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1、创新科技 服务中国 ARM 扎根中国四年,以领先的知识产权及创新的业务模式推动中国嵌入式系统的应用的发展,谭 军ARM (中国) 总裁2005 年 9 月 5 日,深圳。,第六届全国嵌入式系统学术交流会,10 Years of Change - Portable Gaming,Nintendo GameBoy (1989)CPU: 8-bit Z-80 processor, 1.05 MHz Screen: 2.6 160 x 140 LCDConnectivity: 4 players by serial cablePrice: introduction price - $169,1000x

2、 performancefor the same price,Nintendo DS (2004)CPU: ARM9 (66 MHz) and ARM7 (33MHz) Screen: Two 3 256 X 192 colour LCDsConnectivity: 16 players wirelessly and embedded WLANPrice: exp. introduction price - $150,三大件 (1980年以前),三大件 (1990年以前),三大件 (2000年以前),今天 ?,创新科技提高我们的生活水平及工作效率,嵌入式系统的应用,嵌入式系统: 半导体电路和计

3、算机交叉,半导体,计算机,Semiconductor Industry (半导体工业),Industry is 50 years old and looks set to continue for another 50 yearsSeveral waves of semiconductor technologyNow in the middle of CMOSCMOS has enabled MSILSIVLSISOCTechnical progress brings a basis for industry evolutionMiniaturisationReductions in cost

4、sIncreases in complexityVertical integration gives way to horizontal specialisationCreates a sub-sector: Semiconductor IP,Computing Industry (计算机工业),Computing has evolved in parallel with the Semiconductor industry over a similar but slightly longer periodSemiconductor technology is now allowing com

5、puting to become embedded into everyday productsEnhancing existing productsEnabling the creation of new ones,Semiconductor Dis-aggregation (分工化),The 2004 Semiconductor IP Market,All data from Gartner-Dataquest,* Only SIP revenue reported,ARM: A Global IP Company,ARM是全球领先的半导体知识产权公司(IP:Intellectual Pr

6、operty) 不直接生产和销售芯片,ARM IP = Components for SoC Design,OKI ML69Q6203,ARM in Your Everyday Life,How has ARM reached into your daily life?,芯片设计公司,Motorola, Nokia, Sony, SamsungLenovo, TCL, Haier, Canon, SanyoZTE, HuaWei, UTStarcometc,Intel, TI, FreescaleQualcomm, Datang, HEDOKI, Sharp, NECetc,The ARM B

7、usiness Model (业务模式),ARM,Partner,OEM Customer,1.27 Billion Shipments In 2004,Ink Printer Digital Camera Laser Printer Digital Video Camera,Hard Disk Drives Flash Cards Networked Storage,Voice phones Feature phones Smart phones / PDA Bluetooth peripherals,Set-top-box Digital Audio Gaming DVD,SIM Fina

8、ncial Gvt ID/IT security,Wireless LAN VoIP Digital Modems Home Gateways,ABS/Airbag/Safety Body & Dashboard Infotainment Powertrain,White goods Brown goods (low end) Industrial control,66%,7%,1%,7%,2%,2%,8%,7%,1.27B,% shown as shipment in Q3,32 位 CPU 发展浪潮,Continued downward pressure on costApplicatio

9、n requirements driving higher-performance MCUEngineers need faster and easier development,HIGH PERFORMANCE,LOW COST,Revenue ($ Millions),Demand accelerating for cost-sensitive high-performance solution,Typical MCU specification,CPU + Debug,Program MemoryFlash / ROM,RAM / EEPROM,“Standards” periphera

10、lsTimer, watchdog, PWM, LCD controller, GPIO,Analog peripheralsI/O, PLL, A/D,High end Timers,New Peripherals(Bluetooth, Wlan),Com peripheralsI2C, CAN, SPI, SCI, USB, Ethernet,Peripherals nice to haveDMA, SDram controller,Different size for cost & different application target,Automotive & Industrial,

11、Wireless communications,Memory expansion,Differentiator,Typical MCU,Example from ATMEL,Application Debug,Application Development,Firmware Development,Initial Debug,Prototype emulation,Software Debug - Prototype,Software Debug - Real Silicon,嵌入式系统的应用开发,嵌入式系统: 硬件/软件复杂程度,1992,2004,DTV / DVD example,中国嵌

