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2、保密论文外,允许论文被查阅和借阅,可以公布(包括刊登)论文的全部或部分内容。论文的公布(包括刊登)授权青岛理工大学研究生处办理。日 期:望!三!:万方数据青岛理工大学工程硕士学位论文目 录摘要IAbstractIII第l章绪论111研究背景l12传统梁柱节点连接形式213新型梁柱刚性连接的改良314带悬臂梁段拼接的梁柱连接研究现状4141试验研究4142有限元分析515本文主要研究内容及方法5第2章有限元基本试件的设计721试件设计方案722试件设计依据723本章小结10第3章有限元理论及模型建立1131 ABAQUS有限元软件简介1l32材料参数1333施加约束及加载控制1334网格划分及单

3、元选取1435接触分析1 536螺栓预应力的模拟1637塑性理论基础1738非线性理论1839非线性求解控制一19310模型基本假定19311本章小结19第4章新型梁柱装配式双向连接节点有限元分析2l41悬臂梁段长度对节点力学性能的影响23411强轴BL和弱轴CL系列试件单调荷载作用下的荷载位移曲线23412强轴BL和弱轴CL系列试件单调荷载作用下的力学性能25413强轴BL和弱轴CL系列试件循环往复荷载作用下的滞回曲线26万方数据青岛理工大学工程硕士学位论文414强轴BL和弱轴CL系列试件循环往复荷载作用下的力学性能28415强轴BL和弱轴CL系列试件循环往复荷载作用下的骨架曲线29416强




7、552展望及建议76参考文献77II万方数据青岛理工大学工程硕士学位论文攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文、参加的科研、工程实践及获奖情况8 l致谢83III万方数据青岛理工大学工程硕士学位论文摘 要随着我国科学技术的不断发展,钢结构在建筑领域中已得到广泛的应用,钢结构具有自重轻,刚度大等优点,并且具有良好的抗震性能以及安装方便、施工周期短、承受循环荷载的性能好等特点。梁柱连接节点是关键受力部位,节点性能的好坏直接影响着整个结构的刚度、强度、安全性、稳定性。本文将重点研究新型梁柱装配式双向连接节点在单调荷载和循环往复荷载作用下的受力性能,认识其破坏机理,为实际工程应用提供理论参考。本文研究的是一种




11、是由于高强度螺栓主要是通过螺栓帽的摩擦、螺栓杆与孔壁的挤压作用耗散地震能量,摩擦系数的增大使其在荷载作用下滑动、挤压的程度降低。(6)当梁柱双向连接节点两侧钢梁与钢柱分别采用翼缘连接与腹板连接时,节点处两个方向的初始刚度存在差异,强轴连接与弱轴连接在单调荷载和循环往复荷载作用下表现出的受力性能并不完全一致。关键词:钢框架;装配式节点;骨架曲线;滞回曲线;耗能性能;ABAQUS万方数据青岛理工大学工程硕士学位论文AbstractWith the continuous development of science and technology in our country,thesteel str

12、ucture has been widely used in the construction fieldThe steel structure hasmany advantages as light weight,high stiffness,and it has many characteristics,such asgood seismic performance,convenient installation,short construction period,undercyclic loading well etcBeamcolumn connection node is the k

13、ey stress areaTheperformance of node directly affects the stiffness,strength,security,stability and theproject cost in the whole structureThis thesis will focus on the mechanical capacity ofthe new beam-column assembly type bidirectional connections under monotonic loadand under cycle load,understan

14、d the mechanism of failure and provide theory referencefor the engineering practiceThe study of this thesis is a kind of new beam-column assembly connection nodewith a cantilever beam spliceCantilever beam and frame beam are connected by upperand lower flange splice plateS interactive layoutOne side

15、 of splice plate connecteswith steel beam flange by bolting,the other side connects with the steel beam byweldingCantilever beam and colunm are completed by welding in the factoryCantilever beam and frame beam are completed by splicing installation at theconstruction siteThe process of the completio

