专八听力讲座 3大题型设置特点.doc

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1、星期 2 Tuesday 3 大试题设制特点今日讲堂Mini-Lecture 部分的答题卷听完录音后才提供,一般作为 Answer Sheet Two 发放。答题纸上的考题设置在归纳过的听力原文之中,考题文章长度在 200 词左右。该题型的目的是考查考生对讲座内容的理解。一、提纲式命题讲座的试题部分大多采用提纲的形式,把原文中的要点进行归纳和罗列,把干扰信息排除在外。提纲的特点是:首段进行概括;中间可以直接看到文章从几个方面进行说明,而且层次分明;用语非常简洁精练,基本上多用短语而不是句子;提纲中的文字与原文的文字不完全重合,多数进行总结概括或同义转换。【例 1】 (07-6)【试题】. Ar

2、t as a reflection of religious beliefsA. Europe: B. Middle East: C. Africa and the Pacific Islands: Masks, headdresses and costumes in special ceremoniesPurpose: to seek the help of (6)_ to protect crops, animals and people【听力原文】But the goal of traditional art in Africa and Pacific Islands is the in

3、fluence of spiritual powers, that is gods to enter peoples lives. Each tribe or village there had special ceremonies with songs and dances to make sure that crops, animals and people are healthy and increasing in number. The dancers in the ceremonies wear masks, head dresses and costumes that they b

4、elieve are necessary to influence gods.【分析】从提纲可以看出在提及欧洲以及中东的艺术之后,又提到非洲和太平洋群岛地区传统艺术的目的。原文中讲到让众神进入人们的生活(the goal of traditional artis gods to enter peoples lives),随后对该点进行说明:每个部落或村落都有一些特殊仪式,在这些仪式上,人们穿着特殊服装载歌载舞以感化众神,确保庄稼、动物和人类健康、壮大。因此归纳得出答案为 Gods。二、考点以名词为主分析历年的真题,我们会发现这一部分考点涉及的词性以名词为主,10 个题中名词最少也在 5 个以上

5、。这主要是因为讲座的主要设题点为 1)讲座主题或结构性的句子中出现的关键名词;2)某一事物总体特征描述时的关键词;3)分述各个特点或各个方面细节时出现的实词。【例 2】 (2011 年)题号 答案 设题点三、考查两大能力1归纳概括能力一篇长达 900 多字的文章浓缩为 200 字左右的提纲,对其中的要点进行填空,可见,讲座试题已经超出单纯考查听力理解能力的层面,首要考查的是归纳概括能力。对于考生而言,这种试题有一定的难度,因为需要在理解原文的基础上进行概括总结。【例 3】 (09-1)【试题】I. Content of an experimental report, e.g. study su

6、bject/ area study purpose (1)_【听力原文】Then what is an experimental report? All the report is, really, is a place in which you tell the story of your study, like what you did, why you did it, what you found out in the process and so on.【分析】讲座在提出 What is an experimental report?之后,回答到实验报告应包含:what you did

7、, why you did it 及 what you found out 三个方面,即研究的主题、研究的目的以及研究结果。根据提纲中前面两条的格式,应将 what you found out 概括成名词词组的形式study results/findings。2细节捕捉能力文章长,信息量大是讲座材料的特征。可见对考生细节捕捉能力的考查也是本题型的主要目的。此类试题的答案一般可以直接从原文中得出,多数捕捉到原词即为答案,少数需要对捕捉到的细节进行一下转述。【例 4】 (10-6)【试题】2. other cultures placing hand upon heart: (6) pointing

8、 at nose: secret【听力原文】In other cultures, placing your hand upon your heart is to indicate that you are telling the truth. Pointing your finger at your nose means its a secret. Thats why we say that gestures are culture bound.【分析】作者在介绍其他文化中一些动作所代表的含义时提到将手放在心上表示 you are telling the truth,故本空可直接填入 trut

9、h。【例 5】 (10-5)【试题】B. gestureGestures are related to culture. 1. British culture shrugging shoulders: (5) scratching head: puzzlement【听力原文】Here, a few examples may show you how powerful gestures can be. In British English behavior, shrugging shoulders may indicate an attitude of “I dont care”, or “I

