1、脊髓灰质炎脊髓灰质炎Poliomyelitis儿科教研室儿科教研室第十章第一节( 2)目的要求 熟悉本病病因、流行病学及发病机制 掌握本病的典型临床经过和诊断 熟悉本病的鉴别诊断 掌握本病不同病期的治疗及本病的预防措施脊髓灰质炎 是由脊髓灰质炎病毒引起的急性传染病。 90%发生在岁以下儿童 (Poliomyelitis is an acute infectious disease caused by polioviruses infection.90% of patients occurs before 5 years old).概述 (overview)概述 (overview)n 病变主要
2、在脊髓灰质,表现为 弛缓性肌肉麻痹,可留下瘫痪后遗症 (The pathologic lesions of poliomyelitis occurs chiefly in the gray matter of spinal cord.The main clinical feature is flaccid paralysis. Sequelae of paralysis may be left over)。AFP( acute flaccid paralysis)急性弛缓性麻痹AFP定义 : 指临床表现为急性起病,以肢体运动障碍为主,并伴有肌肉弛缓性麻痹(软瘫)的一组疾病。AFP病例 : 任何
3、 15岁以下出现急性软瘫的儿童。概述 (overview)脊髓灰质炎病毒 属肠道病毒(Poliovirus is an enterovirus, a small RNA virus that affects the central nervous system.) 病因 (ETIOLOGY)病因 (ETIOLOGY)按抗原性分 、 、 型,各型间很少交叉免疫,以 型病毒最易致瘫 (There are three antigenically distinct serotypes of poliovirus, type 1,2,and 3,less cross-immunization.Most
4、paralytic disease is caused by type 1.).发病机制 (PATHOGENESIS)病毒 口或上呼吸道肠道粘膜上皮细胞局部淋巴组织咽分泌物及粪便排病毒免疫力强 隐性感染 covert infection血液:第一次病毒血症 潜伏期 病毒增殖全身淋巴组织中血液:第二次病毒血症 前驱期 病 毒毒 力 多 强血脑屏障 CNS 瘫痪前期NC受损轻 NC受损重无瘫痪型 瘫痪型 瘫痪期 (nonparalytic type) (paralytic type) 顿挫型abortive type病理 (pathology)n 病变主要在中枢神经系统,以脊髓受累最多见,并以颈段与腰段脊髓前角运动细胞受损最严重。其次是脑干及中枢神经系统其他部位。(Lesions occur chiefly in central nervous system , particularly in spinal cord , where destruction of anterior horn motor cells of cervical and waist segments is most serious, in the next place ,in brainstem and the rest part of central nervous system) .