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1、 New Concept English Book 1-7 姓名 _ 分数 _ 一 、单项选择 1、 I went to the supermarket and bought a great many A.tomatos B.potatos C.vegetables D.meat 2、 He until it stopped raining. A.waited B. didnt wait C. leave D.left 3、 Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend? A .Its none of your business! B.Dear m

2、e! C .Take it easy. D.Enjoy yourself. 4、 A great number of students fond of films, but a good student seldom to the cinema A. are,goes B. is,goes C. are,go D. is,go 5. Im _ in that _ film A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting 6. I

3、ts very cold. _ your coat. A. Take off B. Put on C. Turn on D.Put off 7.The man could not bear it.He could not it. A.carry B.suffer C.stand D.lift 8.He calls at every house in the street.He everyone. A.shouts at B.calls C.cries out at D.visits 9.The detectives were a valuable parcel of diamonds. A.e

4、xpecting B.waiting C.expecting for D.expecting to 10.Jane has two brothers; one is John, and is Henry. A another B the others C the other D other 11.Listen! Somebody was knocking the door. A at B in C off D out 12.Up till now, I him for three times. A have called B has called C called D calls 13、 Wh

5、at an interesting book! I dont want to . A give back it B give it back C give to it D give it to 14.He_a book from me a few days ago. A. take B. lent C. borrowed D. steal 15.He made a big decision .he _ A. made a wish B. changed his mind C. made up his mind D. thought about it 16. Please move this c

6、hair. It is _ A. on the way B. in the way C. in a way D. on my way 17. The thieves wanted to_ the diamonds. A. rob B. steal C. take from D. take to 18. His father _the car for two years. A. bought B. has bought C. has had D. had 19. My sister has _to Beijing twice. A. gone B. been C. got D. come 20.

7、 There many trees on _side of the street now. A. all B. both C. two D. each 21.I have _to tell you . A. something new B. new something C. anything new 22.Great changes _since liberation. A. was taken place B. have taken place C. have been taken place 23.Its not polite to laugh _others. A. on B. in C

8、. at D. with 24. You can get much _about sports on the Internet. A. picture B. information C. ticket D. book 25. I _the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow. A. Will return B. returned C. have returned D. return 26. Excuse me sir, where is Room 301? Just a minute .Ill have Bob _ you to your room. A. s

9、how B. shows C. to show D. showing 27.You have failed two tests. Youd better start working harder , _you wont pass the course. A. and B. so C. but D. or 28. My aunt isnt here. She _shanghai on business .She will be back in three days. A. went B. has gone to C. has been to D. will go to 29. _ fast th

10、e boy ran! A. How B. How an C. What D. What an 30. Tell Lily to call me as soon as she _. A. will arrive B. gets there C. has gone D. reach here 31. How long have you _ this book? For three days. A. borrowed B. kept C. lent D. bought 32. - Hello! May I speak to your father? - Sorry, he _ Hangzhou. A

11、. has come to B. has been to C. has been in D. has gone to 33.-Have you to shanghai? -Yes, I have. A.been B.gone C.was D.were 34.This is a _ house. Please dont smoke here. A.different B.private C.single D.firm 35.Please come and_My dog when I am in hospital. A.look B.look after C.look for D.look at

12、36.The baby has a high fever. We must _ a doctor. A. send away B. send for C. send out D. send off 37.Its the bad manner to spit _ A. in common B. in conclusion C. in public D. in debt 38._,do you live with your parents or have a place of your own A. In the way B. By the way C. On the way D. In this

13、 way 39.Let us _ work early and go to the football game. A. knock at B. knock on C. knock off D. knock down 40. I sent him a present _ his help. A. in turn for B. with regard to C. in terms of D. as long as 41.Oceans _ about three quarters of the earth is surface. A. demand B. cover C. carry D. send

14、 42.They knocked him down and _ him of his briefcase. A. stealed B. expected C. carried D. robbed 43.Shirley is still waiting for her flight to New York City _ the airport. A. at B. under C. on D. with 44. If you more attention in class, you may actually learn something! A. get B. receive C take D.

15、pay 45.Did all the students in your class pass the test? - Some of them did. _ didnt. A. Another B. The others C. Some other D. Others 二、 中翻英 1. 请勿在公共场所大声讲话 。 2. 那是我哥哥的私家花园 3. 这里太吵了,我受不了。 4. 她把孩子宠坏了。 5. 在戏院的中央有一张桌子。 6.我在一家小公司上班。 7.我从没到过国外。 8.你有收到我的短信吗? 9.我对你只有一个要求。 10. 到目前为止,我还没有去过北京。 11. 到目前为止,我还没考

16、过 100 分。 12.这房间的书好多他都读过了 。 13.鸽子飞过这个森林花了十分钟。 14. 他去过好多地方 。 15. 他从来不向父母要钱。 16. 你会做倒立吗? 17. 你是风儿,我是沙。 18. 他们守在 厕所 门口,要求每一个进去的人都付一块钱。 19. 有人把我的自行车偷走了。 20.他们一点也不在意我说的话。 三、 用所给单词的适当形式填空: 21、 He is not very _(friend) towards newcomers(新来的 ). 22、 She slammed the telephone down_ (angry). 23、 It was a sudden

17、_ (decide) 24、 He works for that restaurant as a_ (wait) 25、 She is very_ (exciting) about winning the first prize. 26、 What have you been done_(late). 27、 We are very_ (please) with our new house. 28、 She _( rare) visited her aunt. 29、 What do you want? She asked_ (rude) 30、 I had a long _(converse) with her the other day(不久前一天)


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