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1、1美丽心灵美丽心灵是一部根据诺贝尔经济学奖得主数学家约翰?福布斯?纳什的真实故事改编的电影,于 2001 年上映。该电影的灵感来源于由西尔维雅?娜萨儿所撰写且于 1998 年获得普利策奖提名的同名畅销书。这部电影由罗素?克劳、詹妮弗?康纳利、艾德?哈里斯和保罗?贝特尼出演,并于 2002 年荣获四项奥斯卡奖最佳影片奖、最佳导演奖、最佳女配角奖和最佳剧本奖。 Jr. John Forbes Nash, a gifted1 math student, goes into Princeton University to study math in 1947. “The mysterious West

2、 Virginia genius” has never been to the preparing class of Princeton and doesnt have a wealthy relative who pays for him to get in Ivy League. However, the glory that he becomes the winner of the distinguished2 Carnegie Scholarship has proved that he is one of the top Princeton students. 1947 年,数学天才

3、小约翰?福布斯?纳什进入普林斯顿大学学习数学。这个“神秘的来自西弗吉尼亚的天才”并没有在普林斯顿大学读预科班的经历,也没有富有的亲戚资助他进入“常春藤盟校” 。但是他获得了普林斯顿最具声誉的卡耐基奖学金的殊荣,这证明他是普林斯顿大学的顶尖学生之一。 Nash is an introverted3 man, but he struggles to make a 2worthwhile4 contribution to the world of mathematics. Because of his character, he is laughed at by his schoolmates. F

4、ortunately, encouraged by his roommateCharles, he finally works out a revolutionary breakthrough. His inspiration comes when he and his classmates discuss how to approach a group of women at a bar. Martin Hanse quotes Adam Smith and advocates “every man for himself”, but Nash argues that a cooperati

5、ve5 approach will lead to better chances of success. This leads to a new concept of governing dynamics which Nash develops and publishes. Nash is only 20 years old then. On the strength of this he is offered an appointment at MIT. 纳什是一个内向的人,但他努力想要为数学界做出有价值的贡献。因为性格的原因,他总是被同学嘲笑。幸运的是,在他的室友查尔斯的鼓励下,他最终取得

6、了革命性的突破。有一次在酒吧,他和同学正讨论该怎么搭讪一群女人,这时候,他的灵感来了。马丁?汉森引用现代经济之父亚当?斯密的话并提倡“一人搭讪一个,人人为己” 。然而纳什认为,大家一起合作搭讪成功的几率更高。这样纳什提出并发表了纳什均衡点理论。那年的纳什年仅二十岁。凭借这个理论的成就,纳什获得了在麻省理工学院工作的机会。 Some years later, Nash is invited to the Pentagon to crack6 encrypted enemy telecommunication. Nash is able to decode it mentally, to the

7、astonishment of other code breakers. 3He considers his regular duties at MIT uninteresting and beneath7 his talents, so he is pleased to be given a new task by William Parcher, the supervisor of the United States Department of Defense, to look for patterns in magazines and newspapers in order to pre

8、vent a Soviet plot. Nash becomes increasingly obsessive about searching for these hidden patterns and believes he is followed when he delivers his results to a secret mailbox. 几年以后,纳什受邀到五角大楼破解敌人加密的通讯讯号。纳什光凭心算就能破解密码,这让其他电码译员惊讶不已。纳什觉得在麻省理工学院的日常工作枯燥且屈才,所以当他接到来自美国国防部的威廉?帕彻给的新任务时,他很乐意。新任务就是在报纸和杂志上寻找密码并破解

9、以阻止苏联阴谋。纳什越来越沉迷于寻找这些隐藏的密码,他每次去将破解结果送到一个秘密的邮箱时,都觉得有人在跟踪他。 Meanwhile a student, Alicia Larde, asks him to dinner, and the two fall in love. On a return visit to Princeton, Nash runs into8 Charles and meets Charles young niece Marcee, whom he adores9. With Charles encouragement he proposes to Alicia an

10、d they marry. But he can not tell her that he is working for Parchers dangerous project. Nash is becoming more and more paranoid so that he isnt able to live his daily life. At last, he is taken to a psychiatrist by Alicia and is told 4that he has lost the ability to differentiate imagination and re

