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1、国医大师谈养生养生学的中西比观The different points of view about health science between TCM and western medicine,生长老死是个体发育过程一系列不可逆的量变和质变过程,是生命过程的必然规律。中医养生目的祛病延年The purpose on preservation of health in TCMeliminate disease and prolong life.保持健康,不发生未老先衰,尽可能活到应该活到的寿数,即“尽终天年”。Keep health and reach the natural span of

2、life.,中西方研究养生的对象和目的相同,Both Chinese and Western scholars have the same studying objects and purposes in health science.,3,中西方研究养生的认识和方法存在显著差异(Both Chinese and Western scholars have significant difference between epistemology and methodology):哲学原则与方法论的差别(The difference between the philosophical princi

3、ple and methodology)寿夭原因的不同认识( The different points of view about reason in longevity and death)养生方法的差异( The different methods in health science),4,哲学原则与方法论的差别中国养生学The difference between the philosophical principle and methodologyChinese health science,中国传统文化,尤其是儒道二家对养生学产生了深刻影响。( In traditional Chin

4、ese Culture, especially Confucianism and Taoism have the real consequences for health science.)儒道二家在养生学上均坚持多维观察与整体观念,认为人体生命是生理机体与精神活动的结合。(The Confucianism and Taoism almost insist on the perspective about wide-field eyesight and concept of wholism and think the life is the combination of physiology

5、and psychology.),5,哲学原则与方法论的差别中国养生学,儒道二家在祛病延年方面,都十分强调精神生活的优化和物质生活的超越,追求道德“至善”的理想境界,以保持人体内在的和谐、人与自然的和谐和人与社会的和谐,达到尽终天年的目的。(In the matter of eliminating disease and prolonging life, the Confucianism and Taoism almost emphasize on spiritual contentment and few desires in matter life, in order to keep th

6、e inner harmony of the human body, the harmony of people and nature and the harmony of people and society and reach the natural span of life.),6,哲学原则与方法论的差别中国养生学,儒道二家祛病延年的目标一致,途径不同,各有主张(The purpose on preservation of health is same and the method is different between Confucianism and Taoism):儒家主动,倾向

7、于精神振作,积极进取为法。( The Confucianism thinks that we should be active and aggressive.)道家主静,以消极、无为为特点。( The Taoism thinks that we should keep peaceful and negative. )中医兼取儒道二家之意,主张动静结合。( The TCM Combines the two views and propose a theory of dynamic and static combination.),7,哲学原则与方法论的差别中国养生学,素问上古天真论谓“法于阴阳”

8、、“和于术数”、“调于四时”、“以恬愉为务”、“以自得为功”、“心安而不惧,形劳而不倦”,“德全不危”,以炼形、保精、裕气、养神,达到“益寿而有极时”的目的。(What Plain Question said means that keeping dynamic and static combination can reach the natural span of life.),8,哲学原则与方法论的差别西方养生观,西方学者以机械论、还原论为指导思想,关注人体细胞、器官、系统的衰老,侧重病理形态与生理功能的研究,为阐明衰老的物质基础与机理,提出了数十种衰老学说,积累了宝贵经验。(Studyi

9、ng with mechanism and reductionism, western scholars pay close attention to senium about cell, organ and systems, emphasis on pathological morphology and physiological function, illustrate material basis and mechanism in aging and propose many theories about senium.),9,中西方哲学原则与方法论的差别(The difference

10、in the philosophical principle and methodology between CHINA AND WEST),中西方养生观存在:系统论与还原论,整体相关与局部定位,多维视野的综合分析与单一器官、系统的个别分析,重精神、气化与重物质、形态等不同。(The different points in health science between China and West: system theory and reductionism, concept of wholism and concept of part, comprehensive analysis and

11、 separate analysis, Spirit and material, function and morphology.),10,寿夭原因的不同认识中国养生学(the different points of view about reason in longevity and deathChinese health science),先天禀赋是寿夭衰老的决定性因素,包括体质学说与命门学说。(Natural endowment which contains physical theory and life-gate theory is determined to longevity a

12、nd aging.)体质学说:先天禀赋所形成的体质强弱,决定着人体的寿夭衰老。(Physical theory: the conditions of constitution are determined to longevity and aging.),11,而元气之量是:“当其受生之时,已有定分故终生无病者,待元气之自尽而死,此所谓终其天年者也”(清代徐灵胎元气存亡论、肾藏精论)具体见下图:,命门学说:命门所藏之元精、元气和元神,主宰着人的寿夭生死。(Life-gate theory: primordial essence, primordial Qi and primordial spi

