1、Anatomy of the Upper Airway,Larynx (cont)Glottic openingnarrowest part of adult tracheadependent on muscle tonecontains vocal bandswhite bands of cartilageproduce voiceArytenoid cartilageposterior attachment of vocal bands,Anatomy of the Upper Airway,Larynx (cont)Cricoid ringfirst tracheal ringcompl
2、etely cartilaginouscompression occludes esophagusSellick maneuverCricothyroid membranemembrane between cricoid & thyroid cartilagesite for surgical and needle airway placement,Anatomy of the Upper Airway,Larynx (cont)associated & adjacent structuresthyroid glandbelow cricoid cartilagelies across tra
3、chea and up both sidescarotid arteriesbranches across and lie closely alongside tracheajugular veinsbranch across and lie close to trachea,Anatomy of the Upper Airway,Anatomy of the Upper Airway,Pediatric vs Adult Upper AirwayLarger tongue in comparison to size of mouthFloppy epiglottisDelicate teet
4、h and gumsLarynx is more superiorFunnel shaped larynx due to undeveloped cricoid cartilageNarrowest point at cricoid ring before 10 yoa,Anatomy of the Upper Airway,From: CPEM, TRIPP, 1998,Anatomy of the Upper Airway,Anatomy of the Lower Airway,Functionexchange O2 and CO2LocationFrom the glottic open
5、ing to pulmonary capillary membrane,Anatomy of the Lower Airway,TracheaBifurcates at carinaRight and Left mainstem bronchiRight mainstem bronchi has less angleLined with mucous cells & Beta 2 receptorsBronchiBranch into secondary & tertiary bronchi that branch into bronchioles,Anatomy of the Lower A
6、irway,BronchiolesBranch into alveolar ducts that end at alveolar sacsAlveoli“Balloon-like” clustersSite of gas exchangeLined with surfactant increases surface tension eases expansion surfactant or alveoli not inflated atelectasis,Anatomy of the Lower Airway,LungsRight lung = 3 lobes; Left lung = 2 lobesParenchymal tissueMembranous outer lining called pleuravisceral and parietalpleural spaceSpecific lung capacities,