11、ality. He is diagnosed10 to have schizophrenia. In fact, his roommate in Princeton, Charless niece and his boss William Parcher, all these people are imaginative; they do not truly exist. 与此同时,一个学生艾丽西亚?拉迪邀请纳什共进晚餐,俩人迅速坠入爱河。一次在回访普林斯顿大学的时候,纳什碰到了查尔斯和他的小侄女玛斯,他很喜欢这个姑娘。在查尔斯的鼓励下,纳什向艾丽西亚求婚,不久,俩人就结婚了。但是他不能告诉她

12、他正在为帕彻从事一项危险项目。纳什变得越来越偏执以至于都不能正常生活。最终艾丽西亚迫使他去看了心理医生,却被告知,他失去了辨别现实和幻想的能力。经诊断,他患上了妄想型精神分裂症。事实上,纳什的室友查尔斯,查尔斯的小侄女甚至威廉?帕彻都是纳什的幻觉,他们根本不存在。 Nashs life changes. He can not work again because of the illness and the drugs. But with the love and support from Alicia, Nash stops the drug and tries to work on mat

13、h again. He finally perfects his theory and the discovery turns his entire world upside down. In 1994, Nash is honored by his fellow professors for his achievement in mathematics, and goes on to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his revolutionary work on game theory. When accepting the a

14、ward, he says the following words with deep feeling: 5纳什的生活改变了。因为疾病和药物作用,他无法再继续工作。但是在艾丽西亚的关爱与支持下,纳什停止用药,并重新致力于数学研究中。最终他完善了他的理论,这一发现让他的生活发生了天翻地覆的变化。1994 年,纳什因在数学领域所取得的卓越成就受到同行教授们的尊敬,后来,他又因在博弈论上的革命性成就获得了诺贝尔经济学奖。在颁奖典礼上,他深情地说了如下的话: “Ive always believed in numbers, in the equations and logics that lead t

15、o reason. But after a lifetime of such pursuits11, I ask, “What truly is logic? Who decides reason?” My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional and back. And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life: It is only i

16、n the mysterious equations of love that any logical reasons can be found. Im only here tonight because of you (his wife, Alicia). You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons. Thank you.” “我一直以来都坚信数字、等式和逻辑这些理性的东西。但是在如此追求了一生后,我问自己:“逻辑到底是什么?谁决定其缘由?”我的探索让我从科学走向了形而上学,甚至后来得了妄想症,所幸现在又回到了最初。我在事业上及生活上获得的

17、最重要的发现就是:只有在神秘的爱的等式里,才能找到逻辑上的缘由。今晚我能站在这儿全是你(纳什的妻子)的功劳,你是我成功的因素,也是唯一的因素。谢谢你!6” From my point of view, a beautiful mind doesnt mean a perfect soul. It is persistence12, strong will and tolerance of a person when he is facing the hardship13 of life. 在我看来,美丽心灵并不意味着完美的心灵。美丽心灵是当一个人面对生活的困难时表现出来的坚持、坚强和包容心。

18、In the face of Nashs unstable fantasy, Alicia was desperate, helpless and angry. But that feeling lasts for just a short time. Before long she fights against schizophrenia with her husband in a strong will. She encourages him to get in touch with the outside world, to return to Princeton University.

19、 She refuses to follow doctors advice to isolate14 him in a mental hospital and force him to receive treatment when schizophrenia comes to him again. She refuses to abandon him. It can be put that without Alicia being around him, Nash could not have achieved such a great success in the end. 面对纳什反复无常

20、的幻想,艾丽西亚绝望过、无助过、愤怒过,不过绝望、无助和愤怒都只是短暂的。很快她又坚强地与自己的丈夫一起面对精神分裂,她鼓励自己的丈夫多接触外面的世界,鼓励他回到普林斯顿大学。当约翰?纳什的病情再次复发的时候,她没有听从医生的建议把他送到精神病院迫使他接受治疗,她拒绝抛弃自己的丈夫。可以说,如果没有艾丽西亚在约翰?纳什身边,纳什最终不会取得如此重大的成就。71 gifted adj. 有天赋的;有才华的 2 distinguished adj. 著名的;卓著的 3 introverted adj. 内向的 4 worthwhile adj. 值得做的,值得花时间的 5 cooperative adj. 合作的 6 crack vt. 打开;破解 7 beneath prep. 在之下 8 run into 遇见 9 adore vt. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱 10 diagnose v. 诊断;断定 11 pursuit n. 追赶,追求 12 persistence n. 坚持不懈;毅力 13 hardship n. 困苦;苦难;艰难险阻 14 isolate vt. 使隔离;使孤立;使绝缘


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