脱蛋白质膜受精卵虫卵 蛋白质膜卵壳卵细胞新月形间隙卵黄颗粒成虫(小肠)卵 随粪入土潮湿、荫蔽、O2充足21-30。C感染期卵经口误食、孵出幼虫、体内移行二生活史录像侵入肠粘膜的小V、小L右心门静脉 肝肺 肺泡(蜕皮2次)咽支气管气管 食管 胃 小肠(蜕皮1次)蛔虫幼虫的体内移行:生活史的特点:1、寄生部位:2、感染阶段:3、感染途径:4、雌虫产卵:小肠感染期卵经口感染每天可多达24万个三、致病(pathogenesis)og sis)录 像1、幼虫致病2、成虫致病蛔虫性哮喘并发症掠夺营养引起变态反应 哮喘,荨麻疹并发症(国内报告 8468例)胆道蛔虫症 4556例(53.8%)蛔虫性肠梗阻 2337例(27.6%)蛔虫性阑尾炎 143例蛔虫性胰腺炎 17例蛔虫性哮喘 1352例蛔虫性肝脓肿 33例