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1、furry invaluable assitance ; a furry voice ; the book is dedicated(献给、献词) to the memory of sb.;insinuate 旁敲侧击、暗示、blacken sbs character by insinuation 含沙射影地贬低某人的品格enlighten 启发 enlightened 开明的 in these enlighened days 在这开明的时代 enlightened opinions 有见识的观点;forsake ones former habite 抛弃旧习惯 a dreary 沉闷的 fo

2、rsaken beach in winter 冬季人迹罕至的海滨. ; freight 货运 send goods by air freight 空运发货.; trilogy 三部曲 ; wear grumpy 脾气暴躁的 pants 裤衩 ; genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration 汗水、努力 ; a sea breeze 海风; a breeze day ; 风和日丽 ; a babbling 牙牙学语、唠叨 brook 潺潺的小溪 ; stamina 精力 stamen 雄蕊 ; pant 喘息 panting for revenge

3、 渴望复仇; He panted out the message. 他上气不接下气地说出此事. the fountain 喷泉、源泉 of justice ;be famed for 以。 。 。著称 take a big leap 断章取义 ; a galaxy of talent ; her stories struck/revealed a rich vein of humour. 她的小说饶有风趣。 Spooky 幽灵般的、令人毛骨悚然的、吓人的;what rotten luck!真倒霉 ; obesity 肥胖 ;vacate ones seat 空出自己的座位 ; negate 否

4、定。 。 。的存在 how can you negate God? ; take a cab/go by cab 坐计程车 ; cushion 软垫 、 起缓冲作用 ; essence 本质、精髓 ; dry cider 不甜的苹果酒;humiliate 使(某人)感到屈辱 ;freak out f 发疯、行为异常 ; out going message 主人留言 ; cretaceous fossil 白垩纪的化石; gam 果酱、使塞满、堵塞 ;wholesale price 批发价格 ; socket 窝、插座 ; batch 一组、批 ; dingus 小装置 ; witch 女巫 ;

5、 cuddle 搂抱 ; kook 怪人、疯子 ; passionate 表现出强烈情感的,a passionate kiss 热恋的吻 ; stalker 潜随猎物者 ; mustard 芥末 ;romance language such as Spanish ;writers who have grown up speaking English ;a considerable obstacleon the way to their mastery of English. ;have a genius fpr languages 对某事物的天生的非凡的才能 ; suffer from del

6、usions 患妄想症 ; cryptic 含有隐义的、神秘的 ; vulgar 粗俗的、通俗的、方言的 ; horrendous expensive 贵的惊人rehabilitate a disgraced former leader 为蒙受耻辱的原领导人恢复名誉 ; stampede 蜂拥、 惊逃 ; psyched ; plaintiff 原告 ; resent your criticism 对。 。 。怨恨 ; postpone 推迟 ; a privet hedge 女贞树篱 ;( a) strong sexual drive 强烈的性欲 ; be involved in anyth

7、ing strange or mysterious 离奇古怪 ; hold with such nonsense 荒谬言行、荒唐 ; mustache 胡子 ; beefy 粗壮的、结实的 ; blonde 白肤金发碧眼的 ; twice the usual amount of neck ; sth come in very useful 变得非常容易 ; spy on the neighbors ; crane over garden fences 伸长脖子过花园围栏 ; there is no finer boy anywhere ; her good-for-nothing husban

8、d was as unDursleyish as it was possible to be 她的不中用是丈夫没有丝毫杜斯利家族的风范 ; shudder 战栗 to think ; they dont want him mixing with a child like that 与这种小孩混在一起 ; wake up on the dull ,gray 灰暗阴沉 Tuesday ; hum 哼声、发低哼声 ; there was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest that . ; pick out his most boring

9、tie 最差的领带 ; gossip 流言蜚语、闲聊 away happily ; wrestle 摔跤、用力举起 with a problem 努力解决难题 ; a large、tawny 黄褐色的 owl 猫头鹰 flutter 摆动、鼓翅 past the window 掠过窗户 ; peck 啄 sb on the cheek;have throw a tantrum 发脾气 ; cereal product 谷物产品 ; little tyke (口)小淘气 ; chortle 咯咯笑 ; notice the first sign of something peculiar特权、奇

