2013外研版选修七module 5《ethnic culture》word教案.doc

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1、Module 5 Ethnic Culture I教学内容分析 本模块以少数民族的文化为话题,介绍了我国云南省境内纳西族和白族的 风情文化以及 北美和澳大利亚的土著文化。通过本模块学习,学生要学会写介绍有关少数民 族的文章。 Introduction 部分通过学习和复习一些描述少数民族风情、服装和地理位 置等信息的词汇,学会简介云南省及其境内少数民族的概况,为本模块的学习 奠定基础。 Reading and Vocabulary(1)部分选取了西蒙韦克菲尔德的四则英文日记, 通过一位外国朋友在云南旅游的所见所闻,介绍了丽江古城以及纳西族的风情 文化。让学生完成相关词汇的练习;学会归纳文章的主旨

2、大意;并围绕文章内 容,进行听、说、读、写等各项活动。 Grammar(1 )部分通过观察课文中的例句,要求学生掌握过去分词短语 作状语及其与状语从句的转换。 Speaking 部分是阅读课文后所展开的一项活动,要求学生总结从阅读课文 汲取的有关丽江和纳西族人的信息,展开讨论,在口头表达中熟练运用虚拟语 气。 Listening and Vocabulary 部分听取一段关于西双版纳、泼水节的对话,培 养学生准确获取有效信息、完成相关练习的能力。 Grammar(2 )部分的短语来自 Listening and Vocabulary,让学生通过回顾 录音内容,正确理解短语的意义,然后通过练习进

3、一步巩固。 Everyday English 部分选取听力材料中和主题文段相关的常见的和典型的 英语习惯用语组成对话,通过补全对话的形式使学生熟练掌握这几个表达。 Speaking and Function 部分通过复习听力材料中的短语,要求学生正确运 用常见的表示询问更多信息的口语表达法。 Reading and Vocabulary(2)部分是一篇介绍白族文化的文章,通过快速 阅读,培养学生捕捉重点信息,把握细节信息的能力,并为本模块的写作做好 铺垫。 Writing 部分通过阅读课文中提供的有关信息,模仿 Reading and Vocabulary(2)有关描写白族文化的写作结构,写一

4、篇介绍少数民族基诺族 的文章。 Reading Practice 部分要求学生根据文章标题,猜文章体裁;根据文章主要 信息,猜测文章大体内容;培养学生在阅读中获取主要信息的能力。 Cultural Corner 部分介绍了北美和澳大利亚的土著文化,通过阅读,进一 步拓展学生获取信息的能力,并和我国少数民族的文化习俗进行比较,教育学 生热爱民俗文化。 Task 部分综合本模块所学技能和知识,在小组讨论的基础上,根据所提供 的信息,利用上网等查找的资料,撰写一篇文章,完成书面介绍一个民族的任 务。 Module File 部分对本模块学习内容分项进行归纳,帮助学生反思和检验已 学内容。 II教学重

5、点和难点 1. 教学重点: (1) 掌握一些与我国少数民族有关的词汇或短语。 (2) 学习过去分词作状语及短语动词的用法。 (3) 学习常见的表示询问信息的口语表达。 2. 教学难点: (1) 听懂与少数民族及其习俗有关的介绍并获取信息,正确理解新学词汇、 短语的含义。 (2) 正确恰当地使用过去分词。 (3) 学会在阅读过程中根据文字表面意思正确推断其深层含义。 (3) 学会从人口、地理位置、语言、经济、风俗习惯等方面来介绍少数民族。 III教学计划 本单元分六个课时: 第一、二课时:Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary(1), Speaking, Gra

6、mmar(1) 第三课时:Listening and Vocabulary, Grammar(2), Everyday English, Speaking and Function 第四课时:Reading and Vocabulary(2), Writing 第五课时:Reading Practice, Cultural Corner 第六课时:Task, Module File IV教学步骤 Periods 12 Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary (1), Speaking Teaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss intere