10、dont know” While scratching your head may indicate that you are at a loss.【分析】介绍了面部表情之后,作者随后谈到肢体的副语言特征的第二类:姿势。举例时作者提到 In British English behavior, shrugging shoulders may indicate an attitude of “I dont care”, or “I dont know”,本空应该填入名词(短语) ,因此将 I dont care 转述为 lack of interest 或 indifference。今日练习Min

11、i-Lecture 1How to Keep Food Fresh LongerI. The importance of keeping food freshA. Food we throw away doubles that of 20 years ago.B. A typical family of four spending $364 a week will lose about (1) _ a year.II. Ways to prolong the time before foods spoilA. Methods to keep herbs fresh1. The best way

12、 is to store them (2)_.2. Seal them in zip lock bags after (3)_ and put them in the refrigerator.B. Methods to keep flour, rice and pasta1. They usually last long.2. With the bay leaves to protect them, most (4)_ will last for several months.C. Some suggestions on preserving cheese1. The key to keep

13、 cheese moist in the freezer is to put some butter on it.2. This method works best on (5)_.D. Ways to maintain the freshness of salt1. The most important thing to keep salt is to (6)_ and prevent it from clumping together.2. Some (7) _ will stop the salt from hardening.E. Tips about honey(8) _in hon

14、ey keeps it from going bad.When honey crystallize, do not throw it for (9) _ will make it clear again.F. Ways to test the freshness of eggs1. Fresh eggs sink in water while spoiled ones float.2. Spoiled eggs have _ (10) when the shell is cracked open.(1)_(2)_(3) _(4) _(5) _(6)_(7) _(8) _(9) _(10) _M

15、ini-Lecture 2English Business Letter FormatI. Demands of stationerythe first page is with a letterheadother pages are of (1) and colorone thing a personal letter should (2) :Using letterheadII. Matters needing attention as to typingidentical typeface and sizecorrect grammar and spellingneat arrangem

16、entuse of (3) to promote the appearance of the letterIII. Sections of a traditional business letterA. Return addressjustifying each linenormally putting it at the topexcluding (4) B. Date of the letterwhite space between the return address and the date is (5) nowadaysC. Inside addressconsisting of r

17、eceivers name and his/her addressD. Ways to (6) the intended recipientE. Main partboth indented paragraphs and block paragraphs are (7) fully squared paragraphs should be cautiously (8) F. ClosingG. Typed writers namesignature is above the typed name while job title is below itIV. Supplementary requ

18、irementsputting “cc” at the bottom when (9) are necessaryputting the initials of the professional typist noting enclosuresresisting templates which are usually (10) refusing “Office Bob”(1)_(2)_(3) _(4) _(5) _(6)_(7) _(8) _(9) _(10) _答疑解惑Mini-Lecture 1【听力原文】Good morning, everyone! As we can see, eve

19、ryday people throw out lots of food because its gone bad. It is really a huge waste. So in todays lecture, we will discuss several ways to prolong the time before foods spoil. According to Money magazine, the average household tosses 【答案解析】1. $2750【解析】讲座的开始首先简单地提到了每天人们都扔掉大量变质的食物的情况,讲座中提到一个每周消费$185ou

20、t, on average, 14 percent of the food they buy. Thats nearly double what we threw out 20 years ago. If the typical family of four spends $182 a week, thats $25 lost per week and approximately $1,325 per year. Now lets begin our discussion about ways you keep that food in your frig and money in your

21、pocket. In todays lecture, we mainly focus on several most common kinds of food. Firstly, Id like to introduce methods to keep herbs fresh. You know herbs tend to be expensive, and you usually have to buy more than you need for one dish, so you want to make them last as long as possible. The best wa

22、y to keep herbs fresh is to store them in whole bunches. First wash them, then seal them in zip lock bags and place them in the freezer. Storing them this way should keep them at peak freshness for up to a month. Thats more than double the time they would last in the fridge. And when you are ready t

23、o use them, youll find they are actually easier to chop frozen and theyll defrost in a hurry once you toss them into a hot pan. Secondly, we will talk about flour, rice and pasta which arent foods you typically have to worry about going bad anytime soon. Flour keeps for 6-12 months and pasta up to t