10、特的 ; jerk 猛拉 ; a tabby cat 斑猫 ;a trick of the light 眼花 ; give himself a little shake 浑身一抖 ; put the cat out of his mind 想极力摆脱关于那只猫的任何想法 ; read the sign that said Privet Drive 读路牌 ; look at the sign 朝路牌看 ; think of nothing except a large order of ; be driven out of his mind by something else 。 。 。想法被

11、其他事情替代了 ; sit in the usual morning traffic jam ; cloak 斗篷 ; getup 式样、打扮 ; he couldt bear people who dressed in funny clothes 他最看不惯穿得稀奇古怪的人 ; drum 鼓、击鼓 his finger on the steering wheel 方向盘 a huddle 挤作一团 of these weirdos 一群古怪的人 ; whisper 耳语、低声说 ; enrage 激怒 ; emerald 翡翠的、翠绿色 emerald-green 祖母绿 ; the ner

12、ve of him !搞什么鬼 ; silly stunt 特技、噱头、阻碍成长 ; struck 罢工、打 It strikes me that nobody is in favour of the changes. 我留意到谁也不喜欢这些改革 ; parking lot 停车场 ;vacant lot 空地皮 ; drill 钻机、操练、演习 ; swoop 向下猛冲 ; gaze 注视; speed 快速行进(sped) ; in broad daylight 在大白天 ; stretch 伸展 ; bun小面包 ; yell at 叫喊,She yelled at him about

13、his constant drunkenness. 她大嚷大叫说他总是烂醉如泥. ; make several important telephone calls and shout a bit more 打了几个重要的电话并在电话里叫嚷一通 ; bunch 群、束、成束 ; a collecting tin 募款箱 ; clutch 抓紧 make a clutch at sth 想抓取某事物 ; doughnut 炸面圈 ; sb stop dead 僵住了 ; fear flooded hin 害怕紧紧地攫住了他 ; but thought better of it 但不知说什么好 ;

14、dash 猛冲 back ; snap at 厉声对某人说 snap v.喀嚓折断;拍快照 n.吧嗒声 a.仓卒的 ; stroke 打、抚 his mustache ; nephew 侄子 ; there is no point in worrying sb 没有必要去烦某人 ; get upset at any mention of sb ; but all the same 不管怎么样 ; find it a lot harder to concentrate on sth ; grunt 咕哝、作咕噜声 ; stumble 绊倒、蹒跚 ; violet 紫罗兰、紫色的 ; it was

15、 a few seconds before sb realized that 几秒钟后才发觉 ; didnt seem at all upset at being knocked down ; his face split into a wide smile 他咧开嘴笑 ; in a squeaky吱吱响的、短促尖的 voice ; make passersby stare 让旁人侧目 ; rejoice 欣喜 rejoice at sbs success 为某人的成功而高兴 ;Burgundy is celebrated for its fine wines. 勃艮第以盛产美酒而驰名. ;

16、stand rooted to the spot 定在原地 ; rattle 碰响(短促而尖);激怒 n.碰撞声;拨浪鼓 The child rattled off the poem he had learnt. 那孩子把学到的那首诗背得滚瓜烂熟. ; pull into (车)驶入 ; improve ones mood 是某人的心情好转 ; spot :Can you spot the flaw in their argument? 你能指出他们论点中的谬误吗? ;gave him a stern 严肃的、严厉的 look 冷冷地看了他一眼 ; pull himself together

17、:pull together act, work, etc with combined effort in a well-organized way 同心协力; 通力合作: After the shock of their electoral defeat, the party really began to pull together. 该党在受到选举失败的打击之後, 才真正地团结起来 . pull oneself together get control of oneself, ones feelings etc 控制自己 控制感情等: You must try to pull yours

18、elf together your family depend on you. 你应该振作起来-你的家庭都指着你呢. ; he let himself into the house 他走进了房子 ;she told him over dinner all about sth 晚饭时她和某人谈起 ;he went into the living room in time to catch the last report on the evening news ; hunt :go hunting 去打猎 ;Police are hunting an escaped criminal. 警方正在追

19、捕逃犯. ; bird-watch 鸟类观察家 ; grin:He grinned at me, as if sharing a secret joke. 他朝我龇牙一笑, 好像彼此会心领略一个笑话 ;allow himself a grin ; act oddly 行为异常 ; have a downpour of shooting stars 下了一场流星雨 ; viewers as far apart as swh ,swh and swh ; I can promise a wet night tonight 今夜会有雨,我敢肯定 ; sat frozen in his armchai

