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1、人教版新目标七年级下册英语教学案课题: Unit2 Wheres the post office? Period 4 Section B 3a-4b 2011-6-21 星期二 主备人:微山实验中学 张燕教学目标:1、 知识与技能: 引导学生 熟练掌握方位介词、场所名称、指路等重点词汇和句型:welcome, garden, enjoy, walk, through, beginning, tour, visit, place, fun ; Turn left on Street; take a walk through; Across fromis; Next tois 指导学生 读懂短文,

2、,加强读写方法指导,使学生运用所学知识正确写出介绍自己居住地的文字。2、过程与方法:鼓励学生通过小组讨论,合作探究等方式学习和运用英语目标语。3、情感态度与价值观: 培养学生在实际生活中辨别方向的能力,激发学生热爱自己家园的情感。重 点:熟练掌握重点词汇和目标功能句。难 点:能正确运用目标语言为他人介绍自己住所。教 法:1、cooperating 2、personalizing教 具:pictures, tapes课 型:reading-writing课 时:Period 4教 学 过 程学 案 教师活动(含学法指导) 学 生 活 动 设 计 意 图一、课前准备.Draw a picture

3、of your neighborhood, tell your partner about where you live, using“there be”drills and prepositional drills. .Write out the phrases in 3a and 3b: 欢迎到_散步_充满乐趣的好地方_一条繁忙街道_花园小区_穿过公园_.谈谈疑惑:通过对生词句等预习,还有哪些疑问?_二课堂展示与释疑: Before reading 1 Pair work 结合课前准备,两人一组:Ask and answer the questions about your partner

4、s neighborhood, like this:A: Where is your house?B:A: Is there a supermarket near your house?B : A:2 Group work: use the preps. and drills to describe “our school”, choose the best group.While reading 模块 1. Skimming(速读) :Read quickly and find out the description words:streets, parks, an hotel, ahous

5、e, an garden模块 2. Scanning(找读): 1、Ask the students to make a survey about your partners neighborhood.2、 Guide the students to preview thekey vocabulary.3、Ask the students to write their difficulties.4、Let the students look at the models to make dialogues.5、Ask Ss to discuss how to try to write somet

6、hing about some place. 6、First, read as quickly as you can, then fill in the blanks.1.Make dialogues with what they learned last class.2 Fill out before class.3、Ss write their problems.4、 Review the drillsin pairs5、Free talk to act well. 6. skim the guide1、复习上节课句型,过渡引入新内容。2、为学习新内容作铺垫,为课上的阅读与写作扫除障碍,降

7、低学习难度。3、把握重点,调动学生有针对性地学习。4、复习导入, 启发学生思维。5. 创设情境,激发学生学习和探究的兴趣6、Let the Ss get to know the keyinformation.Answer the 4 questions:1 Where are the small parks?2 Where is the old hotel?3 Where is the small house/4 How is the small house?模块 3. Reading up(研读) 1)Enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks

8、.句中 enjoy 表示“享受 欣赏” ,后加名词:e.g 欣赏音乐 _ 享受晚餐_另外,enjoy 后接动名词形式,表示 “喜欢做某事” ,例如:我喜欢读英语。_Tom 喜欢看电视。_2)Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.句中 with 表示“带有。 。 。特征”的,如A girl _ long hair, a boy_ glasses模块 4.跟读录音,熟读 3a, 比一比谁读得最好!模块 5. 结构梳理与复述After reading 【Task 1】 Group workTalk about th

9、e places in the picture of 3b, complete the blanks.思考:Bridge Street is a good place to have fun. 其中 to have fun 在句中作定语,修饰 a good place. _指“玩的高兴” , 与 同义。【Task 2】Make a survey about your classmates neighborhoods: Which street? Other buildings? Relationships among them? Then report your survey. 【Task 3

10、】 Write the tour guide for your neighborhood.Model: I live inStreet. It is a good place to have fun. There is a_ near my house. It is very_, you can there. If you are _, you can _ there. Its next to the Welcome to my neighborhood.三. 课堂反馈:From this lesson I have learnt:_ 我还有哪些疑惑_7、Reading strategy:Yo

11、u neednt read the sentences one by one, just scan what you want to learn about some details. Catch the key words or sentences for your answers. 8、Ask the students to read up and find out the difficult points by themselves. If Ss cant understand them ,the teacher help them to solve the difficulties.9

12、、播放录音,强化话题句的跟读。10、请根据黑板上提示词帮助,试着复述介绍 Garden District,小组内交流。11、Guide the students tomake a survey12、引导学生初步运用功能句写作。13、老师点拨、补充7 快速浏览,找出关键信息。8、 (1)自主学习: 独学释义,找出重难点。(2)合作探究: 对学解疑 , 讨论交流。(3)观察比较, 进行知识反馈。9、对照课文,认真模仿,力求读准音。10、朗读并复述。11、 ask and answer in groups.12 Ss write the article.Then check in pairs.7、P

