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1、You install IIS on a Windows 95 machine and want to use Index Server, what do you need to do?A.Upgrade to Windows NT Server.B.Upgrade to Windows NT WorkstationC.Upgrade to Windows 98.D.Do nothing.,If you secure the access to a web page using SSL how must you change the URL in order to access the sec

2、ured page? A. https:/ B. httpssl:/ C. http:/一个大院子里住了50户人家,每家都养了一条狗,有一天他们接到通知说院子里有狗生病了,并要求所有主人在发现自己家狗生病的当天就要把狗枪杀掉。然而所有主人和他们的狗都不能够离开自己的房子,主人与主人之间也不能通过任何方式进行沟通,他们能做的只是通过窗户观察别人家的狗是否生病从而判断自己的狗病否。(就是说,每个主人只能看出其他49家的狗是不是生病,单独看自己的狗是看不出来的)第一天没有枪声,第二天还是没有枪声,第三天传出一阵枪声,问有多少条狗被枪杀。,Susan logs onto a sensitive web

3、 site and it is set up to use Basic Authentication. What is Encrypted? A. Password and Data are encrypted B. Password is encrypted, Data isnt C. Data is encrypted, Password isnt D. Neither Password Nor data,You setup a FTP site and setup a virtual directory and set the listing to UNIX. Afterwards no

4、t all users can access it. why? A. Assign NTFS rightsB. Set listing style to MS-DOS,电源过渡状态: 上电复位与欠压复位防止程序运行失常:监视定时器(Watch Dog Timer)数据保护: 非易失性RAM复位时序: 外围先复位, 延时后进入外围器件的初始化Your Domain name is currently set to one of you subsidiaries, How do you get SMTP mail to appear it is coming from your real comp

5、anies domain? A. Masquerade domain * B. Smart host header C. Domain name change,电源过渡状态: 上电复位与欠压复位防止程序运行失常:监视定时器(Watch Dog Timer)数据保护: 非易失性RAM复位时序: 外围先复位, 延时后进入外围器件的初始化What is the easiest way to find how many 32K objects have HTML extensions? A. Import a log file to an excel spread sheetB. Site Serve

6、r *C. Use NT Explorer to search the web site DIRD. Use FTP,You want to get the most performance out of your IIS server. What is the best way to secure sensitive directories? A. enable SSL only when requiredB. Enable SSL all the time C. use the client certificate D. move SSL directories to a separate

7、 PC,虚拟存储器是程序可以占有的空间,它的大小由CPU的体系结构确定,实际上这个空间是由磁盘等外部存储器的支持来实现80386的虚拟存储器空间为 You set up a web site on your intranet. Clients use different browsers. When some clients try to access pages they receive an error message like Error 401.2,Browser does not support required encryption method. ,which is the mo

8、st probably reason? A.Browser does not support SSL B.Site using NT Challenge/Response authentication method,电源过渡状态: 上电复位与欠压复位防止程序运行失常:监视定时器(Watch Dog Timer)数据保护: 非易失性RAM复位时序: 外围先复位, 延时后进入外围器件的初始化You want to download a copy of your web site to your laptop computer. You want to include only the files

9、that are on the directory structure and that are currently referred by a NT HTML file on your web site. What do you do?A. Copy the files using the MS site Server Express mapping the URL B. Copy the files using the FTP ServiceC. Copy the files using the MS Site Express mapping the file system,You hav

10、e 500 MB Corpus. how much free disk space does index server require to index? A. 200 MB B. 400MBC. 500MBD. 1000MB,What should you do so that users can run both the ISAPI applications and the CGI scripts?A. stop and start the WWW serviceB. stop and start the MMCC. In ISM, assign Read access permissio

11、ns for the Scripts virtual directoryD. In ISM, assign Execute permissions for the wwwroot directory,you have virtual directories on 4 server. you need a summary of images. What do you use?A. Index serverB. ISMC. NT ExplorerD. Site Server Express Content Analyzer,总体形势好:人才高地战略(柔性流动)/经济发展迅速/三资、IT多就业空间大

12、:2001年上海生源毕业生2.6万,引进本科以上非上海生源毕业生2.3万(去年1.8万),加上通过其它渠道入沪的有5万多人今后几年内还急需大量人才 外资的涌入/现代化的国际大都市/四个中心/六大支柱产业(汽车、信息、医化、机械、成套设备、都市产业)需求什么人才? 12大类重点领域、共76种专业岗位或职位。它们分别是:IT与微电子、金融保险、生物制药、石化及精细化工、汽车与成套设备、都市农业、现代物流、城市建设与管理、新材料、社会中介服务、投资及经营管理、文化体育等大类 一般的财会文秘已严重供大于求(1:5.75)就业竞争激烈 调查:上海32.3,北京27.7,深圳等特区12.1 Where a

