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1、听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】参考译文 布鲁塞尔召开国际会议 旨在为叙利亚筹集资金BBC news with Marine Marshall.马林 马歇尔为您播报 BBC 新闻。A self-styled Indian holy man who boasts 40 million followers has been found guilty of rape. The guru Asaram was accused of attacking a 16-year old girl at a spiritual center nea

2、r Jodhpur 5 years ago. The judge delivered his verdict from the citys jail because of concerns that it could provoke riots. Prominent Indian politicians, including the current Prime Minister Narendra Modi have attended Asarams meetings.一名自称是神职人员并夸口说自己有 4000 万追随者的印度男子近日被判强奸罪。大师阿斯马被控曾在 5 年前于焦特布尔附近的修行处

3、袭击一名 16 岁的女孩。法官出于担心会引起暴动而选择在焦特布尔市监狱宣读了判决。一些知名的印度政界人士,比如现任总理纳伦德拉莫迪参加了阿斯马的判决会。The head of footballs governing body FIFA is facing an allegation that he tried to interfere in the awarding of the 2026 World Cup. BBC news has been told that Gianni Infantino attempted to prevent Morocco from making it ont

4、o the ballot paper because he preferred a joint bid from the US, Canada and Mexico. In a response, a FIFA spokesman said the president wasnt involved in the process.足球监管机构国际足球联盟主席将面临一项指控,即他曾试图干涉 2026 年世界杯主办权花落谁家。根据我台记者发回的报道,主席詹尼 因凡蒂诺曾试图阻止摩洛哥进入候选名单,因为他更倾向于由美国、加拿大和墨西哥联合主办 2026 世界杯。国际足联在回应时表示,主席詹尼 因凡蒂诺

5、并未有过这种举动。An international conference to raise the money for Syria has taken place in the Belgian capital, Brussels. The director of the World Food Program in Syria, Jakob Kern has said two thirds of the population need help.比利时首都布鲁塞尔已召开一项国际会议,旨在为叙利亚筹集资金。世界粮食计划署驻叙利亚国家主任克恩表示,叙利亚 2/3 的百姓需要援助。At least 1

6、0 people have been killed and dozens more injured in a fire at an oil well in Indonesia. A local official says fire fighters in the northwestern province of Aceh are battling to contain the blaze.至少 10 人死亡,数十人受伤,原因是印尼的一口油井处发生了一场火灾。某当地官员表示,亚齐省西北部的消防员们正在努力遏制火势。听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费

7、英语听力下载】The republican candidate Debbie Lesko has won a closely watched congressional election in the US state of Arizona. But a marginal victory was in single digits as the democrats made a strong showing in the district easily won by Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.共和党候选人勒斯科赢得了一场在亚利桑

8、那州举行的国会选举,这次选举全程都在密切监督下进行。不过,这次选举并非以决定性优势取胜的,只胜对手个位数的票选率。而民主党则在 2016 年特朗普以决定性优势取胜的地区取得了压倒性的胜利。Police in China have revealed they seized a record haul of cocaine with a street value of 160 million USD, in the biggest trafficking case ever seen on the mainland. The 1.3-ton drug consignment from South

9、America was found in Guangdong Province in February. Ten people have been detained in the police operation, most of them from Hong Kong.中国警方表示已创纪录截获一批市值达 1.6 亿美元的可卡因,这也是大陆最大的一次贩毒案。这批从南非入境的毒品重达 1.3 吨,2 月在广东省发现。10 人在警方的行动中被捕,其中大多数人来自香港特别行政区。BBC news.BBC 新闻。听力原文BBC news with Marine Marshall.A self-styl

10、ed Indian holy man who boasts 40 million followers has been found guilty of rape. The guru Asaram was accused of attacking a 16-year old girl at a spiritual center near Jodhpur 5 years ago. The judge delivered his verdict from the citys jail because of concerns that it could provoke riots. Prominent

11、 Indian politicians, including the current Prime Minister Narendra Modi have attended Asarams meetings.The head of footballs governing body FIFA is facing an allegation that he tried to interfere in the awarding of the 2026 World Cup. BBC news has been told that Gianni Infantino attempted to prevent

12、 Morocco from making it onto the ballot paper because he preferred a joint bid from the US, Canada and Mexico. In a response, a FIFA spokesman said the president wasnt involved in the process.An international conference to raise the money for Syria has taken place in the Belgian capital, Brussels. T

13、he director of the World Food Program in Syria, Jakob Kern has said two thirds of the population need help.听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】At least 10 people have been killed and dozens more injured in a fire at an oil well in Indonesia. A local official says fire fighters in the nor

14、thwestern province of Aceh are battling to contain the blaze.The republican candidate Debbie Lesko has won a closely watched congressional election in the US state of Arizona. But a marginal victory was in single digits as the democrats made a strong showing in the district easily won by Donald Trum

15、p in the 2016 presidential election.Police in China have revealed they seized a record haul of cocaine with a street value of 160 million USD, in the biggest trafficking case ever seen on the mainland. The 1.3-ton drug consignment from South America was found in Guangdong Province in February. Ten people have been detained in the police operation, most of them from Hong Kong.BBC news.


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