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1、 1. 一、下列每组单词中,有一个与所给单词不同类,将其序号填入题前括号内 (20 分 ) ( )1. panda A. tiger B. ruler C. zebra ( )2. Monday A. day B. Tuesday C. Friday ( )3. hand A. leg B. foot C. grape ( )4. one A. three B. door C. seven ( )5. doctor A. man B. teacher C. nurse ( )6. white A. red B. brown C. skirt ( )7. banana A. peach B. p

2、lane C. pear ( )8. ant A. bee B. butterfly C. dog ( )9. headache A. feel B. cough C. cold ( )10. piano A. guitar B. pants C. violin 二、选择正确的词填空 (20 分 ) ( )1. -_ floor do you live? -I live on the second floor. A. What B. Where C. Which ( )2. Sally is _ . She cant get the book on the table. A. hungry B

3、. tall C. short ( )3. -_ do you go to see movies? -Once a week. A. How often B. Where C. When ( )4. -_ is the coat? -Thirty-five Yuan, please. A. How B. How much C. How old ( )5. I cant hear you. Please read it _ . A. carefully B. loudly C. quickly ( )6. Whats wrong with you? A. I have a headache. B

4、. I dont like beans. C. Is there any thing wrong with you? ( )7. Whats the weather like today? A. Its Sunday today. B. Its sunny. C. Its late outside. ( )8. Where is Tom going? A. Hes watching TV. B. He can do it. C. Hes going to school. ( )9. 当别人对你说 “Lets go skating!” ,你不想去可以说: A. Sorry, I cant. B.

5、 OK, lets go. C. Thats a good idea. ( )10. 当别人对你说 “Whats your job?” 你可以说: A. Im Kate. B. Im a doctor. C. Im Li Mings mother. 三、选择恰当的答案 (15 分 ) ( )1. Your new dress is very nice. How much is it? ( )2. Where is the washroom? ( )3. Are there any apples on the desk? ( )4. Do you often go to school by bu

6、s? ( )5. When does the supermarket open? A. Near the tall tree B. Thank you. Its 35 Yuan. C. Yes, there are some apples. D. It opens at 8:00 in the morning E. No, I dont. I go to school by bike. 四、组句 (15 分 ) 1. How often you play football do? _ 2. eats always ice-creams on He Saturdays. _ 3. I you h

7、elp Can? _ 4. the dress How is much? _ 5. Peter going sometimes swimming likes. _ 五、读下面故事,然后选择 (15 分 ) There is an apple tree in the yard of Mikes house. There are a lot of apples on the tree. Theyre big, red, and sweet. One day, Mike wants to get an apple because he likes eating apples very much, b

8、ut hes too short. So he puts a chairs under the tree. He wants stand on the chair to get the apple, but he still cant get it. His brother comes up to help him. He gets two apples. One is for Mike, the other one is for himself. Mike is very happy. ( )1. An apple tree is _ . A. near Mikes house B. beh

9、ind Mikes house C. in Mikes yard D. in Mikes room ( )2. Mike _ . So he wants to get an apple. A. is hungry B. is tall C. very happy D. likes eating apples. ( )3. Mike puts a chair under the tree because_ . A. he is too short to get the apple B. he wants to stands on it C. his brother asks him to do

10、that D. he is tired ( )4. His brother gets _ at last(最后 ). A. one apple B. two apples C. three apples D. nothing ( )5. Is Mike very happy at the end? _ . A. Yes, he is B. No, he isnt C. Yes, it is 六、读下面故事,然后回答问题 (15 分 ) Last week Bill went shopping with his sister Jane and his aunt Mary. They went t

11、o the bank first and then they went to the market. Aunt Mary bought some fruit - grapes and apples. Bill wanted coconuts, but there werent any. Aunt Mary bought some ice creams. She had one, Jane had one, but Bill had two ice creams, Bill was very happy. Questions: 1. How many people went shopping?

12、_ 2. Where did they go first? _ 3. What kind of fruit did Aunt Mary buy? _ 4. Who had two ice creams? _ 5. Was Bill very happy? _ 2 一、英汉互译: 1.hear from 2.have a look 3.in the world 4.thousands of 5.be busy doing 6. 踢足球 7.在他回家的路上 8.准备做某事 9.吃早饭 10.上学迟到 二、情景交际: ( )1.How tall are you? a. Its made of cot

13、ton. ( )2.Can we go fishing tomorrow? b. OK. Lets go. ( )3.Do you like your job? c. It might rain in the afternoon. ( )4.Where did you go this morning? d. Im 158 metres tall. ( )5.Shall we go to the park? e. Yes, of course. ( )6.Where have you been? f. I went to the post office. ( )7.Whats your coat

14、 made of? g. I was watching TV. ( )8.When was the Great Wall built? h. It was first built 2500 years ago . ( )9.Why are you taking an umbrella? i. Yes, I do. ( )10.What were you doing at 7:00 j. To the beach yesterday evening. 三、句型转换 : 1.We have already done our homework.(一般疑问句 ) 2.He is young. He c

15、ant go to school.(用 tooto 连成一句 ) 3.She planted some pear trees last spring.(被动语态 ) 4.The cows were eating grass quietly.(否定句 ) 5.They have seen the film yesterday.(用 She 做主语 ) 四、看样子,写单词: go goes going went gone buy watches hitting heard fallen 五、读短文,选择正确答案: When people meet each other for the first

