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1、1. 切除术 tonsillectomy ,tnslktmi Surgical removal of a tonsil or tonsils.例句:Generally speaking, the tonsillectomy can be finished within half an hour.一般来说扁桃体切除手术在半小时之内就可以完成。2. 周围脓肿 peritonsillar abscess ,peritnsil bses An abscess in the peritonsillar tissue extending into the tonsil capsule,resulting

2、from suppuration of the tonsil.例句:A peritonsillar abscess or quinsy may follow an acute tonsillitis and it is usually confined to one side.扁桃体周围脓肿,即脓性扁桃体炎,可接着急性扁桃体炎而发生,它常限于一侧。3. 恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of tonsil mlgnnt tjm tnsl 细胞不仅异常快速增殖,而且可发生扩散转移的肿瘤。例句:A malignant tumor of nervous tissue composed of

3、astrocytes.星形细胞瘤一种由星形细胞所构成的神经组织的恶性肿瘤4. 扁桃体炎 Tonsillitis tnslats Inflammation of the tonsils,especially the palatine tonsils. It is often caused by a bacterium. Tonsillitis may be acute,chronic,or recurrent.例句:You have a slight tonsillitis.你的扁桃体有点发炎。5. 病灶性 focus foks6. 变应性鼻炎 Allergic rhinitis ldk ran

4、ats rhinitis caused by an allergic reaction例句:An antihistamine for presumed allergic rhinitis was prescribed.医师按过敏性鼻炎给予抗组胺药治疗。7. 变应性鼻窦炎 Allergic sinusitis ldk ,sansats 例句:Allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) may represent an endpoint in a spectrum of sinonasal disease.变态反应性真菌性鼻窦炎可能是鼻腔鼻窦疾病细菌谱的一个终末点。8. 真菌性

5、鼻窦炎 Fungal sinusitisfg()l ,sansats An inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses that occurs in three stages: acute,subacute,and chronic. Sinusitis results from any condition causing ostial obstruction or from pathophysiologic changes in the mucociliary transport mechanism

6、.9. 迟发性膜迷路积水 Delayed membranous labyrinthine hydrops dileid membrns ,lbrnan hadrps 即指患者原有一侧耳深度感音神经性聋,后又发生同侧或对侧膜迷路积水。10. 传导性聋 Conductive deafness kndktv defns 传导性耳聋又称传音性聋。外界声波传入内耳的途径因耳部传音系统的病理因素而发生障碍。耳部传音系统有外耳道、鼓膜、听骨、蜗窗等。因此无论何种原因引起上述部位的损害均可导致耳聋。如外耳道先天性闭锁、耵聍、异物、炎症及肿瘤等;鼓膜的疾病,如鼓膜破裂、穿孔;中耳的畸形、炎症、外伤及肿物等。但比

7、较多见的是中耳炎及外耳道阻塞性病变,因此积极防治中耳炎对预防耳聋有重要意义。治疗主要针对病因,如外耳或中耳畸形可行成型术,中耳炎所引起的可行鼓室成型术等。11. 锤骨 Malleus mls The largest of the auditory ossicles,and the one attached to the membrana tympani (TYMPANIC MEMBRANE). Its club-shaped head articulates with the INCUS.例句:The long tapering process of the malleus attached

8、to the central portion of the eardrum.锤骨柄与耳膜中央部分连接的锤骨的长而渐细的突起12. 垂体瘤 Pituitary adenoma ptjut()r ,dnm 例句:Based on the results of immunohistochemistry, it can conclude that pituitary adenoma is of diversity and complexity.垂体腺瘤组织学类型具有多样性和复杂性特点。13. 纯音听力测试 Pure tone audiometry Carharttn ,:dimitri14. 切迹 C