13、ractice reading using the reading strategy.这一环节为课文复述做了铺垫。由简单到复杂,由易到难,循序渐进。8、积累语言知识,为写作作准备, 检查学习效果, ,增强学习信心。9、训练学生的朗读能力,培养语感。10、 Trainstudents oral ability using the target language.11、Learning by doingput knowledge into practice12、训练学生的初步写作能力。13. 梳理知识结构四. Homework: Write a letter to your friend. Tel

14、l him or her your ideal house or district.当堂达标测试(满分 100 分)一. Complete the following conversation according to the map:A: Look at this map, Whats in my neighborhood?B: Let me see. There 1_ a school, a bank, a park, a library and a 2_ in your neighborhood.A: You are right. Where is the bank?B: Its 3_

15、the school and the post office, and its 4_ the library.A: Yes. You are standing A, go 5_ the avenue and turn right. What can you see 6_ your right?B: I can see the 7_.A: You are right.二、Writing: 仔细观察下面示意图,向你的好友介绍你的居住环境,然后写在下面横线上,不少于 60 词。_六、板书设计: 14. 畅想并练习15、要求学生以最快的速度,完成填空16. 老师要求学生认真审题,按要求运用句型进行书写

16、13. 学生概括总结14. 自主检测写作15、学生独立快速浏览图示,找出关键信息,把答案填写在横线上,小组共同核对答案。16. 成对互改内容14、提高学生的语言实践能力,课堂生活化。15.进一步训练阅读技巧,检测学习效果。16、检查本课技能目标的落实情况,进一步训练写作技巧,检测学习效果。ASchool AVENUEBankPost officeLibraryKaifa StreetBank House BusStop Hotel Shop Book StoreParkZoo GreenAvenue八 课后练习精编 设计意图一、单项选择(30 分) ( ) 1. Go straight and

17、 turn_ ,you will see the school.A. to left B. the left C. for the left D. left( ) 2. You can _ some music here.A. see B. listen C. enjoy D. look( ) 3. Is there _ restaurant?A. some B. an C. a D. the( ) 4. Turn left on first avenue and enjoy the _ streets.A. cities B. citys C. citys D. city( ) 5. She

18、 has a hat _ red flowers _ it.A. with in B. on on C. with on D. of on( ) 6. The pay phone is across _the bank.A. with B. from C. in D. to( ) 7. If he _ tired, he can _ a walk.A. is take B. are takes c. be take D. is takes( ) 8. I go _ street and see the shop _ my left.A. on in B. on on C. down to D.

19、 down on( ) 9. Is there a market next to your house? - _.A. No, there is B. No, there isnt C. Yes, there are D. Yes, there isnt( ) 10. Let me _ you the way _ school.A. to tell, to B. tell, of C. tell, to D. to tell, to二、阅读理解:(30 分)Hello, everyone(每个人 )! Welcome to Green Street. Its a good place to h

20、ave fun. It is a busy street. 一、巩固本课的语言基础知识Unit 2 Wheres the post office ? Section B 3a-4b Period41、 Turn left on street; Take a walk through; Across from is 2、A tour guide for ones neighborhood.七、教学反思:本节课以提高学生综合运用目标语进行读写能力为主要教学任务,由易到难,从输入到输出, 层层深入教学内容。在创设情境、具体实践活动中,进行听说读写训练,实现了用语言做事的最终目的。但也存在不足:在学生

21、自己动手写过程中,仍有一定困难,表达不够清晰、准确;不能保证每一位学生都能有效利用课堂时间、业余时间练习巩固写作。There are lots of stores on it. If you want to borrow books, you can go to the library. It is next to a bookstore. If you want to take a walk, you can go to the park. Its a clean place. Across from the park, its a big supermarket. You can buy

22、some food there. There is also a restaurant. If you are hungry, you can enjoy your dinner there. Its near a fruit market. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 16. Where is the library?A. In front of a bookstore. B. Behind a bookstore. C. Next to a book store. ( ) 17. How is Green Street?A. Its quiet. B. Its busy. C. I

23、ts dirty.( ) 18. Where is the supermarket?A. Its across from the park. B. Its in the park. C. Its near the park. ( ) 19. Where is the restaurant?A. Near a food market. B. Next to a fruit market. C. Behind a store. ( ) 20. What do you think of the park?A. I think its quiet. B. Its noisy. C. Its clean.三、书面表达 (40 分) 你的理想居住环境是怎样的?精心设计一下,然后认真书写表达出来。要求语句通顺、内容清楚。词数不少于 60。_二、继续阅读含有话题功能句的文章,训练阅读技能,为学生模仿写作打下话题语言基础。三、要求学生运用本课所学知识实现学以致用的目的,增强学习的兴趣。


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