16、time in Britain, they say “How do you do?” and shake hands( 握手 ). Usually they do not shake hands when they just meet or say goodbye. But they shake hands after they havent met for a long time or when they will be away from each other for a long time. Last year a group of German students went to Eng

17、land for a holiday. Their teacher told them that the English people hardly shake hands. So when they met their English friends at the station, they kept their hands behind their backs. The English students had learned that the Germans shake hands as often as possible, so they put their hands in fron

18、t and got ready to shake hands with them. It made both of them laugh. 1.It is_ if you know the language and some of the customs of the country. A .not useful B. not helpful C. very helpful D. very bad 2.English people usually shake hands when they_. A. meet every time B. meet for the first time C. s

19、ay goodbye to each other D. say hello to each other 3.Usually English people dont shake hands_. A. when they will be away for a long time B. when they say “How do you do?” C. when they just meet or say goodbye D. after they havent met for a long time 4.Which is right? A. German people shake hands as

20、 often as possible. B. English people like shaking hands very much. C. German people hardly shake hands. D. Neither English people nor Germans like shaking hands. 5.This story is about _. A. shaking hands B. languages C. customs D. languages and customs 3. 一、填入单词中所缺字母 (20 分 ) 1. pop_lar 2. s_ngle 3.

21、 n_cklace 4. alb_m 5. th_ndering 6. w_ _ther 7. Austr_li_ 8. diff_ _ence 9. comp_te 10. rep_ _e 11. te_per_ture 12. tomat_ 13. d_lphin 14. a_ r_v_ at 到达 15. str_nge 16. d_ffic_ lt 17. cr_sp 18. t_ _ch 19.t_ste 20. r_ c_ive 二、找出划线字母发音不同的选项,将它的字母代号填入前面括号内。 (10分 ) 1.( ) A. miss B. sick C. writer D. bri

22、dge 2.( ) A. town B. snowy C. rainbow D. follow 3.( ) A. young B. you C. touch D. enough 4.( ) A. foggy B. hot C. cold D. crop 5.( ) A. season B. break C. beach D. eagle 6.( ) A. train B. rainy C. afraid D. curtain 7.( ) A. useful B. jump C. husband D. hungry 8.( ) A. company B. shy C. hurry D. marr

23、y 9.( ) A. geography B. maths C. agree D. several 10.( ) A. decide B. exam C. divide D. prepare % 三 、单项选择题,将字母代号填入括号内。 (20 分 ) 1. The boy is afraid of the wolf, isnt he? _( ) (A). Yes, he isnt. (B). Yes, he is. (C). No, he is. (D). No, it isnt. 2. Linda: How _apples do you eat every day Bill: Seven.

24、 ( ) (A) much (B) many (C) often (D) old 3. Many children want to buy computers _ they like to play games. _they dont know playing computer games for a long time is bad for their eyes. ( ) (A). because, So (B). but, And (C). and, Because (D). because, But 4. I _ a student last year. ( ) (A). am (B).

25、 is (C). was (D). were 5. He opened the door_ went shopping with his brother. ( ) (A) and (B) but (C) so (D) or 6. we think Tim is the _ student in our class. ( ) (A) heavy (B)heavier (C) heaviest (D) heavyest 7. Sally: Why does he get only 20 grades on this math test? Its not hard. ( grades: 分数 ) N

26、ora: He _studies math after class, you know. ( ) (A) never (B) often (C) usually (D) always 8. Lisa: Can you speak English Amanda: Yes, I _.( ) (A) do (B) will (C) can (D) am 9. John and Tom are good students. The teachers like very much. ( ) (A) they (B) them (C) their (D) theirs 10. _ you going to

27、 the museum now? ( ) (A) Are (B) Did (C) Do (D) Is 四、以下为上 ,下文题意连贯的题组 ,请依上 ,下文意 ,选出正确答 案填入横线中。 .(10 分 ) Joe is a student in NO.12 Middle School. 21. He_ English very much. 22. There_ an English test next Tuesday. (A) like (B) likes (C) liked (D) liking (A) was (B) be (C) will be (D) to be 23. So he_

28、it in his room. 24. He _95 on the last English exam. (A) study (B) studies (C) studied (D) is studying (A) get (B) gets (C) got (D) is getting 25. He thinks he can _good grades this time, too. (A) have (B) has (C) had (D) is having 五、阅读理解。阅读以下短文,完成短文后的问题并将字母代号填入括号内。(12 分 ) 短文一 Robert 今早到校时 ,在他的抽屉里发现

29、了一张字条 ,内容如下 ,并根据字条内容回答下列问题 : Dear Robert, My mother gave me the book yesterday evening, thanks. Mom said you didnt stay long at my home. I know you did not finish reading it, but my father needs it now, so I have to get it back. Im sorry. Steve was very angry about what you said yesterday afternoon.

30、 In fact, he didnt say anything bad about you. It was Allen. He said you took Elizas MP3 during the PE(体育 )class. But I know you didnt. Say something to Steve. Hes your good friend, remember Please dont tell Allen I told you this, or Ill be in many troubles(麻烦 ). Nancy 1. ( )What may Robert do after school today ? ( may: 可能 ) (A) He may say sorry to Steve. (B) He may give the MP3 back to Eliza. (C) He may ask Allen about the book. (D) He may study English with Nancy.


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