13、re MIME settings stored?A. RegistryB. MetabaseC. Log fileD. Event Viewer log file,stm extension (bin files from your application) conflicts with server parsed html-documentsA. modify MIME mappings text/stmB. modify MIME mappings text/htmlC. modify Application extension mapping for server side includ

14、e directives and rename the necessary filesD. associate files with .stm extension with Inetmgr.exe個人電腦作業系統辦公室常用軟體個人電腦工具軟體工作站作業系統資料庫電子商務工具網頁製作工具,第一类是技术含量偏低的高薪职位(人事经理、行政经理、高级秘书等)第二类是重复性较高的工作(银行结汇开单人员 )第三类是仅掌握单一技能的高薪者,(电脑程序员、翻译等职位)第四类是电脑化程度增强后,复杂性风险度工作难度大幅降低的高薪职位,(某些财务经理、生产经理、仓储经理、品保经理)第五类是技术含量较高的高新技术领

15、域中掌握落后技术的高薪人员。(靠PC机成为电脑人才的高薪者)You want to install IIS to support an Intranet Web Site for the sales, marketing and accounting department of your company. All client browsers support Host Headers.A. Install IIS on 3 NT Servers; implement NTFS security; segregate computers for each departmentB. Instal

16、l IIS on 1 NT Servers; implement NTFS security; implement Host HeadersC. Install IIS on 1 NT Workstations; implement NTFS securityD. Install IIS on 3 Win95 computers; implement share-level security,You have 3 Web sites, one IIS and 10 users will need to be able to access each site simultaneously. Wh

17、at do you install ?A. Windows 95B. Windows 3.1C. Windows NT ServerD. Windows NT Workstation,麦肯锡公司(McKinsey)波士顿咨询(BostonConsultingGroup) 思科系统公司(CiscoSystems) 高盛公司(GoldmanSachs )贝恩国际顾问公司(Bain) 埃森哲公司(Accenture )博思顾问公司(Booz-AllenHamilton) 英特尔公司(Intel) 惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard )摩根士丹利添惠公司(Morgan StanleyDeanWi

18、tter) IBM公司(IBM) 德勤公司(DeloitteConsulting )沃尔特迪斯尼公司(Walt Disney) 戴尔计算机公司(DellComputer )美国在线-时代华纳公司(AOLTimeWarner )科尔尼咨询公司(A.T.Kearney) 雅虎公司(Yahoo)亚马逊公司(A ) 3M公司(3M )通用电气资本公司(GECapital )微软公司(Microsoft)美林证券公司(MerrillLynch JP)摩根公司(JPMorgan) 美国运通公司(AmericanExpress ) 通用电气公司(General Electric) 普华永道财务会计公司(Pr

19、icewaterhouseCoopers )宝马汽车公司(BMW )瑞士信贷第一波士顿银行(Credit Suisse First Boston) 强生公司(JohnsonJohnson) 宝洁公司(ProcterGamble )You have configured a virtual directory called on your servercalled White House. After doing so, some people cannot access it. What should you do?A. Change the name to “white house”B. C

20、hange the name to “Whitehorse”C. .D. .,What IIS entries would be stored in the IIS Metabase? (Choose 2) A. Location of the IIS help files B. Virtual Folder security information C. Home Directory permissions D. Index Server settings E. Site Server Express settings,You want to connect to a virtual dir

21、ectory using NETBIOS computer names. What TCP/IP service would you install?A.use WINS server for name resolutionB.configure DNS for name resolutionC.use multiple DHCP serversD.disable DHCP on the clients,Which subnet mask is needed to allow access only to the IP-addresses until 192.168.

22、0.127 ? A.,You have a high no. of not found errors on your web site. Why? (choose 2). A Wrong virtual directory configuration. B Wrong permissions for anonymous account. C Excessive traffic on network segment. D Errors in HTML code

23、 on pages,You configured your FTP-site port 20962. When you try to access your FTP-site on a different computer, within the same domain, by typing the correct IP address, you receive an error statement saying Operation timed out.Why? A. the IP-stack does not support port numbers above 10000 B. when

24、connecting to the FTP-site, the default port 21 is used C. .D. .,PERL setup on one server and you move it to another server, what is required to make it work?A. add a perl interpreterB. Restart IISC. nothing,You configure multiple sites on a IIS 4.0 server. Both sites share the same IP address, Home