24、wo years. But these foods are susceptible to little bugs called weevils. To help ward off the weevils try slipping a bay leaf into your storage container. The scent of the bay leave will help repel the bugs. Other items bay leaves will protect are barley, cornmeal and oatmeal. Most cereal products w

25、ill be just fine for months with the bay leaves to protect them. Also consider scattering a few leaves on your pantry shelves to repel moths, roaches and mice. The third category I want to discuss is cheese. You probably never thought about putting butter on your cheese, but thats the key to keeping

26、 it moist when storing it in the refrigerator. Simply spread butter or margarine on the cut sides and you help seal in the moisture. This trick works best on hard cheeses sealed in wax. Next, we are going to see ways to keep veggies fresh. The reason these veggies wilt is due to water loss. The best

27、 way to re-crisp them is by putting them in ice water. You can let them soak in the ice water for up to a half hour. The ice water penetrates their cells and helps restore the crunch. Some foodies also suggest that tossing in a few slices of raw potato with the wilted veggies helps speed things up t

28、he re-crisping. The fifth class which is an indispensable and vital element 的四口之家每年会因为丢弃的食物浪费掉$ 1325。故可以推断消费$370 的四口之家一年要浪费的是消费$185家庭的两倍,即$2750。2. in whole bunches【解析】本题所在处考查对草药的保存。由讲座中的The best way to keep herbs fresh is to store them in whole bunches 可知答案为 in whole bunches。3. washing the herbs/was

29、hing them【解析】本题设题处依然是草药的保存方法。讲座中条理清晰地讲了草药的保存方法,首先要 wash them, 然后装入密封袋内,之后放入冰箱。故可知装入密封袋前先要清洗草药,答案为washing the herbs 或 washing them。4. cereal products 【解析】本题所在处考查对米面类食物的保存。由讲座中的 Most cereal products will be just fine for months with the bay leaves to protect them可判断答案为 cereal products。5. hard cheese 【

30、解析】本题所在处针对奶酪的保鲜设题。讲座中提到在奶酪的切面涂上黄油对奶酪保鲜作用很大。后来又提到 This trick works best on hard cheeses sealed in wax, 由此可将答案简化为 hard cheese。6. keep it dry【解析】本题针对盐的保鲜设题。由讲座中的 The key here is to keep the salt dry,to human health is salt. The key here is to keep the salt dry and keep it from clumping together. Anybod

31、y that lives down south where the humidity is particularly high probably has had their salt shakers clogged up. If you put a little bit of dry rice in the shaker it will stop the salt from hardening. The rice works like a sponge, absorbing condensation that can cause clumps. Then the next food we ar

32、e talking is something that can be stocked up. One staple you can stock up on when its on sale is butter. If you shop in warehouse stores, such as Costco, dont be afraid to buy it in bulk. Butter will keep in your freezer for up to six months. Just be sure to store it in an airtight container or you

33、 run the risk of it taking on the flavor of other items in your freezer. The next tip I will give goes for both cottage cheese and sour cream neither have a very long shelf life, so here is a way to make them last longer. Simply place the cottage cheese or sour cream container in the fridge upside d

34、own. What does that do? By inverting the tub it creates a vacuum effect that stifles the growth of bacteria that can cause the food to spoil. Before we move to the next variety, here is a question: What is the only food that doesnt spoil? The answer: honey. The sugar in honey is itself a preservativ

35、e. Honey is also acidic, which helps to keep bacteria out. While it doesnt go bad, all honey will crystallize at some point. But dont toss it out. The crystals are just sugar and with a little gentle warming you can make the honey clear again. Try microwaving it on medium heat for 30 seconds at a ti

36、me. Now lets come to the last category. If you are ever unsure of the freshness of your eggs maybe you dont quite trust the date on the carton theres a simple way to test the freshness. Fill up a container with water and place the eggs in it. Fresh eggs will sink; bad or spoiled eggs will float. Acc

