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1、海洋温泉前厅接待常用英语1,Good morning, Welcome to Ocean Hot Spring! What can I do for you?早上好,海洋温泉欢迎您!我能为你做点什么吗?2,Do you have the spring ticket? / Do you have the reservation of spring?请问您有温泉票吗?/ 请问您有温泉的预定吗?3,What kind of service do you like? Spring, massage or food?请问您需要什么服务?温泉,按摩还是餐饮?4, This is the price lis

2、t of our hot spring. Please take a look before you make the decision.这个是我们温泉的价目表。请您过目后再做决定。5, Please buy the ticket at the reception desk. This way please!请在接待处买门票。这边请!6, How many people together? How many ladies and how many gentlemen?请问一共多少位呢?几位女士?几位男士?7, The hot spring charges children as follow:

3、The children who are shorter than 1.1 meters, free of charge;The children who between 1.1 and 1.4 meters, 80 RMB per child;The children who are taller than 1.4 meters, the same price as adults.关于儿童的温泉门票收费标准如下:身高一米一以下的儿童,免费;身高一米一到一米四的儿童,八十元;身高一米四以上的儿童,成人价。8, The price of the spring ticket is 168 yuan

4、 one person.温泉门票的价格为 168 元一位。9, This is the inductive key for your locker in the changing room. If you have any other charges, you can sign the bill with the key.After you enjoy the hot spring, please check out at the cashier over there.这是您更衣室更衣柜的感应钥匙。如果您有其他的消费,可以用这个钥匙牌签单。在您泡完温泉之后,在那边的收银处结帐买单。10, Ou

5、r business hours is from 09:00AM to 02:00AM next day.我们的营业时间是从上午九点到次日凌晨两点。11,Excuse me, do you bring swim trunk/swimsuit with you?请问你有带泳裤/泳衣吗?12,You can buy the swim trunk/swimsuit in the shopping center or changing room.In the shopping center, you need pay in cash;In the changing room, you can sign

6、 the bill with the key.你可以在商场或者更衣室里面购买泳裤/泳衣。在商场里,需付现金;在更衣室里,可以用钥匙牌签单。13,Please show your key before entering. And go upstairs to the changing room on the second floor. Have a good time!进场之前,请出示您的钥匙牌。然后上二楼更衣室。祝您玩得开心!14,You will change your clothes in the different room. After you put on the swim trun

7、k/ swimsuit. There is the same entrance enter the spring area. You can wait for your friends there.你们在不同的更衣室换衣服。换完衣服后,有同一个入口进入温泉区,你可以在那里等你的朋友。15, Glad to see you again! Please take the key to the cashier and change to a card for leaving.很高兴再次见到您。请将钥匙牌交到收银处换一张离场卡。16, The spring area does not open to

8、visitors because everyone in the spring area take on swim trunk/ swimsuit.温泉区是谢绝参观的,因为温泉区的人都是穿泳衣/泳裤的。17, I am sorry. Please wait a moment. I will find another one who speaks better English to serve you.对不起,请稍等。我找个英语讲得好的人来为您服务。18, The battery car runs every 10 minutes with designated route. Please wa

9、it a moment.电瓶车每 10 分钟一班。请稍等一下。19, Buses going to the downtown area will leave in front of the lobby every hour on 45 minutes. Youd better book the seat and wait for the bus 10 minutes earlier than the leaving time.去市区的大巴车在每小时的 45 分都有一班的。你最好提前预定座位。并在出发前十分钟在门口等车。20, Welcome next time and enjoy your t

10、rip! / Ocean Hot Spring wish you health and happiness! 欢迎下次光临,旅途愉快!/ 海洋温泉祝你健康欢乐!21, This is the key to your locker. You are able to enjoy more than 80 hot spring pools and over 10 dry and steam sauna rooms. Free fruit and beverage are offered in the lobby on the second floor. There are bath towels,

11、slippers and bathing articles in the locker. Swimming suits are sold both in the shopping center and ladies and the gentlemen. The hot spring ticket does not cover the cost of fish pool bathing, ore sand bathing and coddled eggs. Should you need any food, massage or beauty service, you could sign th

12、e bill with your key card and settle the bill later when you get out.这是您的更衣柜钥匙牌,在里面您可以享受室内外 80 多个温泉池和 10 多间干湿蒸桑拿房,二楼休息厅提供免费的水果和饮料。更衣室内准备有浴巾、拖鞋、沐浴用品。泳衣泳裤在商场和男女宾均有售卖,亲亲鱼池、矿砂浴、煮蛋泉是不包含在温泉门票内的,如果用餐、按摩或美容可以凭钥匙牌签单,出来后一起结帐。Changing Room 更衣室Bathroom 浴室Nakedness Bath Place 裸浴区Indoor hot springs 室内温泉Outdoor ho

13、t springs 室外温泉Lounge 休息区Steam Bath 汗蒸幕浴Oriental Bath 东方浴区Western Bath 西方浴区Swimming Pool for Adults 成人泳池Swimming Pool for children 儿童泳池Swimming pool for lovers 情侣池Smoking Area 吸烟区Springhead 泉源Slippers 拖鞋 Bath curtain 浴帘 Bath-tub 浴缸Toilet soap 浴皂 Towel 毛巾 Tooth-paste 牙膏Tooth-brush 牙刷 Shampoo 洗发水 Comb

14、梳子Passport 签证 Signature 签名 Identification 身份证Air-conditioner 空调 Stool 凳 Sofa 沙发 Bookshelf 书架 Clothes hanger 衣架 Sheet 床单Mosquito net 蚊帐 Ashtray 烟灰缸 Carpet 地毯Blanket 毛毯 Pillow 枕头 Pillow-case 枕套Teapot 茶壶 Toilet paper 卫生纸 Sandwich 三明治Noodles 面条 Porridge 稀饭 Fried rice 米饭Whisky 威干忌 Champagne 香槟酒 Cocktail 鸡尾酒Bowl 碗 Knife 刀 Fork 叉Dish 盘,碟 Spoon 匙 Coffee pot 咖啡壶


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