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1、Unit 9 Hollywood Text comprehensionI. CII. T; F; F; T; F; T.III. 1. Refer to Para.1.2. Refer to Para.2.3. Refer to Para.3.4. Refer to Para.3.5. Refer to Para.4.6. Refer to Para.5.7. Refer to Para.7.8. Refer to Para.9.IV.1. Young star-struck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams.

2、= Young teenagers who are preoccupied with a dream of being movie stars could realize it if they are lucky enough. 2. They were held on a tight rein by the studio chiefs who could make or break all but the stars with really big appeal. = The fate of the stars was entirely in the hands of the studio

3、chiefs, who had the absolute power to create or ruin a star, except those who really attracted the audience. 3. Stars were often typecast. = Stars were nearly always made to play the same type of role. 4. Hollywood is no longer the heart of the worlds motion picture industry. = Hollywood is not the

4、center of the worlds movie producing industry any longer.Vocabulary AnalysisI.1. were left with = ended up with 以而结束2. reached its peak = was most successful / was at its best 到达的顶峰3. are still very much in business = are still operating very well 仍然经营良好4. hoped in vain = cherished hopes that would

5、never come true 怀抱无法实现的梦想5. with really big appeal= having great popularity among audiences 极受欢迎6. get their own way at all costs = do whatever they want to do, regardless of all the dissatisfaction and opposition from others 一意孤行,不计代价,完全不管其他人的不满和反对 II1. interfere with; 2. neighbouring; 3. swung ope

6、n; 4. was determined to; 5. hits of the year; 6. as for the reasons; 7. intellectual and practical; 8. leasing the venue; 9. movie stars appeal; 10. colossal damage. III.1.attraction: tourist attractions 旅游景点2.furniture: 注意该词的用法(不可数) a piece of furniture;furnishing: 常用复数形式(可数)指家具 furnishings3.immort

7、al: 不朽的,永恒的。undying: 常指强烈而不变的情感。deathless: 不朽的,难忘的。4.Introduce:引进。5.whatever: no matter what,无论什么。 whatsoever: = whatever, but used after a negative phrase to add emphasis6.image: 形象。7.unscrupulous: 毫无顾忌的。8.packed: very crowded 挤满,打包. occupied: a place being controlled,被武装占领. engaged:从事,卷入某事。 filled

8、: 充满东西(非人) 。IV.1. suggest: 意味着,使人想起,指的是不明确的对象 . mean: 意思是,指的是明确的内容.a. means, means; b. suggests; c. mean; d. means. 2. fulfill: 完成,执行某确定的任务、要求、合同等. realize: 实现之前怀抱的梦想、心愿等.a. realized; b. fulfilled; c. realize; d. fulfill. 3. constant: 稳定地进行. continuous: 持续不断地进行.a. constant; b. constant; c. continuou

9、s; d. continuous. 4. cease: 某过程进行完了,带动词不定式表示结束了某行动,不再进行了. stop: 表示外在具体行为的阻止,带动词不定式表示停下来去开始新的行动.a. cease; b. stopped; c. stops; d. ceased. V. Give synonyms or antonyms of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1.Synonyms: rich, splendid, grand, magnificent2. Antonyms: small, lit

10、tle, tiny, insignificant3. Synonyms: continuous, continual, non-stop4. Antonyms: unambitious, ambitionless, unmotivated5. Synonym: fortunate6. Antonyms: fall, drop, decline, sink7.Synonyms: skillfully, competently, professionally8. Antonym: public VI Rephrase each of the following sentences with the

11、 word given in brackets.1. Have you any objection to my sitting here for a few minutes? (mind)Tip: mind v. care 介意Key: Do you mind my sitting here for a few minutes? 2. Im going to make you responsible for todays programme. (charge)Tip: charge n. supervise, control 监管,管理in charge of control 管理Key: I

12、m going to put you in charge of todays programme. 3. The firm is going to raise everybodys salary. (given)Tip: give v. offer, provide 给予Key: Everybody is going to be given a salary raise/ rise. 4. Did Pamela say why she was so late? (reason)Tip: reason n. explanation 解释Key: Did Pamela give any reaso

13、n for being so late? 5. It wasnt necessary for you to do all that washing-up. (neednt)Tip: need aux. 需要Key: You neednt have done all that washing-up.6. Things are always going wrong in a job like this. (sort)Tip: sort n. kind, type 种类Key: Things are always going wrong in a job of this sort. 7. Virgi

14、nia learned to ski when she was five years old. (age)Tip: age n. how long sth. has existed 年,岁at the age of: years old 岁Key: Virginia learned to ski at the age of five. 8. Its no use trying to mend this tyre. (point)Tip: point, meaning, significance 意义no point (in): no need 不需要,没意义Key: Theres no poi