12、入式系统的发展的三大门槛,人才,产业化,知识产权,成功!,ARM:推动中国嵌入式系统产业化发展,Fabless,Foundries,Training,UniversityResearch,Reference Design,Design Service,RTOS & SoftwareApplications,DevelopmentTools,突破IP瓶颈,ARM在中国的四年: 与国内电子行业紧密合作的知识产权公司,ARM Approved Design Centre,中国无晶圆厂半导体公司,晶原代工厂,大学及政府机构,中兴集成上海华虹集成电路大唐微电子上海复旦微电子,中芯国际 (ARM7TDMI

13、0.18u, ARM922T0.18u, ARM926EJ0.13u),东南大学上海集成电路设计研究中心(ICC) 上海交通大学,上海杰得微电子华为技术国微技术华大电子,北京工业大学香港科技园沈阳自动化研究所,ARM RealView 开发工具中国分销商,ARM Approved Training Centre,北京旋极,深圳英蓓特,香港科汇宏盛分部,北京旋极,北京微芯力,芯原微电子,软件技术合作,ARM RealView 开发工具合作伙伴,广州周立功单片机,重邮信科智多微电子Celestial,微迅科银技术、搏动科技、北京振戎融通,复旦大学,ARM首推最新商业模式,The most popu

14、lar CPU in the world!,Embedded MCU: 8 位向32 位更新时的挑战,Tools 工具Affordable (wide range)Easy to use (IDE, GUI)System-aware (C, board support)Learning Curve 学习曲线Knowledge (books)Training (courses)Prototyping boards (from silicon to product)Resources 公共资源3rd party support (HW/SW)Software (OS support, middle

15、-ware, apps)Web & public,ARM四年中国的“大学计划”,Guangdong(2),Hongkong(4),Shanghai(8),Jiangsu,Zhejiang(5),Dalian,Liaoning,Beijing(9),Shandong,Chongqing,Hubei(2),Xian(2),50+ Chinese universitiesTeaching ARM-based Embedded System/Software Applications,ARM四年在中国培养本地人才,Intel StrongARM,Philips ARM MCU,Intel XScale

16、,Atmel AT91,Motorola iMX1,ARM SoC Design,ARM Programming,ARM Architecture,Samsung ARM ASSP,Samsung ARM ASSP,50 books so far, a new text book every month,ARM books that I bought in Shenzhen 28 July 2005, 3 books published in July 2005,ARM 已成为中国嵌入式开发首选,Source: EDN China 2005 Embedded system survey,三大件

17、: 新3C 产品 (2010年后),Cellular 手机,Color TV 彩电,Car 汽车,1 billion transistor chips ARM11 MPcore 1GHz CPU VGA H.264 encode GPU (PSP level performance) 256MB DRAM, 64MB Flash WVGA screen (852x480) 4 mega pixel camera,3.5G (HSDPA)WiMax (10 Mbit down),NFC / RFID,Stereo Headset,Bluetooth/UWB,Biometrics,GPS,TV o

18、ut,PC / Mac,512 MB Memory card,DMB (Digital Mobile Broadcast),Concept Smart Phone of 2008,20 GB HD,1 billion transistor chips ARM11 MPcore 1GHz CPU HDTV 1080p / 720i H.264 & VC1 Video Dolby Digital 5.1 Integrated Multiple Digital Tuner,Location free TV,Memory cards 10 GB,Wireless LCD TV,HD STB,Terab

19、yte storage for PVR,Smart Cards for protected content,In-home security,Gaming displays,Home automation,High-End TV: the Centre of Your Home,Bluetooth,NFC / RFIDAutomated Car Toll,GPS,CellPhone,Gas Station/GarageDigital Content Audio/Local InfoCar Servicing Data,Bluetooth,100 GB HD,Biometrics,Fault T

20、olerant NetworkChassis ControlDrive-by-Wire,Fuel CellTechnology,Car MultimediaDigital Audio/Video,Autosar Enabled,High-End Car of 2012,Technology Update,ARM11 MPCore (4 ARM11 in one core) Test ChipDelivering the equivalent of 1.2GHz at around 0.6 W3 times more energy efficient than a Mobile Pentium-

21、III,ARM Position: Enabling Technologies,ARM is at the epicentre of this exciting combination,Software 8-bit32-bit migration Wireless “Lightly” embedded “Deeply” embedded,Enabling SOC Re-usable System IP Physical IP System design tools Low-power,Semiconductor半导体,Computing计算,现代化的大连,例:大连现代高技术发展有限公司,城市路灯监控系统,公交一卡通,ARM 创新科技 服务中国:推动嵌入式系统产业化发展,中国制造 中国创造,嵌入式应用,


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