25、 Directory and TCP port. DNS entries have been set up that point each FQDN to the IP address. However, when users try to go to the 2nd web site they can not access it? A. Configure HOSTS files on the server B. Configure HOSTS files on the clients C. Configure the clients to use DNS D. Configure site

26、 2 to use a Host Header,Trouble with slow access on IIS computer. Discover via performance monitor that the server has low processor usage and high network bandwidth usage. What should you do? A. Add RAM B. Add another network adapter C. increase timeout connection for your web site,You have a high

27、number of not found errors on your web site. Why? A. Wrong virtual directory configuration B. Wrong permission for anonymous account C. excessive traffic on network segment D. error on HTML codes on pages与IT相关的专业需求旺盛,供需结构性矛盾依然突出2、经济发达地区,社会需求增大,不发达地区没有明显增长3、各省市加大了人才引进力度,限制性政策逐步取消或放宽4、用人单位主体发生结构性变化,Yo

28、u want to maximize the performance with SSL, how could you do ?A. increase CPUB. add RAMC. faster HDD. Add another NIC,Users reports that it takes 48 hours to receive undeliverable message notifications. How to decrease time ?A. Decrease retry interval to 30 minutes B. Increase max numbers of retrie

29、s to 60C. Implement DNS reverse lookupD. Select LOCAL as the message queue type on the SMTP site tab.,What is the Requirements for SMTP?A. NTFSB. FATC. TCP/IPD. NetbiosE. DNS,You have an IIS installation which has only FTP, how can you configure the FTP site remotely? A. enable WWW B. allow anonymou

30、s to FTP C. set up Winnt Challenge login,If you secure the access to a web page using SSL how must you change the URL in order to access the secured page? A. https:/ B. httpssl:/ C. http:/一个大院子里住了50户人家,每家都养了一条狗,有一天他们接到通知说院子里有狗生病了,并要求所有主人在发现自己家狗生病的当天就要把狗枪杀掉。然而所有主人和他们的狗都不能够离开自己的房子,主人与主人之间也不能通过任何方式进行沟通

31、,他们能做的只是通过窗户观察别人家的狗是否生病从而判断自己的狗病否。(就是说,每个主人只能看出其他49家的狗是不是生病,单独看自己的狗是看不出来的)第一天没有枪声,第二天还是没有枪声,第三天传出一阵枪声,问有多少条狗被枪杀。,Susan logs onto a sensitive web site and it is set up to use Basic Authentication. What is Encrypted? A. Password and Data are encrypted B. Password is encrypted, Data isnt C. Data is enc

32、rypted, Password isnt D. Neither Password Nor data,You setup a FTP site and setup a virtual directory and set the listing to UNIX. Afterwards not all users can access it. why? A. Assign NTFS rightsB. Set listing style to MS-DOS,电源过渡状态: 上电复位与欠压复位防止程序运行失常:监视定时器(Watch Dog Timer)数据保护: 非易失性RAM复位时序: 外围先复位

33、, 延时后进入外围器件的初始化Your Domain name is currently set to one of you subsidiaries, How do you get SMTP mail to appear it is coming from your real companies domain? A. Masquerade domain * B. Smart host header C. Domain name change,You set up expiration policy on NNTP for 7days or when it reaches 500MB for

34、all notes, when does it expire?A. If file exceeds the particular size, the oldest documents delete regardless of age. B. If a document hits 7 days, it deletes regardless of size.发生在大女子主义村子里,有50 对夫妇每个女人在别人的丈夫对妻子不忠实时会立即知道,但从来不知道自己的丈夫如何。该村严格的大女子主义章程要求,如果一个女人能够证明她的丈夫不忠实,她必须在当天杀死他。又假定女人们是赞同这一章程的、聪明的、能意识到

35、别的妇女的聪明、并且很仁慈,即她们从不向那些丈夫不忠实的妇女通风报信。假定发生了这样的事:所有这50个男人都不忠实,但没有哪一个女人能够证明她的丈夫的不忠实,以至这个村子能够快活而又小心翼翼地一如既往。有一天早晨,森林的远处有一位德高望重的女族长来拜访。她的诚实众所周知,她的话就像法律。她暗中警告说村子里至少有一个风流的丈夫。问:这个村子里多少男人会遭受面顶之灾?,电源过渡状态: 上电复位与欠压复位防止程序运行失常:监视定时器(Watch Dog Timer)数据保护: 非易失性RAM复位时序: 外围先复位, 延时后进入外围器件的初始化What is the easiest way to fi

