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1、The invisible bench 无形的板凳Characters: Five students 人物:五名学生 Setting : A park 地点:公园Mike: Really , what this courtyard needs is a bench. Maybe here?(sits as if there is a bench)No.(gets up, walks to the other side of the stage. Tony enters, but Mike does not notice)Maybe here?(sits again)Yes, I think m

2、aybe here.迈克:真的,这个庭院需要的是一个板凳。也许在这里?(sits 好像有一台)不。(起身,走到舞台的另一边。托尼进入,但迈克没有注意)也许在这里?(sits 了)是的,我想也许在这里。Tony: What are you doing?托尼:你在干什么?Mike: Im sitting on an invisible bench, of course.迈克:我坐在一个看不见的长板凳上,当然。Tony: Can I join you ?我能和你一起吗?Mike: Of course.(moves over as if to make room for Tony)迈克:当然。(移过就

3、好像在为托尼腾出空间)Tony: Ah, its rather nice here, isnt it?托尼:啊,这里很好,不是吗?Mike: Indeed. Both sit for a while, reading their textbooks. Cathy enters.迈克:确实。两个“坐”了一段时间,读他们的教科书。凯西进入。Cathy: What is going on here?凯西:这里发生什么事?Mike: Were sitting on an invisible bench.迈克:我们坐在一个看不见的长板凳上。Tony: You should join us .Its ni

4、ce and cosy.你应该加入我们,这很好,很舒适。Cathy: Okay. Thanks for the invitation.(Mike and Tony move over. Cathy sits down alongside them)Wow, its quite comfortable!凯西:好的。谢谢你的邀请。(迈克和托尼搬过来。凯西坐在他们旁边),哇,很舒服!Paula enters.保拉进入。Paula: Sitting on an invisible bench, are you ?保拉:坐在一条无形的板凳上,你呢?Cathy: Yes ,how did you know

5、?凯西:是的,你是怎么知道的Paula: I was doing the same thing myself ,just yesterday. Mind if I sit down ? 保拉:我在做同样的事情,就在昨天。介意我坐下吗?Mike looks annoyed.迈克看上去很生气。Tony and Cathy: Not at all. Please do !托尼和凯西:不。请做!All make room. Mike stands up and wanders over to the middle of the stage and sits down. Ann enters, look

6、s at Mike.留出所有的空间。迈克站起来走到舞台中间,坐下来。安进入,看着迈克。Ann: You look like you are sitting on an invisible bench.安:你看起来像是坐在一个看不见的板凳上。Mike: Yes, I am.迈克:是的,我是。Ann: What are they doing over there?安:他们在那边干什么?Paula and Cathy: Were sitting on an invisible bench too!保拉和凯西:我们坐在一条无形的板凳上!Mike: No, youre not.迈克:不,你没有。Tony

7、: Were not?我们不是?Mike: No. I must have forgotten to tell you.(smiles) It got too crowded, so I moved the bench.迈克:不。我一定忘了告诉你。(微笑)太拥挤了,所以我搬板凳。Entire group(Tony, Paula and Cathy)fall down.整个组(托尼,保拉和凯西)下跌。The End.结束。The important papers 重要文件Characters: The King, the Queen, Servant 人物:国王,王后,仆人Setting: Th

8、e Kings castle. Kings armchair is empty .Queen sits in her armchair, reading.地址:国王的城堡。国王的扶手椅是空的,王后坐在扶手椅上看书。King: Where are all of our servants? They are so lazy.(yells)SERVANT!(Servant enters)王:我们所有的仆人在哪里?他们很懒。(大喊)仆人!(仆人进入)Servant: Yes , sir. What can I bring you ? 仆人:是的,先生。我能给你带来什么?King: I need, no

9、, I must have ,my (gives a serious look at Servant) important papers.(sits down)国王:我需要,不,我必须有,我的(给了一个严肃的看仆人)重要文件。(坐下)Servant exits, comes back in with a pile of official-looking papers and gives them to King.仆人离开后,带了一堆正式的文件回来了,并把他们给国王。King: What are these? (throws them at Servant in anger) No, no,no

10、,bring my important papers!国王:这些是什么?(发怒地朝着仆人)不,不,不,拿我的重要文件!Servant bows, dashes out, comes back in with a newspaper.仆人鞠躬,冲了出去,回来时拿着报纸。King: No, you fool!(tears the paper in two ) I must have my important papers RIGHT NOW!国王:不,你这个傻瓜!(2 滴泪滴在报纸上)我必须有我的重要文件现在!Servant exits, comes back in with a magazine

11、.仆人退出,回来带着杂志。King: Ahhhh! (takes magazine and runs after Servant. Servant runs away) BringmyimportantpapersNOW ! Its an emergency! ( to Queen)Tell him, dear!王:啊啊啊啊啊!(拿着杂志跑向仆人,仆人逃跑。)带着 我的 重要 文件 现在!这是一个紧急情况!(对王后)告诉他,亲爱的!Queen: Umm,(standing, announcing officially) the King requires his important paper

12、s. It is your duty to bring them to him at once. (to King)OK?王后:嗯,(站,宣布正式)国王要求自己的重要文件。立刻把他们带到他身上是你的责任。(对国王)好吗?King moves around in chair, looking uncomfortable.国王在椅子上移动,看起来很不舒服。Queen: Are you okay? You seem anxious女王:你还好吗?你看起来 似乎King: Im fine. I just need my (with a serious voice) important papers.国

13、王:我很好。我只是需要我的(用严重的声音)重要文件。Servant bursts in, next to Queen, empty-handed and looking worried. Queen points to a dictionary, or poster on the wall ,etc. Servant runs to get it and present is to King.仆人闯入,站在女王的旁边,空着手,很担心。女王指向一本字典,或墙上的海报等,仆人跑去得到它,赠送给国王。King: NO NO NO NO !That is not right. Someone must

14、 be able to bring my important papers!国王:没有没有没有!这不是正确的。一定有人能带上我的重要文件!Queen tears a page from her book and offers it to King. He glares at Queen. Servant dashes out, comes back in with something behind his back.女王从她的书上撕了一页,并提供给国王。他怒视着皇后。仆人冲了出去,回来拿了一样东西在他身后的东西。Servant: Sir? (holds out a roll of toilet paper)仆人:先生?(一卷卫生纸)King: Yes!My VERY important papers!(runs off stage as possible ,running into people and things on the way out) 国王:是的!我非常重要的文件!(尽可能地在舞台上尽可能地奔跑,奔跑在人和事物上)The End 结束


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