1、土木工程英语证书考试(PEC)-砌体结构常用词汇 adobe 砖坯、土砖 ashlar 琢石、方石堆 bed joint 底层接缝、平缝 block masonry 砌块砌体 bond beam 圈梁、结合梁 brick masonry 砖砌体 brickwork 砌砖 cavity wall 空心墙 characteristic compressive strength 抗压强度特征值 characteristic flexural strength 抗弯强度特征值 characteristic shear strength 抗剪强度特征值 chase 暗槽 chicken-wire 铁丝织
2、网 coefficient of friction 摩擦系数 cut-and-try 试验性的 effective height or length 有效高度或长度 effective thickness 有效厚度 emulsion 乳胶液,乳胶 expansion joint 伸缩缝 face shell (空心块材的)外壁 fin wall 带壁柱墙 glable 山墙、三角墙 gypsum 石膏 head joint 端灰缝 header 顶砖 hollow and cellular blocks 空心砌块 hollow unit masonry 空心块材砌体 line of thrus
3、t 压力线 lintel 过梁 Load bearing walls 承重墙 local design strength 局部承压强度 mortar bed 砂浆平缝 mortar joint 灰缝 partial safety factors for loads 荷载分项系数 partial safety factors for material strength 材料分项系数 pier 壁柱 racking 阶梯型砌接 random rubble masonry 毛石砌体 rate of laying 砌筑速率 reinforced masonry 配筋砌体 resistance to fire 防火 retaining wall 挡土墙 retarder 缓凝剂 rubble 毛石、块石 shale 页岩、泥板岩 shoved mortar joint 挤缝砌筑砌筑 slenderness ratio 长细比 sound insulation 隔声 stack bond 竖向通缝砌筑 stretcher unit 顺砌块材 thermal insulation 隔热 transverse wall 横墙 unburned clay masonry 粘土砖 unreinforced masonry 无配筋砌体 veneer 饰面 Wythe 单层砖墙厚