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1、四级考试常用句式一文章开头1There is a general discussion today about the issue of/ Currently there is a widespread concern on现在对于存在广泛的讨论/关注。2Recently / In recent years, the phenomenon / issue / problem ofhas been brought into focus.近年来,现象 / 问题成为公众关注的焦点。3Nowadays, there is no agreement among people as to Some peo

2、ple while others may 现在对于人们(看法或做法)并不一致, 一些人,然而其他人才4Now, there is a growing awareness of the importance of 现在人们越来越意识到的重要性。一文章结尾1 Considering all these factors, / In view of the above-mentioned facts, we should 考虑到这些因素,我们应该2 In a word, it takes our common efforts / is everyones responsibility to总之,需要我

3、们共同的努力 / 是我们每一个人的责任。3 Given the factors that I have just outlined, it is wise to support the statement that鉴于我刚才提到的因素, 支持的观点是明智的。4 Weighing up these two arguments /Taking into account all these factors, I prefer权衡这两种观点 /考虑到这些因素,我宁愿 三. 表示不同看法1. Some people hold the opinion that,while others argue tha

4、t一些人认为, 然而其他人争辩说。2. When it comes to, different people offer different views.当涉及到时, 不同的人持不同的看法。3. Opinions vary from individual to individual, from culture to culture,不同的人, 不同的文化, 对这一问题的看法都不同。4. Faced with , quite a few people argue that, but other people conceive differently.5. 面对 相当一部分人认为, 但是其他人并不

5、认同。四. 说明方法和措施1. Effective measures should be taken as soon as possible to应该尽快采取有效措施来2. Facing, we should try our best to figure out the ways to change this situation.面对,我们努力想办法该变这种形式。3 The following ways can be taken to下列方法能够被用来。4. To reverse the trend is not a light task, and it requires keen consciousness of要扭转这一趋势并不容易, 它需要对具有敏锐的意。.五. 表示比较和对照1. In contrast to / On the contrary,与之形成对比的是 / 相反 。2 The advantages of A are much greater than B.A 的好处明显大于 B。3 Compared with B, A has many advantages.和 B 相比,A 有许多优点。4. Contrary to widely accepted views, I believe that与普遍接受的观点相反, 我认为。5


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