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1、 英语 专业人才培养方案 Cultivation Program for English Major 一 、培养目标: 本专业以培养应用型英语人才为目标。注重训练学生的语言技能和扎实的英语基本功,使学生掌握英语专业必要的理论知识,具备扎实的英语语言基础和良好的英语语言交际能力;同时了解经贸基本理论和程序,掌握 笔译和口译 技能;使学生具备从事经贸、翻译、教学的能力并能胜任经贸、外事、教育、旅游及其他与英语相关行业的工作。 I. Cultivation Goal: The program aims at training talents with practical abilities in E

2、nglish. English language skills and abilities are the most concerned and trained. All the students should not only be cultivated to have a good command of English basic skills, communication and English knowledge but also well understand rudimental theory and procedures of business and trade, and ha

3、ve command of translation skills, which enable them to deal with foreign affairs in economy, business, finance, tourism, teaching and other fields related to English. 二 、 基本规格: 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1、具有扎实的英语语言基础; 2、具有 熟练的听、说、读、写 能力; 3、具有 很 强的口译 和笔译 能力; 4、能熟练地用英语撰写经贸文本,具有解决相关问题的能力; 5、掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法、技

4、能,具有 很强的 实际工作能力 和一定的研究 ; 6、具有较 宽 的知识面,较强的获取知识的能力和创新能力。 II. Basic Requirements: All students should meet the following requirements: 1. Students should be cultivated to well understand and freely use the basic knowledge of English. 2. Students should be trained to have a sound grounding of English in

5、 listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. 3. Students should be endowed with excellent ability of interpretation and translation. 4. Students should have the proficiency in writing documents on economics and trade, and solving all the related problems in those fields. 5. Students shoul

6、d master the basic ways and skills of literature searching, data collecting and be equipped with competence to do some scientific researches and practical work. 6. Students should have comprehensive proficiency and well abilities to gain new knowledge and be innovative. 三 、修业年限: 3-7 . Duration of St

7、udy: 3-7 Years 四 、 主干学科: 英语语言文学 . Major Subjects: English Language and Literature 五 、 主要课程: 基础英语、英语口语、 英语听力、英语阅读、英语写作、英美文学、翻译理论与实践、口译 理论与实践 、 语言学 基础理论 、国际贸易实务等。 . Major courses: Basic English、 Spoken English、 English Listening、 English Reading、 English Writing、 British and American Literature 、 Tran

8、slation Theory and Practice、Interpretation、 Introduction to Linguistics、 Practice in International Business, etc. 六 、授予学位及毕业学分要求: . Credit requirements of degree and graduation 本专业的学生,在校期间必须修满 本培养方案所规定的 156学分方能毕业。其中必修课 114学分,选修课 42学分 (其中包括公选课 3学分) 。 Students shall earn no less than156 credits within

9、 the duration of academic study, respectively 114 credits for compulsory courses, 42 credits for elective courses. 符合 国家 学位规定和河南工业大学学位授予条件者,授予 文学学士 学位。 Those who can satisfy national stipulations of academic degree and the requirements of Henan University of Technology degree conferral, shall be granted with Bachelor of Art.


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