16、n of welding in the factory,rapidinstallation in place at the construction site has improved the construction efficiencyItreduces the workload of welding,and the operation is convenientThis thesis is based on BASE specimen of a new type of beamcolumn assemblytype bidirectional connection node,design

17、s the four series of specimens by changing thelength of the cantilever beam,the number of bolts at flange splice plate,bolt pretensionand friction coefficient and other parametersAnd finite simulation analysis for theseries of specimens are made by finite element analysis software ABAQUSThebearing c

18、apacity of series of specimens are studied under monotonic load and undercycle loadThe conclusions were drawn as follows:(1)h order to satisfy with the requirements of seismic,strong design method isrecommended to design a new type of beam column assembly type bidirectionalconnection node model(2)Wi

19、th the increasing of the cantilever beam length,the distance between spliceand beam is increasing,and the maximum limit bearing capacity of the series ofIII万方数据青岛理工大学工程硕士学位论又specimens is slightly reducingAt the same time,plumpness of hysteresis curve isgradually reducing under reversed cyclic load;t

20、he area of hysteresis loop is graduallyshrinking;the ductility performance is decreasing graduallyIn the view of difficulttransportation in long cantilever,the length of the cantilever beam section should bereasonableThe reasonable range is 11 to 15 times the range of beam height,andwhich should not

21、 be more than 16m(3)When the actual number of bolts is 25less than number calculated accordingstrong design method,the maximunl limit bearing capacity of specimen decreasesslightlyThe maximum limit bearing capacity of specimen remarkably decreases whenfurther reducing the bolts,the bolt shows slidin

22、g phenomenon in advance under cycleload,and ductility and energy dissipation of the series of specimens are increasedgradually with the reduction of the number of boltsIncreasing number of bolts has nosignificant effect on improving the maximum limit bearing capacity of specimen,butthat makes ductil

23、ity and energy dissipation of the series of specimensreductionTherefore,for the actual engineering design,in the premise of meeting the economy,inorder to ensure that all series of specimens also has a good seismic performance andbearing capacity at the same time,it is not necessary to increase the

24、number of flangesplice bolt too much(4)When the actual bolt pretension is within the scope of the specification specifiedvalue plus or minus 20,the maximum limit bearing capacity of specimen dont appearto be much differentHowever,pretension of bolt is increaseing,which makes theintensity of the spli

25、cing increasedWhen bolt of spices is under cycle load,the load isincreasing during sliding timeThe ductility and energy dissipation of the series ofspecimens are decreasing gradually with the increasing of the bolt pretension(5)Due to the equivalent strength when designing the specimens,the increase

26、dfriction coefficient makes the maximum limit bearing capacity of the series ofspecimens increase a littleHowever,the ductility and energy dissipation of the series ofspecimens are decreased gradually with the increasing of the friction coefficientThis ismainly because high strength bolt expend seis

27、mic energy by the friction of bolt nut orextrusion between screw and screw hole While the increased friction coe伍cient let thebolt under the load sliding and extruding decrease(6)When two sides steel beam and steel column of twoway beam columnconnection repectively adopts flange connection and web c

28、onnection,there are differentinitial stiffness in two directions of beam column joints,the mechanical properties ofIV万方数据青岛理工大学工程硕士学位论文s仃ong axis connection and weak axil connection under monotonic loading and cyclicloading put up not exact matchKey words:steel frame;assemble connection;skeleton cur

29、ve;hysteretic curve;energy performance;ABAQUSV万方数据青岛理工大学工程硕士学位论文11研究背景第1章绪论随着世界各国经济的快速发展,建筑工程领域的不断创新,高层建筑、大跨度建筑功能和结构形式也不断提高和发展。钢结构自重轻,刚度高,并且具有良好的抗震性能以及安装方便、施工周期短、承受循环荷载的性能好等特点,随着我国科学技术的不断发展,钢结构在建筑领域中己得到广泛的应用,例如国家体育场、国家游泳中心、央视大楼、五棵松体育馆、国家大剧院、天津环球金融中心等。同时钢结构也大量应用在大跨度网架和轻重型工业厂房中,装配式钢结构住宅还有待于进一步推广。钢结构在我




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