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1、promote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and “three-three“ special education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize “two a“ learning education is a necessary solution to the present pro

2、blems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of politic

3、al responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the partys policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very seri

4、ous, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjective problem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, . Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic p

5、rosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the “two“ study and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization

6、is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the “Thirteen-Five“ goal. Second, basic learning, focus on learn

7、ing education must understand the learning content and learning styles “Foundation learning“ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, I often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to

8、have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test prac

9、tice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of imp

10、ortant thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of importa

11、nt speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positionsTo sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin an

12、d development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and

13、 the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretarys speech in this regard include the peoples yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics s

14、tudy and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dongs thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soo

15、n, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.“ Zhihou, on more than one occasion, General Secr

16、etary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of t

17、he CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese charact

18、eristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national peoples Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in achieved China dream of

19、vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the

20、XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Partys 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in ou

21、r country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 over绥阳教育信息化建设思考 杨春珊 国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要提出了加快教育信息基础设施建设、加强优质资源开发和应用、构建国家教育信息管理系统三项目标任务。 纲要要求:信息技术对教育发展具有革命性影响,必须予以高度

22、重视。把教育信息化纳入国家信息化发展整体战略,超前部署教育信息网络。到 2020 年,基本建成覆盖城乡各级各类学校的教育信息化体系,促进教育内容、教学手段和方法现代化。充分利用优质资源和先进技术,创新运行机制和管理模式,整合现有资源,构建先进、高效、实用的数字化教育基础设施。加快终端设施普及,推进数字化校园建设,实现多种方式接入互联网。重点加强农村学校信息基础建设,缩小城乡数字化差距。加快中国教育和科研计算机网、中国教育卫星宽带传输网升级换代。制定教育信息化基本标准,促进信息系统互联互通。现代信息技术的飞速发展改变了人们的生产方式、工作方式、学习方式、交往方式、生活方式、思维方式等,也对教育的

23、发展带来了的革命性的影响。由于绥阳财力十分薄弱、教育信息化规划不及时、政府投入严重不足等,造成教育信息化建设薄弱,制约了教育事业的发展。现结合绥阳县情就教育信息化建设薄弱的成因及应对策略谈谈自己的见解。一、绥阳教育信息化建设基本情况(一)计算机教室建设现状全县 15 间乡镇中心小学,仅有计算机教室 8 间,其中枧坝、茅垭、青杠塘、宽阔、小关、大路槽、坪乐 7 个乡镇中心学校无promote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the

24、 mass line of the party and “three-three“ special education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize “two a“ learning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of stri

25、ctly administering the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim

26、 does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the partys policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjective prob

27、lem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, . Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area

28、646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the “two“ study and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots

29、 party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the “Thirteen-Five“ goal. Second, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles “Foundation learning“ these four words a

30、re important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, I often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low t

31、echnology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days

32、seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new c

33、oncept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positionsTo sum up, is divided i

34、nto 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteris

35、tics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristic

36、s. XI General Secretarys speech in this regard include the peoples yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese

37、 characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dongs thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General

38、Secretary of the solemn declaration “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.“ Zhihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carr

39、y forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest comm

40、on divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese gre

41、at revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national peoples Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in achieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people

42、 innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unsw

43、ervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Partys 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 1

44、00 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 over计算机教室。只有 2004 年实施农村中小学现代远程教育工程时建成一间远教室,用于教学。县直小学 3 间,只有 2 间计算机教室,其中育红小学无计算机教室。全县共有 27 所中学,仅 26 间计算机教室,其中金承中学、野茶中学无计算机教室。2、计算机配置现状在建有计算机教室 8 间乡镇中心 2 间县直小学中,计算机台数在 50 台上(含 50 台)的只有洋川小学、城南小学 2 间,其余小学均在 2030 台之间,且设备严重老化。根据

45、2010 年贵州省义务教育均衡发展的建设标准 ,小学计算机生机比应达16:1 ,而绥阳县仅达 57:1。在建有计算机教室 26 间中学中,有 20 间是 2004 年实施全国农村中小学现代远程教育工程时建成的,每间教室只有 30 台计算机,经过近 8 年的运转,多数计算机已经不能使用,有 18 间学于 2011 年 12 底在县财政局办理了报废手续。根据 2010 年贵州省义务教育均衡发展的建设标准 ,中学计算机生机比应达10:1 ,而我县仅为 37:1。由于本县中小学计算机教室建设和计算台数配置严重不足,导致信息技术学科教学计划只能停留在课表上,许多学校计算机课只能改为其他课程,没能真正做到

46、开齐课程,开足课时,造成学生信息素养缺失。信息素养是提高学生自学能力的一个很重要的因素 ,信息技术能力也是学生一个很重要的能力,掌握信息技术也就是掌握了一个学习的方法和技能,所以加强计算教室建设,按规定比例配齐学生计算机台数是迫在眉睫,是促进我县教育健康发展的一个不可或缺的因素。(二)教育系统城域网建设现状目前,周边县都已建成了进入口容量大小不等的城域网,但promote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass lin

47、e of the party and “three-three“ special education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize “two a“ learning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly admi

48、nistering the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not

49、 actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the partys policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjective problem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, . Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can


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