7、st in learning about ethnic culture. 2. To get Ss to learn some words to describe the ethnic minorities in Yunnan. 3. To get Ss to know something about Yunnan province and the ethnic minorities in Yunnan. 4. To help Ss learn how to talk about ethnic minorities. 5. To enable Ss to know how to use V-e

8、d form as adverbials. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Introduction 1. Ask Ss to answer several questions in order to introduce something about Yunnan to arouse Ss interest in ethnic culture. (1) How many provinces are there in our country? (2) There is a very beautiful province in the southwest of our

9、country. Its name means “beautiful clouds in the south”. Which province is it? (3) How much do you know about it? (4) Are there many ethnic minorities in this province? Then show Ss some pictures about Yunnan and introduce it in brief according to the information in Activity 1 on page 57. 2. Ask Ss

10、to describe the clothes the woman is wearing in the picture in Activity 2 on page 57. Step 2. Reading and Vocabulary (1) 1. Pre-reading Let Ss have a discussion about the ethnic minorities in Yunnan. 2. Fast reading Ask Ss to read the text quickly to get the main subjects of each paragraph. Suggeste

11、d Answers: Para 1: Yunnan Lijiang Para 2: the old town Para 3: Naxi ethnic group Para 4: Naxi language Para 5: Naxi music Para 6: Simons feeling 3. Intensive reading (1) Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and find the words given in Activity 2 in the passage. (2) Ask Ss to read the text one paragr

12、aph after another and answer the following questions: Para 1: In what way is the Yunnan landscape varied? Para 2: Why do tourists get lost in Lijiang? Para 3: In what way are Naxi women unusual? Para 4: What is unusual about the Naxi language? How do the Naxi believe their people started? Para 5: Wh

13、y is Naxi music famous? Para 6: Whats the feeling of Simon? (3) Ask Ss to choose the correct answers to Activity 4 on Page 60. (4) Ask Ss to answer the questions in Activity 5. Step 3. Speaking 1. Ask Ss to talk about what they have learnt about Lijiang and the Naxi people. 2. Ask Ss to role-play in

14、 pairs: Student A acts Simon and Student B acts his friend at home. Now, Student B is asking Simon about Yunnan. For your reference: Student B: Hi, havent seen you for a long time. Where have you been? Student A: I have visited Yunnan recently. Student B: Have you been to Lijiang? Student A: Yes. It

15、 is a very beautiful city. Student B: 3. Ask Ss to read through the instructions and examples in Activity 2 on Page 61 and then ask some Ss to give their opinions. Step 4. Language Points 1. Listening Ask Ss to listen to or read the passage alongside the tape to correct their pronunciation. 2. Word

16、study Ask Ss to fill in the blanks according to the text to learn the important words. It is the (1) that impress Simon most, though he has been in Yunnan for two months. Down in the south, in Xishuangbanna, its very (2) . Lijiang is half new and half old town. The old town is on the side of a mount

17、ain and (3) it is the 5,500 meter Yulong Xueshang Mountain, its peak (4) with snow. Looking from the (5) of the mountains, Simon thinks that the old town is a (6) of canals, little bridges and tiny cobbled streets that tourists get (7) in. Simon has spent several afternoons (8) in a caf in the old t

18、own square, just (9) people. The culture of Naxi is (10) . It is the (11) who run Naxi society, and until recently, Naxi women inherited all (12) . The Naxi still wear (13) costume. Naxi culture is particularly famous for its (14) which has not changed for eight centuries, (15) from father to son. A

19、mong the richer Naxi people, (16) of this music showed that you were a real gentleman. Simon has learned a lot about the Naxi culture during his tour, and he understands that however (17) we may appear to be at first, we are all the same, all (18) . Suggested Answers: (1) varied landscape (2) tropic