9、arharts notch15. 耵聍栓塞 Cerumen srumn a soft yellow wax secreted by glands in the ear canal例句:And the waxy oil keeps ears from getting too dry.So earwax is good, it even has a medical name, cerumen, and there are two kinds.耳油可防止耳朵过干,所以,耳屎是有益的,它甚至还有一个医学名字叫耳垢,且分为两类。16. 胆脂瘤 Cholesteatoma ,klstitum 胆脂瘤亦称表

10、皮样囊肿,珍珠瘤等。目前认为系源于异位胚胎残余的外胚层组织的先天性乏血管的良性肿瘤。好发于脑部和耳部。根据胆脂瘤分布的位置不同 可以分为颅内胆脂瘤 外耳道胆脂瘤和胆脂瘤型中耳炎等。一般认为颅内胆脂瘤的发病率为全脑肿瘤的 0.5-1.8%。可为多发,大小由几毫米至数厘米不等。胆脂瘤多采取手术切除。例句:Destruction of the incus was by far the most common ossicular defect in allcholesteatoma ears.对听小骨破坏尤其是砧骨均以鼓室窦型胆脂瘤及鼓膜紧张部型胆鳆瘤病耳最严重。17. 外耳道 external ac

11、oustic meatus kstn()l; kustk mets 外耳道是一条自外耳门至鼓膜的弯曲管道,全长约 2.12.5cm。外 1/3 为软骨部,内 2/3 为骨性部。外耳道内表面覆有一层皮肤,与下方的软骨膜或骨膜紧贴,不易移动。皮肤内感觉神经末梢丰富,患疖肿时,异常疼痛。在软骨部的皮肤,内含毛囊、皮脂腺和盯眝腺与汗腺相似,其分泌物为盯眝,有保护耳道的作用。盯眝与脱落的上皮及尘埃混合后形成耳垢。骨部的皮肤较薄,缺乏毛和皮脂腺等结构例句:The lesions in the ears were cleaned completely, broad external acoustic mea

12、tus entry was formed, thus decrease the recurrence ra.彻底清除耳的病灶,形成宽大的外耳道口 ,可有效减少复发 ,提高治愈率。18. 中耳炎 otitis media ()tats mid inflammation of the middle ear; common in children例句:I think you are suffering from acute suppurative otitis media.我认为你患了急性化脓性中耳炎。19. 胆固醇肉芽肿 Cholesteatoma granuloma ,klstitum ,grn

13、jlm20. 镫骨 Stapes stepiz the stirrup-shaped ossicle that transmits sound from the incus to the cochlea例句:The fixation of the stapes may progress rapidly during pregnancy.在怀孕期镫骨固定可能迅速发展。21. 镫骨切除术 Stapedectomy ,stepdektm surgical removal of the stapes of the middle ear22. 导抗测听 Acoustic immittance measu

14、rement kustk mt()ns mem()nt23. 短增量敏感指数试验 Short increment sensitivity index test krm()nt senstvt ndeks24. 电反应测听 Electric response audiometry ,:dimitri25. 蝶窦 Sphenoid sinuses sfind sin:ses 位于蝶骨体内,左右各一,均各通过其前壁的孔开口于蝶筛隐窝。与后组筛窦一起构成后组鼻窦。蝶窦分三型,分型有助于经蝶窦垂直瘤手术时选择术式,甲介型与鞍前型不适合经蝶窦垂体瘤摘除等蝶鞍区手术。26. 蝶窦开放 Sphenoidect

15、omy sfindectmi27. 窦口鼻道复合体 Ostiomeatal complex kmpleks 窦口鼻道复合体是近十余年来鼻科学的一个新的解剖概念,是指以筛漏斗为中心的附近区域,包括筛漏斗、半月裂、钩突、筛泡、中鼻甲、前组副鼻窦开口等一系列结构。OMC 解剖结构较为复杂且变异多样。其中多种变异与鼻窦炎手术并发症密切相关。28. 多项睡眠描记 Polysomnogram plsimngrem29. 耳鼻喉科 Otolaryngology ,t()lrgld the medical specialty that deals with diseases of the ear, nose