15、nt in trying to mend this tyre. Grammar ExercisesI. Complete the following sentences.1. Bad driving causes (cause) many accidents. 2. are. 3. flows. 4. has. 5. gives6. knits. 7. passes / shoots. 8. Opens; closes II1. is; 2. retains; 3. have; 4. are; 5. are; 6. has; 7. will supply.III. Complete the f

16、ollowing sentences.1. helps. 2. hope ; are enjoying ; sunbathe ; go ; are going 3. is being 4. typing.5. am not eating. 6. am reading7. are always leaving8. go ; belongs ; is using IV1. freezes. 1) eternal truths and scientific statements.2. am working. 5) The present progressive suggests temporarin

17、ess.3. no error. momentary verbs are non-progressive verbs 非进行动词.4. am falling. 1) an action in progress at the moment of speaking.5. insist. stative verbs are non-progressive verbs 非进行动词.6. no error. 6) The present progressive shows annoyance.7. passes, shoots. 5) occasionally be used to denote pas

18、t time, with tell, say (commentaries), hear, write, (give,) learn.8. no error. Both simple present and present progressive are OK with regard to “these days”.9. know. stative verbs are non-progressive verbs 非进行动词.10. gather (infer, think). stative verbs are non-progressive verbs 非进行动词. V.1. do you b

19、elong to.2. I think.3. can see.4. Im going over.5. Do you believe.6. prefers.7. I miss.8. always reads. VI. Only when+ S-V inversionOnly when did SUBJECT discover.Only when they took the exam did the students regret paying so little attention to the texts.TranslationI. 1. 好莱坞意味着诱惑,是那些满脑子明星梦的青少年们如果鸿运

20、高照的话也许能圆梦的地方。2. 至于明星本人,他们被电影公司的老板牢牢地控制着。这些老板可以造就一个明星,也可以毁掉一个明星,除非是真正的大腕。3. 现在多数电影都是在现场拍摄的,也就是说,根据剧本的要求在城市、在农村以及在世界各地拍摄。4. 这是个将永远与电影制作紧密相连的地名,在未来的许多年里,那些好莱坞的老电影将在全世界的电影院和电视屏上反复地播映。II 1Towering above all others, this mountain peak commands a fine view.2I have asked my friends to recommend a doctor who

21、 is good at treating children.3The children were swinging on a rope hanging from a tree.4 The government is determined to avoid at all costs a sharp rise in food price.5. He tried his best to save the drowning boy, but in vain.6. That old woman is always interfering in other peoples affairs.7. After

22、 having several influential papers published, he became quite distinguished in the academic world.8. Pollution is so serious in this area that the villagers can hardly find any water that is fit for drinking.9. I packed a suitcase with all the things that might be needed.10. We Chinese usually assoc

23、iate the Spring Festival with family reunion. Exercises for integrated skills1. DictationIts that time of the year again, / when the entertainment world gets excited about the Oscars / and the madness that surrounds Hollywoods biggest night of the year. / Everybody has an opinion / on which film sho

24、uld take home the Best Picture Prize / and who should walk away with the statuette for Best Actor and Best Actress. / But its only after the ceremony is over / that the real analysis begins. / People commented on the acceptance speeches, / rate the host on his or her performance, / and examine all a

25、ttendee closely, / from their hairstyle right down to their socks.2. Cloze Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.More than 10,000 film and television (1) writers in the United States have been on strike since November 5th. Work has (2) stopped on many TV shows a

26、nd movies. The international market for American entertainment means that Americans are not the (3) only ones watching and waiting for a settlement.The (4) main issue is this: Writers and producers have been unable to (5) agree about payment for work that appears on the (6) Internet. The download ma

27、rket for TV shows and movies is still small but expected to (7) grow. No one knows exactly how much “old media” will move into new media. Writers want a (8) share of the profits. But producers say it is too early to know how much profit can be (9) made on the Web, and how that money should be divide

28、d. Their proposals would need to be renegotiated in the (10) future.Writing1. Dangling Modifier 垂悬修饰语Dangling modifiers are verbal phrases (participial, gerund, infinitive), or prepositional phrases, or elliptical clauses that do not refer clearly and logically to any word in the sentence. Because o

29、f the use of a dangling modifier, such a sentence is not coherent and may be hard to understand.To eliminate dangling modifiers, we can firstly name the proper or logical doer of the action as the subject of the main clause; secondly change the phrase into a complete clause by naming the doer of the

30、 action in the clause; thirdly combine the phrase and the main clause into one.A. Dangling participle phraseUse the logical doer of the action as the subject of the main clause.Change the phrase into a complete clause by naming the doer of the action in the clause. B. Dangling gerund phraseUse the l

31、ogical doer of the action as the subject of the main clause.Change the phrase into a complete clause by naming the doer of the action in the clause. C. Dangling infinitive phraseUse the logical doer of the action as the subject of the main clause.Combine the phrase and the main clause into one sente