20、al (3) opposite (4) covered (5) slopes (6) maze (7) lost (8) sitting (9) watching (10) fascinating (11) women (12) property (13) traditional (14)music(15) passed (16) knowledge (17) however (18) equal 3. Explanantion Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss the important and difficult language points. (

21、1) The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered with snow. (line 8, para 1) 古城依山而建,对面是海拔 5,500 米的玉龙雪山,山顶覆盖白雪皑皑。 its peak covered with snow 是由“名词+过去分词”构成的独立主格结构。 下面介绍这一语法项目: 独立主格结构的构成: 名词(代词)+现在分词 过去分词 形容词 副词 不定式 介词短语等。 独立主格结构的特

22、点: 独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。 独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。 独立主格结构的句法功能:定语或状语。如: Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. He stood there, his hand raised. Close to the bank I saw deep pools,the water blue like the sky. The lights off, we could not go on the work. Our English teacher came into the

23、 classroom, papers in hand. 注:独立主格结构是高考考点之一。如: I send you 100 dollars today, the rest _ in a year. (2005, 湖南) (Key: C) A. follows B. followed C. to follow D. being followed (2) Seen from above, the old town is a maze of canals, little bridges and tiny cobbled streets that tourists get lost in. (line

24、s3-6, para.2) 从上面看,古城就是一座由沟渠、 小桥和鹅卵石铺成的街巷构成的迷宫。 Seen from above 为过去分词短语作状语,与 the old town 之间是被动关系。 此句为过去分词短语作状语。 (3) For example, it is the women who run Naxi society, and until recently, Naxi women inherited all property.例如,管理纳西族社会的是妇女,而且近来还是由 纳西族的妇女继承全部财产。 it is the women who run Naxi society.为强调句

25、结构,被强调的是主语 the women。 强调句的基本结构:It is was +被强调部分+ that who+其余部分。被强调 的可以是主语、宾语和状语等,如果被强调的是人用 that 或 who; 其它用 that。 如: It is I who teach you English. I was he that broke the window yesterday. It was what he said just now that made me unhappy. 强调句型是高考常考的考点之一。如: (2006 山东)I just wonder _ that makes him so

26、 excited. A. why it does B. what he does C. how it is D. what it is (Key: D) (2005 天津)It is what you do rather than what you say _ matters. A. that B. what C. which D. this (Key: A) run vt 控制;管理 My father ran a camera store last year. He has no idea of how to run a business. (可根据需要简单回顾 run 的其它常见用法)

27、inherit vt 继承,遗传,传给 She inherited a little money from her grandfather. She inherited all her mothers beauty. This government has inherited many problems from the previous one. (4) They sit in small circles in the square, with their babies on their backs, completely uninterested in the tourists.她们围成小

28、圈坐在广场上,身背孩子,对游客丝毫不 敢兴趣。 此句是由“with+名词+介词短语”构成的 with 复合宾语结构。 completely uninterested in the tourists. 为形容词短语作状语。 with 复合宾语结构的构成:with+ 宾语+ 宾语补足语。在句子中充当状语和 定语。其中宾语由名词或代词承当,宾语补足语常见的有形容词、副词、介词 短语、不定式、现在分词和过去分词。 注: with 复合宾语结构在高考中是常考的考点之一。如: (2005 北京) I couldnt do my homework with that noise _. A. going on

29、 B. goes on C. went on D. to go on (Key: A) (2004 北京)_ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of (Key: A) (2004 福建 ) It was a pity that the great writer died _ his works unfinished. A. for B. with C. from D. of (Key: B) (2002 上海春)Wi

30、th a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-elect ed president is having a hard time. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled (Key: C) (5) This story is shown in pictures in books put together in the 10th century, (lines11-14, para.4)在 10 世纪编集的书里能找到关于这个传说的图画 put together 意思是把放在一起,把合并起来;

31、加起来,合并起来。 如: It is easier to take a machine to pieces than to put it together again. Your department spent more last year than all the other departments put together. Considering her age, the girls letter is very well put together. (6) Everyone listened as if someone had put a spell on them. 每个人都像着了

