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1、高二语法复习(4)Exercises for Adverbial Clause ( 状语从句练习 )1. 时间状语从句: 用适当的连词填空before、 after、 when (as)、 while、 since、 as soon as、 notuntil.Mr Brown will phone us _ he gets to Washington.Lucy burnt her hand _ she was cooking the dinner.Mrs Smith has taught maths _ he came to our school._ the bell rang, I was

2、watching the evening news.Mr Brown did _ phone us _ he got to Washington._ the patient entered the dentist clinic (牙科诊所),he began to fish out money from his pocket. The dentist said, “ You neednt pay the money first.” The patient answered, “I dont mean so, but I want to count how much money I have i

3、n my pocket _ you anaesthetize(麻醉) me .” pay attention to when while as动作先后 同时发生或先发生 同时发生 同时发生时间内涵 点或段时间 段 段时态 从句一般现在时表将来 从句用进行时 从句同主句时态2. 原因状语从句 译句练习. Some people refuse to have breakfast because they fear that eating breakfast will make them hungrier during the day and they will eat more. Not eati

4、ng breakfast can also cause you to overeat, since a fall in blood sugar often make you feel very hungry later.To make matters worse, since your body is in a slow state, it will not be able to burn those extra calories very efficiently.pay attention to : because ,since , as and for3. 让步状语从句 译句练习.Alth

5、ough you may feel as if you are eating more all day long, in reality you are probably not.Although its raining , they are still working in the field.Although she is young, she knows quite a lot.Well make a trip even if (even though) the weather is bad.Even if( even though) I am busy , I will go .No

6、matter what happened , we would not mind.4. 条件状语从句 用 if 和 unless 填空. Youll miss the train _ you hurry up.Youll miss the train _ you dont hurry up. Dont touch anything _ your teacher tells you to.You can touch it _ your teacher tells you to.5. 方式状语从句 译句练习 Although you may feel as if you are eating mo

7、re all day long, in reality you are probably not. It looks as if (as though) the weather may turn out fine tonight. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water it looks as if (as though) it were broken.(虚拟语气) The chemical teacher said, “ do everything as I do .”6. 目的和结果状语从句. 用 so that 和 sothat填空并翻译Y

8、oud better speak louder _ you can be heard by all.He spoke _ loud _he was heard by all. so or such The weather is _ nice that all of us want to go to the park.Its _ nice weather that all of us want to go to the park.They are _ beautiful pictures that I want to buy all of them.He is _ honest a boy th

9、at we all trust him. He is _ a honest boy that we all trust him. Tim had _ much work to do that he decided not to see the film that night.7. 地点状语从句 译句练习Go where you want. Youd better make a mark where you dont understand. Dont move her. Leave her where she is . 注意与定语从句的区别The detective searched the r

10、oom carefully where was robbed yesterday.8. 比较状语从句. Im sorry. Im a bit late. However, I got here _ fast _ I could. A. more; as B. much ; as C. so; as D. as; as. The IBM Pentium III is not _ expensive _ the IBM Pentium V. A. so; as B. as; so C.so ; than D. as; than. The _ you listen to English, the m

11、ore you can understand it.A. much B. many C. more D. most. Charlie Chaplin is considered one of _ actors in the history of the cinema. A. a greater B. the greater C. a greatest D. the greatest. I have learned _ 2000 English words last term.A. no more than B. not more than C. not any more D. no moreE

12、xercises for Objective Clause ( 宾语从句练习 )Part 1: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.APart 2: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.BPart 3: 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.D.Exercises for Attributive Clause (定语从句练习 )exercise 1: 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.A exercise 2: 1.C 2.C

13、3.A 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.Bexercise 3: 1.C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. D Exercises for Adverbial Clause ( 状语从句练习 )1. 时间状语从句: as soon as, when ( as ), since, while, notuntil, After, before 3.让步状语从句 .虽然下着雨,但他们仍然在地里工作。.虽然她很年轻,但她知识广博。.即使天气很糟,我们仍要起程。.即使忙,我也要去。 .无论发生什麽事,我都不会介意。9. 条件状语从句 . unless , if . unless , if 10. 方式状语从句 看起来好象今晚天气要转晴。. 当一支铅笔被部分放在水中时,它看起来好象被折断了。(虚拟语气) 化学老师说, “像我这样做。 ”11. 目的和结果状语从句. 为了大家都能听到,你最好大点儿声。/ 他发言声音大, (结果)大家都能听到。 . so, such, such, so, such, so12. 地点状语从句 去你想去的地方。. 你最好在不懂的地方做个记号。. 别动她,让她呆在原地。13. 比较状语从句 D A C D A


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