20、r 扶手椅、单人沙发 ; a whisper about the Potters 传言; 谣言: Ive heard whispers that the firm is likely to go bankrupt. 我听到传闻说公司很可能要破产.; hed have to say something to her 他必须告诉她一些事情 ; clear his throat nervously 清了清嗓子 ; hear from hear from sb receive a letter, telephone call, etc from sb 接到某人的来信 电话等 : How often d

21、o you hear from your sister? 你多长时间接到你姐姐一次信? hear of sb/sth be told about or have knowledge of sb/sth 听到或知道某人某事物 的情况: Ive never heard of the place. 我从未听说过那个地方. ; 通常 normally generally usually ordinarily ; sharp :speak sharply to sb 斥责某人 ; mumble: 含糊地说某事; 叽咕 ; 咕哝 : He always mumbles when hes embarrass

22、ed. 他感到难为情时说话就含糊不清了.;snap :“Why dont you get the hell out of my life,“ he snapped. “你给我滚,“ 他厉声叫道。 ; crowd 人群 You can do what you want to do, but never follow the crowd. 你想做什么就做什么,可别随大流。 She sipped her tea through pursed lips 唇 她呷了一口茶 sip:小口地喝,抿,呷 ;purse 钱包、缩拢 ;stiffly , stiff 坚硬的、生硬的 He has a stiff

23、manner of speaking. 他演讲的样子很不自然。 ; a nasty 令人讨厌的、下流的 ,common name 难听又普通的名字 ; his heart sinking horribly 他的心猛地一沉 ; not say another word on the subject 再没就这事提一字 ; crept ,creep 慢慢地 悄悄地或偷偷地移动(尤指弯着腰走): The cat crept silently towards the bird. 那只猫一声不响地接近那只鸟. ; peer 同龄人、凝视 down into :peer into the mist 向雾中张

24、望 ; if it got out that they were relate to 如果他们真的有联系 ; lie(lay lain) awake ; there is no reason for them to come near him 这不意味着一定会牵扯到他 ; get mixed up in anything that might be going on 与将来可能发生的事有任何关联 ; turn it all over in his mind 翻倒、仔细考虑 ; yawn 打哈欠,The meeting was one big yawn from start to finish.

25、 那会议自始至终十分无聊. ; how very wrong he was .他真是大错特错。 ; drift 漂流 into an uneasy sleep 忐忐忑忑地进入梦乡 ; drift (朝坏的方面发展的)倾向, 动向, 趋势: a slow drift into debt, war, crisis, etc 逐步走上借贷的道路 逐渐演变为战争 渐渐陷入危机. ; show no sign of sleepiness 毫无睡意 ; sit as still as a statue ; eyes fix unblinkingly on 眼一下也不眨地盯着 ; quiver 颤抖 The

26、re was a slight quiver in his voice as he spoke. 他说话时声音有些颤抖。 ; slam 猛地关上 the car door slammed ; not so much as ; as much: the same; equal (ly) 同样地; 同等程度地: Please help me get this job you know I would do as much for you. 请帮我谋得这份工作-你知道我为你也能这样做 . ; pop 发出砰的响声 out of the ground 从地下冒出来 ;pop out (of sth)

27、come out suddenly 突然出来: The rabbits popped out as soon as we opened the hutch. 我们一打开兔箱, 兔子就突然跑出来了. * (fig 比喻 ) His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw what he had won. 他一看到自己赢得的东西, 顿时两眼瞪得大大的. Pop music 流行音乐 ; tail twitch 急拉、抽动 She felt again the twitch of an old wound. 她又一次感到旧伤突然一阵剧痛。 ; i

28、ts eyes narrowed 眯起了双眼 ; the silver of his hair and beard 银白色的头发以及胡子 ; tuck 把。 。 。塞进 into his belt 腰带 ; tuck your trousers into your boots 把你的裤脚塞进靴子里 ; long robe长袍 ; a purple cloak that swept the ground 一件拖到地的紫色斗篷 ; high-heeled ,buckled boot 高跟、带扣的靴子 ; spectacles 眼镜 ; spectacle 大场面 The ceremonial op

29、ening of Parliament was a fine spectacle. 该议会的开幕式场面隆重. 精彩的 非凡的或有趣的情景: The sunrise seen from high in the mountains was a tremendous spectacle. 从山上居高远望, 日出景象蔚为奇观. ; sparkle 闪耀 ;She always sparkles at parties. 在聚会上她总是神采奕奕. a performance that lacked sparkle 缺乏生气的表演. ; crook 钩、使弯曲 、一贯耍花招的人; 行骗或行窃的老手 That