16、and throat例句:Now, doctors have the first treatment guidelines from the American Academy ofOtolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Foundation.现在,美国耳鼻喉学与头颈外科学会的医生们已经制定出第一个治疗方案。30. 额镜 Head mirror 31. 腭咽成形术 Palatopharyngoplasty pltferplst surgical resection of unnecessary palatal and oropharyngeal tissue

17、 to open the airway; intended to cure extreme cases of snoring (with or without sleep apnea)32. 耳的解剖 Anatomy of ear ntm33. 颞骨 temporal bonetemp()r()l bn a thick bone forming the side of the human cranium and encasing the inner ear例句:The definition of Cholesteatoma is the cystic expanding lesion of t

18、he temporal bone, lined by stratified squamous epithelium and containing desquamated keratin.摘要胆脂瘤为颞骨内增生出之囊状肿瘤,外层衬以复层鳞状上皮,此上皮又称为基质,内含剥落鳞状上皮堆积而成的角质。34. 外耳 external ear kstn()l the part of the ear visible externally例句:Any of various structures, such as the external ear, that resemble a shell in shape.

19、贝壳状结构任一种类似于贝壳的形状结构,例如人的外耳35. 前庭 vestibule vestbjul (1)a large entrance or reception room or area(2 ) any of various bodily cavities leading to another cavity (as of the ear or vagina)36. 耳蜗 cochlea kkl the snail-shaped tube (in the inner ear coiled around the modiolus) where sound vibrations are con

20、verted into nerve impulses by the organ of Corti例句:Cochlea is spiral-shaped part of the inner ear.耳蜗是内耳里螺旋状的部分。37. 半规管 semicircular canal semis:kjulknl kkl one of three tube loops filled with fluid and in planes nearly at right angles with one another; concerned with equilibrium例句:A small dilatation

21、 in a canal or duct, especially one in the semicircular canal of the ear. 壶腹通管或导管内的小的膨起,尤指耳朵的半规管内38. 蜗神经 cochlea nerve kkl nv 例句:Aminoglycoside antibiotics cochlear nerve damage caused to resume, could become permanent deafness.氨基糖苷类抗生素引起耳蜗神经损害很难恢复,可成为永久性耳聋。39. 耳道炎 Otitis external auditory canal ()t

22、ats kstn()ldt()r knl40. 先天性耳前瘘管 Congenital preauricular fistula kndent()l fstjl 先天性耳前瘘管是临床常见的先天性外耳疾病,为第一、二鳃弓的耳廓原基在发育过程中融合不全的遗迹,遗传特征为常染色体显性遗传。瘘管开口多位于耳轮脚前,少数可在耳廓之三角窝或耳甲腔部。先天性耳前瘘管分为单纯型、感染型和分泌型。一般无症状。按压时可有少许稀薄粘液或乳白色皮脂样物自瘘口溢出,局部感痒不适。无症状或无感染者可不作处理。局部搔痒、有分泌物溢出者,宜行手术切除。41. 耳廓假性囊肿 Pseudocyst of auricle (p)sj

23、u:dusist rk()l 耳廓假性囊肿(习称耳廓浆液性软骨膜炎)是原因未明的耳廓腹侧面局限性囊肿,因其囊壁无上皮层,故称假性囊肿。患者以男性居多,发病年龄一般在 3040 岁,多发生于一侧耳廓。42. 耳硬化症 Otosclerosis ,t()sklrss hereditary disorder in which ossification of the labyrinth of the inner ear causes tinnitus and eventual deafness 耳硬化症是一种原因不明的疾病,病理上是由于骨迷路原发性局限性骨质吸收,而代以血管丰富的海绵状骨质增生,故称“硬化”。当侵犯卵园窗时,可引起镫骨固定,失去传音功能,使听力进行性减退。耳硬化症的发病率与人种有很大关系,白种人发病率高,黑人发病率最低,黄种人介于两者之间。发病年龄以中青年较多。


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