37、ording to the USDA website, an egg can float in water when its air cell has enlarged sufficiently to keep it buoyant. This means the egg is old, but it may be perfectly safe to use. Crack the egg into a bowl and examine it for an off-odor or unusual appearance before deciding to use or discard it. A

38、 spoiled egg will have an unpleasant odor when you break open the shell, either when raw or cooked. OK, to sum up, in todays lecture, we talk about the ways to keep several varieties of food fresh. I do hope the tips given in the lecture will be of some help in your daily life. Thank you for your at

39、tention!可知食盐保存的关键在于保持盐的干燥,故答案为 keep it dry。7. dry rice【解析】本题设题点依然是盐的保存。由讲座中的 If you put a little bit of dry rice in the shaker it will stop the salt from hardening 可知干燥的大米可以防止食盐变硬,故答案为 dry rice。8. The sugar【解析】本题针对有关蜂蜜的一些知识设题。讲座中提到蜂蜜是唯一不会变质的食物,接着讲到蜂蜜不会变坏的原因,讲座提到蜂蜜中的糖本身就是防腐剂( a preservative),可见使蜂蜜不会变

40、质的就是其中的糖,故可推断答案为 the sugar。9. a little warming 【解析】本题考查点依然是蜂蜜的保鲜知识。讲座中提到蜂蜜有时会结晶,但是千万不要将结晶的蜂蜜扔掉。接着提到了对付结晶的方法,由讲座中的 with a little gentle warming you can make the honey clear again 可知只需稍微加热,蜂蜜就会重新变清,故答案可简化为 a little warming。10. an unpleasant odor 【解析】本题所在处针对鸡蛋的保存设题。根据常识我们知道坏掉的鸡蛋打开后会有难闻的怪味,且由讲座中A spoile

41、d egg will have an unpleasant odor when you break open the shell,可确定答案为 an unpleasant odor。Mini-Lecture 2【听力原文】Good morning, everyone. I believe that some of English majors wanna work for foreign trade companies after graduation. So today I will focus on English business letter format which are very

42、 useful.When a business that has letterhead stationery writes a business letter, the first page of the letter uses paper with the printed letterhead and 1succeeding pages, if any, use matching quality and color sheets without the letterhead. A business with very good quality printing might generate

43、the letterhead graphic with an image embedded in a word processor document. 2An individual normally wont use letterhead stationery and wont attempt to fake it. An attempt at letterhead that produces a tacky result or that conveys pompousness produces effects that you want to avoid. In a business let

44、ter, everything that you “type“ should be in the same typeface and in the same font size. You should use “formal English“ and you should very carefully check your grammar and spelling. You should arrange things neatly. 3You should consider the appearance of the letter “at arms length“ as well as clo

45、se upuse white space to produce an attractive sheet. In a conventional business letter you should see these parts, in order top to bottom.The first part is return address. This item is the postal address of the author of the letter. Each line of it is left justifiedeither at a tab stop that puts the

46、 information toward the right side of the page or at the left margin. Normally the return address is at the top of the page, but you can move it down a little to improve over-all appearance. 4Do not put email addresses hereif you need to convey an email address, do it in the body of the letter. The

47、second part is the date of the letter. It is aligned with the return address. 5Formerly there was never white space between the return address and the date, but some current styles allow blank lines. The third item, inside address, duplicates what goes on the envelope. It has the formal name of the

48、intended recipient of the letter and that persons postal address. Each 【答案解析】1. matching/similar quality 【解析】本讲座围绕英语商务信函的格式展开,内容分为信纸要求、书写要求、信函内容、以及附属要求四部分。本题所在处涉及信纸要求的第二点,即第一页之后的部分用质量和颜色与第一页相配的信纸,因此答案为matching/similar quality。2. avoid【解析】本题所在处涉及信纸要求的最后一点,即个人一般不会用 letterhead stationery(带笺头的信纸),因为私人信件用这种信纸会给人俗气(produces a tacky result)、故意炫耀的印象(conveys pompousness),因而应避免,即avoid。3. white space【解析】本题所在处涉及书写要求的最后一点,即留出空白以使信件更引人注目 (use white space to produce an attractive sheet),所以答案为 white space。4. email address 【解析】本题所在处涉及信函内容的第一点:return address 回


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