30、 used-car salesman is a real crook. 那个卖旧汽车的商人是个地地道道的骗子.;crooked 弯曲的 ; rummage v. n. 翻找 have a good rummage around 到处翻遍. ; unwelcome 不受欢迎的,冷淡地对待 ; for some reason 不知道为什么 ; chuckle 暗自笑、咯咯笑 He chuckled (to himself) as he read the newpaper. 他看报时暗暗(独自)发笑. She gave a chuckle of delight. 她高兴得笑出声来. ; mutter

31、 喃喃低语 ; a silver cigarette lighter 银色的打火机 ; flick 快速的轻打、轻弹 it open ;I flicked the dust off my coat. 我把灰从衣服上弹掉。 ; click 咔嗒声、单击 The camera clicked and their picture was taken. 照相机“ 卡嗒“一声照下了他们的相片。 ; lamp went out with a little pop 灯扑的以下灭了 There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭(pu

32、t out )了. ; lamp flicked into darkness 灯灭了 ;啪地开动(+on/off)David flicked on the light. 戴维啪地把灯开亮。 ; two tiny pinpricks 针刺孔、小刺激 in the distance 远处 ; beady-eyed 眼镜圆的像珠子似的;Not much escapes our teachers beady eye, ie Our teacher sees almost everything. 任何事都很难逃过我们老师那明亮的眼睛. ; pavement 人行道 ; slip 滑动、溜;He slip

33、ped the note into my hand. 他把纸条悄悄塞到我手里。 ; set off down the street 起身向下走 ; fancy seeing you here 很高兴见到你 ; a rather severe-looking woman 长相严肃的 ; hair was drawn into a tight bun 头发被紧紧地扎成一束 ;a currant bun 带葡萄乾的小圆面包(尤指女子的)发髻: put, wear ones hair in a bun 把头发盘成发髻. ; she looked distinctly 明显地 ruffled 激怒、弄皱

34、或弄乱某物: a breeze ruffling the surface of the lake 吹皱了湖面的微风,她看上去很生气 ; feast 盛宴、She feasted her eyes on the beauty of the valley. 她饱览那山谷的美景 . ; sniffed 嗅、用鼻子吸Its his job to sniff out abuses of power. 他的职责就是查究滥用权力的行为。 ; jerk 猛拉 her head back at 回头去看 ;He jerked his head towards the door. 他猛然把头扭向大门. ; flo

35、cks of owls 成群的猫头鹰 People came in flocks to see the royal procession. 人们蜂拥而至瞻望皇室人员外出时的仪仗队. ; he never had much sense 感觉官能、理解 a person with no sense of direction, ie who cannot find his way easily 无方向感的人; lose/regain ones senses 失去恢复 理智. What you say is true in a sense. 你的话在某种意义上属实 Can you make sense

36、 of this poem? 你看得懂这首诗吗? Although she didnt say anything, I sensed (that) she didnt like the idea. 她虽然什麽也没说, 但我已意识到她不喜欢这个主意 . ;He is free from any sense of responsibility. 他丝毫没有责任感。 He had the good sense to withdraw from the election contest. 他很明智,退出了竞选。Have precious little to;(口)很; 非常: Precious few

37、 people can afford prices like that. 没有什麽人出得起那个价钱 She has precious little to be cheerful about. 她几乎毫无乐趣. precious moments together 相处在一起的珍贵时刻 ; bandages used to dress human wound 清洗并包扎 dress a Christmas tree with lights 用彩灯装饰圣诞树. The facts are quite clear; its no use trying to dress them up. 事实很清楚,

38、想掩饰是没有用的. rumours dressed up as hard news 以假乱真的谣言. ;The doctor lanced the boil to let the pus out. 医生把皮下脓肿切开让脓流出. ;After the crash, debris from the plane was scattered over a large area. 飞机坠毁後, 残骸散落在一大片土地上 ; submit 提交、屈服 it for publication ;submit to discipline, superior force, etc 遵守纪律 慑服於优势兵力; sub

39、mission parents who want children to show complete submission to their wishes 要孩子百依百顺的父母. ; be skeptical of 表示怀疑的 ; anticipate 预料 We anticipate that demand is likely to increase. 我们预料需求可能增加. Earlier explorers probably anticipated Columbuss discovery of America. 早期的探险家可能在哥伦布之前已发现美洲. ; document 公文、文献

