(闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 1(3).doc

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1、-小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -1-闽教版六年级英语下册教案Unit 1 Talking about the Winter Vacation教学内容:闽教版英语第八册 Lesson 1 教学目标:1. 知识目标: 掌握词组 the ice carvings, a flower show,能够听懂、会说并能够默写。 掌握句型:How did you spend your winter vacation? I went to Harbin to see the ice carvings. How was the weather there? It was cold and snowy. 能够用所学

2、句型流利问答。2. 能力目标:能在语境中正确运用所学句型。3. 情感目标:培养学生热爱生活、热爱大自然的情操。教学重点:在语境中正确运用所学句型。教学难点:词组 the ice carvings 的读音,特别是在 ice 前 the 的发音。教学方法:情境教学法、指导自主学习教学法教具准备:导学提纲、相关单词及词组卡片、课件、一幅中国地图、磁带。学情分析:六年级学生已经具有一定的自学能力。在教学中可适当放手,让他们自主进行学习,为他们今后的学习打下基础。一般过去式学生已经学过。上学期学生还学过:Where were you in the summer vacation? 本节课学习另一种问法:

3、How did you spend your winter vacation?教师可以先从已学句型进行师生问答,然后引入新课进行学习。-小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -2-教学过程:Step1: Warm up.1. Greeting.2. Free talk.T: How is the weather today? S: Its sunny.3. Revision.1)由师生自由对话,引入有关天气的课件,进行复习。2)教师出示一张中国地图,将天气单词卡片放在地图上不同的地点(如:北京、上海、福州、海南等)用 How is the weather in ?进行对话。 3) 课件呈现:1 月 1

4、日北京、上海、广州、福州等地天气,引出一般过去时进行师生问答。T: How was the weather in Beijing?S: It was .Step 2: Presentation and learning.1. T: In the summer vacation, Sally went to the USA. She visited the White House. And she took some photos. (教师边说边做动作,让学生回忆起上学期所学。 ) In the winter vacation, How did Chen Ling and Wang Tao sp

5、end their winter vacation ? Today were going to learn Lesson 1. Talking about the Winter Vacation. 板书课题。2. 请学生拿出导学提纲,检查学生预习情况。 齐读:预习目标 1,检查学生掌握情况。 由检查预习目标 2 (1 ),引入动词过去式并进行复习。a. 教师出示动词卡片 is, do, go, snow, watch, read, make,学生拼读,教师将卡片贴在黑板上,然后请几位学生上台写出它们的过去式,教师与全体学生共同订正,并复习它们的变化规则后,请学生范读或当“小老师”领读。b. 快

6、速反应。教师出示动词原形卡片或过去式卡片,学生快速抢答,说出它的过去式或原形,反应快者为胜。-小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -3- 由检查预习目标 2 (2 )、2 (3 ) 引入词组:winter vacation, the ice carvings, a flower show 的学习。教师指着图上的“冰雕”说:Wang Tao went to Harbin to see the ice carvings. 引出 the ice carving,see the ice carvings 并教学,将 the ice carvings 的卡片贴在图的旁边。然后教师指着挂图上的“花展”说:Look

7、. There are many flowers. There is a flower show. Chen Ling went to see a flower show. 引出 a flower show, see a flower show 并教学,将 a flower show 的卡片贴在图的旁边。教师指图,采用不同的形式操练 the ice carving,和 a flower show。3. T: In winter vacation, I was in Fuzhou. I went to Yushan. I went to see a flower show. How did yo

8、u spend your winter vacation? 请学生说说自己是如何过春节的。并请学生注意老师是怎么提问的,谁能够问一问。教师请已经会读的同学带读句型 How did you spend your winter vacation? 运用多种形式操练句型。学生不停地读该句型,教师板书。4. 课文教学在播放课文录音前先出示下列问题,让学生带着问题听录音。先请学生读读这四个句子,理解意思。How did Wang Tao spend his winter vacation?How did Chen Ling spend her winter vacation?How was the we

9、ather in Harbin?How was the weather in Guangzhou?1) 播放课文录音一遍,要求学生只听不看书。2)请学生看课本第 1 页,划出答案后请个别学生回答问题。3)教师再播放录音,学生听音模仿跟读。Step 3: Consolidation.1. 完成课本第二页的 Look and say.1)教师出示 see the ice carvings, see a flower show, went to the fair, watched New Year programs , read interesting books, made snowmen , a

10、t Spring Festival 等词组卡片,采用不-小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -4-同的形式操练词组。2)请学生看书第 2 页,听音跟读。2. 完成课本第 3 页的 Ask and answer.全班学生先自读本页内容,遇到不懂的地方可举手提问。教师解答完学生的问题后,播放录音,全班跟读。3完成课本第 4 页的 Read. Tick or cross.1)先请学生自读短文,划出不懂的地方,由同学或教师帮助学习。2)学生独立完成判断正误的练习,然后核对答案。3)教师播放录音,学生小声默读短文。4)引导学生体会祖国山河的壮美秀丽。Step 4: Homework.1听录音,熟读课文。2完成活动手册上本课的练习。3参考课本 P4,用英语写一写自己的寒假经历,如:去了哪里,进行了哪些活动,那里的天气如何Step 5: Blackboard DesignLesson 1How was the weather there?It was cold and snowy. How did you spend your winter vacation?I went to Harbin to see the ice carvings.to see a flower show


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