1、第一节 单纯疱疹病毒(Herpes simplex virus, HSV ) 分两型: HSV-1,HSV-2 传染源:病人、携带者(病毒存在疱疹病灶及唾液中)传播途径:直接接触、性接触、飞沫 原发感染:HSV-1:齿龈口腔炎、唇疱疹、角结膜炎(6月-2岁)HSV-2: 外生殖器疱疹(80%,由HSV-2引起,20% HSV-1)1 23潜伏感染HSV-1:三叉神经节HSV-2:骶神经节复发时引起所支配皮肤粘膜疱疹齿龈口腔炎 Primary herpes gingivostomatitis (from Hart CA, Broadhead RL: A color atlas of pediat
2、ric infectious diseases, London, 1992, Wolfe)Mucosal ulceration and gingivitis typical of primary HSV-1 stomatitis in a child. may also occur on the hard palate (which helps differentiate HSV infection from herpangina caused by coxsackie virus)Dwyer,DE26719130 课件 4唇疱疹 Cold sore of recurrent herpes l
3、abialis. It is less severe than that of primary disease. (From Hart CA, Broadhead RL: A color atlas of pediatric infectious diseases, London, 1992, Wolfe.) 先天性感染及新生儿感染垂直感染畸形、智力低下、流产等新生儿疱疹(产道)头皮等处,并可累及内脏(肺、肝、脑)死亡50% HSV-2与宫颈癌(相关)微生物学检查 检查病毒分离(水泡液,角膜拭 , 道拭 性 CPE) ( 、 、 ) 学 : (ACV) , 复发currency1HSV感染“产
4、 Virus can be obtained from vesicles but not crusted lesions. And produce CPE within-3 days in HeLa cells,Vero Cells (kidney epithelial cells extracted from African green monkey ) et. Al.第节 水fi带fl疱疹病毒 原发感染:水fi(儿 发)传染源: 水fi者( 道分物、水疱液)带fl疱疹者(水疱液)传播途径:飞沫、接触病:病毒在” 殖病毒 :发 、皮肤疹、水疱(疱疹) : ,人,currency1.Characteristic rash of varicella in all stages of its evolution. (From Hart CA, Broadhead RL: A color atlas of pediatric infectious diseases, London, 1992, Wolfe.)1papule2 3vesicle4pus5crust