40、Can you document these claims? 你能为这些要求提供证件吗 ? ; be reluctant to do sth 不情愿的 He left us with (some) reluctance. 他(有些)依依不舍地离开了我们. ; provide little insight into sth 洞察力、猛省 show insight into human character 表现出对人性的深刻了解. book full of remarkable insights 很有真知灼见的书. She was given an unpleasant insight into

41、what life would be like as his wife. 她恍然大悟嫁给他就要过那种日子 , 心里十分难过 ; dictate sth to sb 听写、口述、命令 Follow the dictates of common sense, ie Do what common sense tells you to do. 按常识行事. dictate terms to a defeated enemy 向战败的敌人指定条件. ; elegant 优雅的、简练的 elegant manners 优雅的仪态 His elegant piece of reasoning impress

42、ed me deeply. 他简要明确的论证给我留下深刻的印象。 ; harbor 港湾、庇护、怀有 He still harbors a grudge against me. 他对我仍怀有怨恨。He is accused of harboring an escaped convict. 他被指控窝藏逃犯。 ; by no means 决不、并没有 This is by no means a good way to solve the problem. 这决非解决问题的好办法。 ; irritably 易怒的、急躁的 Her skin is quite irritable. 她的皮肤相当过敏。

43、 ;lose ones head become confused or over-excited 昏了头; 张皇失措; 冲动: Dont lose your head keep calm! 别惊慌失措的- 沉住气 ; be downright 十足的、直率的 careless;a downright lie 彻头彻尾的谎言 downright stupidity 愚不可及. ; swap 交换、交流 rumors 说长道短 They swapped (ie told each other) stories about their army days. 他们互相讲述了他们在军队中的经历。Rumo

44、r has it that the defence minister will soon resign. 据传闻,国防部长不久就要辞职。A rumor went forth that the price of eggs would be raised soon.谣传近期鸡蛋要涨价。 ; throw a sharp,sideways 向旁侧的 glance at 斜眼瞟了一眼 He was thrown sideways when he heard that he had failed his exams.他听到自己考试不及格,非常震惊。 ; Would you care for a lemon

45、 drop?你想要来一杯柠檬汁吗 Aid to the Third World is at present little more than a drop in the ocean. 目前对第三世界的援助不过是杯水车薪. ; be fond of 喜爱 Johns extremely fond of pointing out other peoples mistakes, ie He enjoys doing this constantly. 约翰特别喜欢挑剔别人的毛病. fond eyes 慈爱的目光 his fondness for his eldest grandchild 他对长孙的钟

46、爱。 ; disseminate 散布, 广为传播(思想 信仰等): They use the press to disseminate right-wing views. 他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点. ; anatomy 解剖学 the anatomy of the frog 青蛙的解剖构造. ; taxonomy 分类学 ; hot spot 热点 ; retrieval 检索 retrieve an address from the files 从文件中检索地址. ): He retrieved his losses by betting on a succession of winne

47、rs. 他下的赌注连续获胜才挽回了损失. ;Scientists are in search of a cure for the disease. 科学家想研究出治疗这种疾病的方法. Search your heart and ask if youre not equally toblame. 你扪心自问是否自己也同样要承担责任. ;Ive read all the available literature on poultry-farming. 我把现有的家禽饲养方面的资料全都读过了 French literature 法国文学 ; clipboard 剪贴板 ; query 疑问、询问 Y

48、our interesting report raises several important queries. 你的精彩报告引发出了几个重要问题. The minister was queried about his plans for the industry. 有人向部长提出了工业计画问题. ; filter 过滤器、过滤 New ideas are slowly filtering into peoples minds. 新思想逐渐深入人心. ; repeal n./v.废止、撤销 ; soluble: water-soluble vitamins 水溶性维生素 ; alias 别名

49、; discontiguous 不接触的、不连接的 ; optimize 使完美、优化 ; algorithm 算法 ; accession 即位、增加,登记入册 celebrating the queens accession (to the throne) 庆祝女王登基. the accession of new members to the party 新党员的增加. ; profile 轮廓、传略 his handsome profile 他漂亮的侧面轮廓 The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week. 该报每周刊登一篇关於一个优秀运动员的简介 ; a sensible 合情理的、明智的 person ;It was sensible of you to lock the door. 你把门锁上了, 做得对 . Are you sensible of the dangers of you


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