32、nce.D. Dangling prepositional phraseChange the phrase into a complete clause by naming the doer of the action in the clause. E. Dangling elliptical clause Name the logical doer of the action as the subject of the clause.Each of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier. Correct them.1. To

33、 take good pictures, a good camera must be used. (Dangling infinitive phrase)Revised1: A good camera must be used to take good pictures.Combine the phrase and the main clause into one sentence.Revised2: To take good pictures, you must use a good camera must be used.Use the logical doer of the action

34、 as the subject of the main clause.2. By doing right all the time, your conscience will not trouble you. (Dangling gerund phrase)Revised: If you do right all the time, your conscience will not trouble you.Change the phrase into a complete clause by naming the doer of the action in the clause.3. Havi

35、ng submitted the conference registration form after the deadline, special permission by the chairperson was needed before she could give her presentation. (Dangling participle phrase)Revised: Having submitted the conference registration form after the deadline, she needed special permission from the

36、 chairperson before she could give her presentation.Use the logical doer of the action as the subject of the main clause. 4. When purchasing a cellular phone, the wide variety of calling plans and features overwhelms many people.Revised 1: When purchasing a cellular phone, many people become overwhe

37、lmed by the wide variety of calling plans and features. overwhelms many people.Revised 2: When many people purchase a cellular phone, the wide variety of calling plans and features overwhelms them. many people. 5. When in diapers, my mother remarried. (Dangling elliptical clause)Revised: When I was

38、in diapers, my mother remarried.Use the doer of the action as the subject of the elliptical clause. 6. The evening passed very pleasantly, drinking coffee and singing karaoke.We passed the evening passed very pleasantly, drinking coffee and singing karaoke. 7. At the age of five, my mother taught me

39、 how to play the piano. (Dangling prepositional phrase)Revised: When I was five, my mother taught me how to play the piano.Change the phrase into a complete clause by naming the doer of the action in the clause. 8. Cooked in a sweet and sour sauce, he baked a delicious ham.He baked a delicious ham i

40、n a sweet and sour sauce. 9. After releasing the suspect, new evidence was given to the police.After releasing the suspect, the police were given new evidence. was given to the police. 10. If lost, we shall have to pay compensation for the room key.If the room key is lost, we shall have to pay compe

41、nsation for it. the room key.Listening ExercisesGrace Kelly The Most Beautiful Tale of HollywoodYou are going to hear a story about Grace Kelly, the most beautiful tale of Hollywood.A. Listen carefully, and complete the following Grace Kelly Profile.Grace Kelly ProfileBirth date: November 12, 1929Bi

42、rthplace: PhiladelphiaFamily: father Jack Kelly, mother Margaret, and three siblingsEducation: the American Academy of Dramatic ArtsOccupation: model and film actressMarital status: married Prince Rainier Gerard of Monaco in 1956Achievement: received the Best Actress Oscar for her performance in The

43、 Country Girl in 1954Famous movies:1951 Fourteen Hours1952 High Noon1954 The Country Girl1954 Rear Window1954 Dial M for Murder1955 To Catch a ThiefB. Listen again and supply the missing words according to what you hear.Grace Kelly. Too good to be true. The epiphany of cool , blond , refined , intel

44、ligent , everything she touched turned to gold . She was the model with the face of someone who didnt need the job . She was for six years the glamorous queen of Hollywood , the leading lady leading men fell in love with . And she was the only queen to ever become a princess . Just too good to be tr

45、ue. Grace Kelly: The thrill of this moment keeps me from saying what I really feel . I can only say thank you with all my heart to all who made this possible for me. Thank you. Grace Kelly was a tough woman who gave the illusion of being a frail lady . An international icon who symbolized perfection

46、 . Grace Kelly: I dont see this, though I achieved enough in my career to stand up more than many other people. I was very lucky in my career and I loved it. But I dont think I was accomplished enough as an actor to be remembered for that particularly. I would like to be remembered as trying to do m

47、y job well , of being understanding and kind . Id like to be remembered as a decent human being .Tapescript Grace Kelly The Most Beautiful Tale of HollywoodGrace Kelly. Too good to be true. The epiphany of cool, blond, refined, intelligent, everything she touched turned to gold. She was the model wi

48、th the face of someone who didnt need the job. She was for six years the glamorous queen of Hollywood, the leading lady leading men fell in love with. And she was the only queen to ever become a princess. Just too good to be true.Grace Kelly was born on November 12, 1929, in Philadelphia, the third

49、of four children of Jack Kelly and his wife Margaret. After the war, her parents allowed Grace to go off to New York, to enter the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, and funded her stay. She was soon discovered by the modeling industry, where, it was said, she had a face that could sell anything.In 1954, Grace Kelly, only 24 years old, received the Best Actress


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