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1、,Cultural connotation of red,Members: 李 佩、孙亚楠、徐方慧 王 珍、王小菊、王 慧 李 磊、郭晓敏、张聪敏,There are a lot of words to describe different colors in Chinese and Western cultures .We do not only to take note to their own main meanings but also taking care of their profound symbol significance. The different meaning of

2、 words are based on the varies nationalities culture backgrounds,then it develops .This culture phenomenon is formed by the development of the society and the accumulation of the history .,3,The two aspects,4,Ancient times,1)China: 红灯笼、红爆竹、红对联、开门红 、红光满面,2)West: red- letter days roll out the red carp

3、et for somebody red - blooded red - hot,positive meanings: enthusiastic, excited, joyous, lively .,SIMILAR,5,Ancient times,picture examples,6,Ancient times,1. Red in chinese cultureRed is the basic connotation in Chinese culture , it embodies the spirit of the Chinese people and material pursuits. I

4、t is the symbol of auspicious2 red in Western culturreThe red in Western culture is a banished meaning quite strong of Word, is fire, blood of Lenovo, it symbol with brutal, bleeding,The different meaning of Red in eastern and western culture,7,Ancient times,In Chinese culture, the red originates fr

5、om the sun,We celebrate festivals by hanging Red Lantern, posted red couplet, red Bless Word,), red ruin“战祸 ”,8,Ancient times,wearing red clothes in the wedding,9,Ancient times,Red in western culture,“Red” in Western culture is more representative of negative meaning,the red rules of tooth and claw

6、(残杀和暴力统治), red revenge (血腥复仇),a red Battle 血战,red hands“血腥的手 ”running a business in the red,red figure, red ink 等,指做生意赔本或财政亏空 the red rules of tooth and claw“残杀和暴力统治” a red flag“危险信号旗” a red light district“花街柳巷(红灯区) ”,10,Ancient times,matador use the red flag to enrage the ox,red hands,Red in modern

7、 western countries,in culture,in economy,in social life,in politics,12,Modern times,The meaning of Red in economy In western economyIn the stock markets of North America, red is said the fall in share prices; And they also use“running a business in the red”、“red figure”、“red ink”mean do business wit

8、h a loss or fiscal hole.In eastern economyIn east Asia market, red is said rising prices.,13,Modern times,Red in cultureThe western culture usually values the colour of blue and green,which means noble, elegant in life, however, the western novels describe someone with red hair or a piece of bright

9、red faces, often refers to the person who is very vulgar .,14,Modern times,For exampleThe British famous translators and sinologists David Hawkes translate “红楼梦” use its original name “石头记”-The Story of the Stone instead of using red. He translate 刘姥姥醉卧怡红院into “Grannie Liu samples the sleeping accom

10、modation at Green Delights”。This is because in western culture, green and golden yellow has the same meaning of red in Chinese.,15,Modern times,Red in social lifeIn their daily life ,they always place a red carpet on the ground to welcome the honoured visitor.There are many phrase in English show ho

11、nor and respect to other people .,16,Modern times,For example roll out the red carpet the red carpet treatment to paint the town red .Even the Oscar also place a red carpet to give the winner celebration.,17,Modern times,Red in politicsIn western culture, the political significance of the red is mor

12、e weak. redactivities refers to the leftist militant activity,In addition,red is more ofen used to describe the Soviet union and other countries of the red political power.So it always has positive meanings, like go red,red shit means do sth without order and out of the governments control.,18,Moder

13、n times,Some other meaning in western life?happyness and joyness,19,Modern times,Red is also a warm color and is usually associated with celebrations and joyful occasions in Engliash-speaking countries .On Christmas ,red decorations can be seen everywhere:red decorations on the Chrismas trees ,red r

14、ibbons on the doors ,red storkings on the fireplaces,etc.,20,Modern times,What color stands for China? Red,21,Modern times,The connotation of Red in modern chinaIn terms of red, most of chinese people always have a spcial emotion for it.I believe most of us have ever heard China Red. So, whats the C

15、hina Red? It is a kind of color, it is a Chinese sign, too. It comes from Phoenix, so Chinese think the red also means happy warm and good luck. Chinese people love the color red because of its special meaning in traditional culture. It stands for nobleness.,red envelopes,Blessing word,pavilion,spri

16、ng festival,chinese wedding,chinese knot,Some words about red in china,23,Modern times,The symbol of Good Luck, Health and Happiness.Kids get red envelopes every Spring Festival. People put up red lanterns over their doors In Chinese weddings, couples wear red costumes for a happy and healthy new fa

17、mily.,24,Modern times,The symbol of RevolutionThe social life of the Chinese in red is a symbol of class struggle, revolution, insurrection. Because where revolution is where blood is. China national flag is red which means being dyed red by the blood of the revolutionariesthe red guard(红卫兵 ) the re

18、d base area (红色根据地)the red flag(红旗)red scarf(红领巾),25,Modern times,Negative connotation of red in China“红杏出墙” implies the wifes adultery with other menRed lady means street girlRed in China may also mean violence or anger ,such as,“脸红脖子粗”,杀红了眼” ,“怒的满脸通红”.People say “红眼病”to describe one who is jealous for others wealth ,great power,and success.,26,Usually,In conclusionAnyhow, no matter what times it is, the chinese pepole are more fond of red color to some extent , while pepole in western country are much inclined to white or other color instead of red.,Thank you !,


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