13、rit govern longevity and aging.),12,寿命的等边三角形理论,天年(自然寿数),社会环境,生活方式,先天禀赋(元气多少),寿命的等边三角形理论,天年(自然寿数),社会环境,生活方式,先天禀赋(元气多少),先天禀赋,天年,社会环境不良,生活方式良好,寿命的等边三角形理论,天年(自然寿数),社会环境,生活方式,先天禀赋(元气多少),先天禀赋,天年,社会环境良好,生活方式不良,寿命的等边三角形理论,天年(自然寿数),社会环境,生活方式,先天禀赋(元气多少),先天禀赋,天年,社会环境不良,生活方式不良,寿夭原因的不同认识中国养生学,后天因素对寿夭衰老产生重要影响,包括生

14、活方式、自然环境、社会因素、疾病损伤等,并且都是通过对精气神的耗损而施加影响的。(Through life-style, natural environment, social factor and diseases, acquired factors deteriorate essence, Qi and spirit and play a negative impact on longevity and aging.),17,寿夭原因的不同认识西方养生学,西方学者重视个别器官、系统并深入到细胞、分子水平,力图找出形态结构和物质原因,提出遗传学说、自由基学说、内分泌功能减退学说、免疫学说等,

15、试图阐明衰老本质,积累了可贵的资料,但这些理论所指是衰老的原因还是结果,尚不清楚。( Western scholars pay close attention to organs and systems at molecular level and cell level and want to find the reason for morphological structure. They propose many theories, such as theory of heredity, free radical theory, theory of hypoendocrinism and

16、immunity theory, in order to illustrate aging Essence. But the reasons and results are not entirely clear.),18,中西医养生方法的共同点The same methods in health science between china and west,中西方均强调合理的生活方式、适当的运动锻炼、良好的饮食习惯、稳定的思想情绪、卫生的居住环境、和谐的社会生活,并寻求抗衰老的药物。(A reasonable way of life, proper exercise, good eating

17、habits, stabilization in emotion, clean living conditions, harmonious life, anti-aging drug.),19,养生方法的差异中国养生学The different methods in health science,养生之道,修德为先(moral cultivation is the first in regimen)顺应自然,人与天调(conforming to nature and keeping the harmony of people and nature)抗衰方药,因人而异(Anti-aging dr

18、ugs varies from person to person)中国独特的养生方法(special methods in health science in China),20,养生之道,修德为先,孔子中庸:“大德必得其寿”,修身以道,修道以仁”,故“仁者寿”。素问上古天真论:“淳德全道此盖益其寿命而强者也。”千金方:“夫养性者,所以习以成性,性自为善性既自善,内外百病皆不由生,祸乱灾害亦无由作,此养生之大径也”。明龚廷贤寿世保元:“积善有功,常存阴德,可以延年”。(Form above discussion, it is concluded that a noble person who

19、do more kind deeds can live longer.),21,养生之道,修德为先,养生当从修德入手,养德养生无二术,是历代养生家遵循的原则。(Moral cultivation is the first in regimen is the principle abides by generations of health experts.)安身立命的“安身”即“安心”,重在一个“安”字,即在动荡、变易与纷扰的社会事物中,在内心深处建立起稳固的价值观。(Stable values should be developed in the queasy and diverse soc

20、iety.),22,养生之道,修德为先,儒家从积极的角度出发,提倡修仁爱之心,以仁爱为最高价值取向,在任何情况下都能保持心地安乐。(The Confucianism advocates caring heart culture and keeps happy in any case.)道家从消极的立场出发,极力主张修无为之德。(The Taoism advocates keeping peaceful and negative.)儒道二家都主张超越物质情欲层次,建设高尚人生,追求内心解脱,达到与社会和谐相处,是养生之上举。(The Confucianism and Taoism almost

21、proposal that material desire should be decreased and keep harmony with society.),23,养生之道,修德为先,德性高尚的人,胸怀仁爱之心,常存恬 淡之志,看破身外之物、虚荣浮华,与人为善,助人为乐,利人利物,无忧无患,豁达开朗,勤于事业,充满希望,知足常乐,内心和谐,家庭和谐,社会和谐,精神宁静、乐观、愉快,即所谓“有德则乐,乐则能久”。(A noble and content-minded person who is full of enthusiasm for life would like to help o

22、thers and feel happy all the time.),24,养生之道,修德为先与西方对比,西方学者也重视忧虑、沮丧、恐惧、紧张等不良情绪对健康长寿的影响,但未提到修养德性的高度来解决。以“钱”为人生价值取向,不从修养德性入手,而言抵制与化解不良情绪等于空谈。(Western scholars also think that bad mood can affect health. But they are unaware that developing moral can solve the bad mood.),25,顺应自然,人与天调,庄子齐物论:“天地与我并生,万物与我为

23、一”道德经:“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”管子五行:“人与天调,然后天地之养生”。十问:“君若欲寿,则察天地之道”。素问四气调神大论:“故阴阳四时者,万物之始终也,死生之本也,逆之则灾害生,从之则苛疾不起,是为得道”。(Form above discussion, it is concluded that conforming to nature and keeping the harmony of people and nature can live longer.),26,顺应自然,人与天调,“道”即规律。故人应该顺应天地万物变化的规律以养生,顺应四时气候、昼夜交替的变化,顺应地土方