36、nd how many 32K objects have HTML extensions? A. Import a log file to an excel spread sheetB. Site Server *C. Use NT Explorer to search the web site DIRD. Use FTP,You want to get the most performance out of your IIS server. What is the best way to secure sensitive directories? A. enable SSL only whe

37、n requiredB. Enable SSL all the time C. use the client certificate D. move SSL directories to a separate PC,虚拟存储器是程序可以占有的空间,它的大小由CPU的体系结构确定,实际上这个空间是由磁盘等外部存储器的支持来实现80386的虚拟存储器空间为 You set up a web site on your intranet. Clients use different browsers. When some clients try to access pages they receive

38、 an error message like Error 401.2,Browser does not support required encryption method. ,which is the most probably reason? A.Browser does not support SSL B.Site using NT Challenge/Response authentication method,电源过渡状态: 上电复位与欠压复位防止程序运行失常:监视定时器(Watch Dog Timer)数据保护: 非易失性RAM复位时序: 外围先复位, 延时后进入外围器件的初始化Y

39、ou want to download a copy of your web site to your laptop computer. You want to include only the files that are on the directory structure and that are currently referred by a NT HTML file on your web site. What do you do?A. Copy the files using the MS site Server Express mapping the URL B. Copy th

40、e files using the FTP ServiceC. Copy the files using the MS Site Express mapping the file system,You have 500 MB Corpus. how much free disk space does index server require to index? A. 200 MB B. 400MBC. 500MBD. 1000MB,What should you do so that users can run both the ISAPI applications and the CGI s

41、cripts?A. stop and start the WWW serviceB. stop and start the MMCC. In ISM, assign Read access permissions for the Scripts virtual directoryD. In ISM, assign Execute permissions for the wwwroot directory,you have virtual directories on 4 server. you need a summary of images. What do you use?A. Index

42、 serverB. ISMC. NT ExplorerD. Site Server Express Content Analyzer,If you secure the access to a web page using SSL how must you change the URL in order to access the secured page? A. https:/ B. httpssl:/ C. http:/一个大院子里住了50户人家,每家都养了一条狗,有一天他们接到通知说院子里有狗生病了,并要求所有主人在发现自己家狗生病的当天就要把狗枪杀掉。然而所有主人和他们的狗都不能够离开

43、自己的房子,主人与主人之间也不能通过任何方式进行沟通,他们能做的只是通过窗户观察别人家的狗是否生病从而判断自己的狗病否。(就是说,每个主人只能看出其他49家的狗是不是生病,单独看自己的狗是看不出来的)第一天没有枪声,第二天还是没有枪声,第三天传出一阵枪声,问有多少条狗被枪杀。,Susan logs onto a sensitive web site and it is set up to use Basic Authentication. What is Encrypted? A. Password and Data are encrypted B. Password is encrypted

44、, Data isnt C. Data is encrypted, Password isnt D. Neither Password Nor data,You setup a FTP site and setup a virtual directory and set the listing to UNIX. Afterwards not all users can access it. why? A. Assign NTFS rightsB. Set listing style to MS-DOS,电源过渡状态: 上电复位与欠压复位防止程序运行失常:监视定时器(Watch Dog Time

45、r)数据保护: 非易失性RAM复位时序: 外围先复位, 延时后进入外围器件的初始化Your Domain name is currently set to one of you subsidiaries, How do you get SMTP mail to appear it is coming from your real companies domain? A. Masquerade domain * B. Smart host header C. Domain name change,You set up expiration policy on NNTP for 7days or

46、when it reaches 500MB for all notes, when does it expire?A. If file exceeds the particular size, the oldest documents delete regardless of age. B. If a document hits 7 days, it deletes regardless of size.发生在大女子主义村子里,有50 对夫妇每个女人在别人的丈夫对妻子不忠实时会立即知道,但从来不知道自己的丈夫如何。该村严格的大女子主义章程要求,如果一个女人能够证明她的丈夫不忠实,她必须在当天杀死他。又假定女人们是赞同这一章程的、聪明的、能意识到别的妇女的聪明、并且很仁慈,即她们从不向那些丈夫不忠实的妇女通风报信。假定发生了这样的事:所有这50个男人都不忠实,但没有哪一个女人能够证明她的丈夫的不忠实,以至这个村子能够快活而又小心翼翼地一如既往。有一天早晨,森林的远处有一位德高望重的女族长来拜访。她的诚实众所周知,她的话就像法律。她暗中警告说村子里至少有一个风流的丈夫。问:这个村子里多少男人会遭受面顶之灾?,


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