24、宜、周围环境的影响,使人体与自然变化达到同步,即“天人相应”。(“Dao” is the law. So people should conforme to nature, so as to reach correspondence between man and nature.),27,顺应自然,人与天调与西方对比,西方学者也创立了时间生物学,对认识人体内分泌变化的规律,指导用药方面发挥了一定的作用,但还没有具体应用到延缓衰老上来。(Western scholars set up chronobiology and make some effect in knowing the endocr

25、ine mechanism and guiding pharmacy.But it is still not used in anti-aging.),28,抗衰方药,因人而异,中国古代抗衰老的方药众多,如八仙长寿丸、还少丹、打老儿丸等作为复方使用。近年对延缓衰老的单味中药研究日益深入。(There are many anti-aging drugs and prescriptions in TCM, such as baxianchangshou pills, huanshao pills and dalaoer pills. The research of anti-aging drugs

26、 on single Chinese herb is daily deepening in recent decades.),29,抗衰方药,因人而异,衰老是多因素所致,抗衰方药只能作为养生延年的一种辅助方法。(Aging is caused by many factors, so the anti-aging drugs and prescriptions is one of the aided methods to anti-aging.)“辨证施养”,审证遣方,因人而异,才具有针对性,不存在具有普遍意义的抗衰老特效药。(Because diagnosis and keep in good

27、 health based on syndrome differentiation, specific anti-aging drugs are hardly exist.),30,抗衰方药,因人而异与西方对比,西方学者从上世纪使用睾丸酮提取物,到目前使用的维生素E等,都是企图找出单一的抗衰老特效药,结果是疗效皆不肯定。(Western scholars use testosterone extract and Vitamin E to anti-aging, so as to find a single specific anti-aging drug. But the effect is

28、uncertain.),31,中国特殊的养生方法,气功、导引、针灸、推拿等,则是中国特有,西方所无。(Such as Qigong, acupuncture and moxibustion and manipulation.)气功作为人体主动进行的调 身、调息、调心为一体的身心锻炼技能,开发人体内在原本巨大的抗病能力、适应能力和自我调节能 力、修复能力,是中医养生学的重要组成部分,很值得推广运用。(Qigong which is the skill compose of regulation of mind, body movements and breathing can develop a

29、nti-disease ability, adaptive capacity and self-adjustment ability. It is important part of the Chinese health science and valuable for spreading.),32,中医的健康标准TCMs health standard,形体素质的健康( physical health)精神情志的健康( psychological health),形体素质的健康,1、形气相任 physique and equilibrium 2、精力充沛 full of energy3、不易

30、生病 less susceptible to the disease 4、睡眠良好 sleep better 5、食欲旺盛 good appetite 6、二便调畅 the function of bowel and bladder are normal7、五官灵敏 the function of five sense organs are normal8、发肤润泽 shiny hair and skin9、呼吸平匀 regular breathing10、脉息调和normal pulse,34,精神情志的健康,1、神志清晰 conscious 2、精神愉悦 spirit of pleasur

31、e 3、情绪平稳 emotional balance 4、记忆良好 good memories 5、适应力强 Adaptable 6、积极进取 aggressiveness7、自知之明 have a clear estimation of oneself8、助人为乐 find pleasure in helping others9、诚信宽容 honest and tolerant10、志趣美好 glorious interest,35,与早衰作斗争,衰老:除了暴病恶疾和突发性伤害,引起人体元气的化行突然闭阻或大量丢失所致猝死外,一般死亡都要经过一个衰老的过程。 衰老可分为自然衰老和早衰两种类型

32、,自然衰老,灵枢天年 :“人生十岁,五脏始定;二十岁,血气始盛三十岁,五脏大定四十岁,平盛不摇五十岁,肝气始衰六十岁,心气始衰七十岁,脾气虚八十岁,肺气衰九十岁,肾气焦百岁,五脏皆虚,神气乃去,形骸独居而终矣。”,40岁是前半生与后半生的分界线,此前是发育成熟期,此后则是缓慢的、协调的、有序的衰老,衰老过程既有量变过程也有质变过程,每10岁有一个脏腑单位衰退比较突出的现象,早衰,早衰是一种病理性的衰老(多由疾病引起)或亚健康状态,导致元气额外耗损,导致脏腑功能无序性衰退。,长期紧张的工作和精神压力,早衰有年轻化趋势,不良生活方式,伤及元真,抗衰当从青年做起尤其是上班族,75%人处于亚健康状态,以“天人合一”的整体观念为指导的中医养生更能接通生命本质,且简便、有效而易行,适合开展自助养生保健,39,Thank you for attention!,谢谢!,


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