32、魔, 听得如痴如醉。 此句为 as if 引导的状语从句,谓语动词 had put 是与过去事实相反的虚拟 语气。如: He was shaking with fright as if he had seen a ghost. Step 5. Homework 1. Ask Ss to finish the exercises of Reading, Vocabulary in the Workbook. 2. Ask Ss to Prepare for the Listening class. 3. Ask Ss to try to write an article about an eth

33、nic minority. They can use books, magazines and Internet. Period 3 Listening and Vocabulary, Grammar (2), Everyday English Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to know some skills of listening. 2. To study some daily expressions. 3. To learn to use some phrasal verbs. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Revisio

34、n Check the answers to the exercises of Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar in the Workbook. Step 2. Listening and Vocabulary 1. Pre-listening (1) Ask Ss to talk about the life of the Dai people in Xishuangbanna in the pictures below. The bamboo house built off the ground the New Year Water-Splashing Fe

35、stival (2) Ask Ss to match the words with their definition. bucket (a) large juicy tropical fruit with sweet yellow flesh pineapple (b) round container of metal or plastic, with a handle, for holding water, milk, etc. rainforest (c) to put a liquid on something in a rough and noisy way religion (d)

36、a forest in a tropical region of the world where it rains a lot. splash (e) a belief in or worship of God or gods Suggested Answers: b a d e c (3) Ask Ss to do Activity 1 on page 62 and check the answers in pairs. 2. While-listening (1) Ask Ss to listen to the tape and number the topics given in Act

37、ivity 2 in the order they are mentioned. (2) Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and pay attention to the detail. Then ask them to choose the correct answers to Activity 3 on page 62. (3) Ask Ss to listen to the tape a third time and fill in the missing words. Jacky: Is Xishuangbanna as wonderful as

38、every one says it is? Simon: Yes, Its amazing. The thing is, its still very undeveloped- you know, its got mountains, rice fields, little villages deep in tropical rainforests Jacky: It sounds beautiful. Simon: It is. Its also got all kinds of flowers and animals- tiger, elephants Jacky: Did you see

39、 any? Simon: (laughing) I didnt any tigers, but I did see some wild elephants. Jacky: Amazing! Simon: There are a lot of different ethnic groups, but the Dai people one- third of the population. Jacky: Oh yes, the Dai people. Ive them. Tell me something about them. Simon: Well, their language is sim

40、ilar to the Thai language. Thats not surprising since Xishuangbannan shares a border with Thailand. Jacky: Do they still wear traditional costume? Simon: Yes, a lot of them do. , they think its more attractive than modern clothes. I think it is too, actually. Its very colorful. The men wear white or

41、 blue trousers, and the women wear brightly-colored blouses and skirts with silver belts. In fact, I bought one of the belts for my girlfriend. , do you think shell like it? Jacky: Oh, thats very pretty. Shell adore it. So, about your trip. . Simon: Well, the thing thats most different is the houses

42、, which are made of bamboo and built off the ground. Jacky: Ah, so the people live Simon: They live above the ground, and they keep pigs and chickens in the area beneath the house. Jacky: Sounds like a good idea. Simon: Its very picturesque. They grow fruit all round their houses- pineapples, for ex

43、ample. A Dai family in their house for a week. It was a great experience and surprisingly comfortable. We were in a village called Ganlanba, about an hour away from Jinghong. Jacky: Im (11) ! But (12) ? Simon: No, because the wind blows through the bamboo, so its always quite cool. Actually, we were

44、 lucky enough to be there for the Water-Splashing Festival. Jacky: Is that a New Year Festival? Simon: Yes. People carry round buckets of water and splash it all around them, and every one gets very wet. The waters supposed to wash away the old year and bring in the new. The wetter you get, the more

45、 luck youll receive, so they say. I got so wet, I had to change all my clothes! Twice! Jacky: (13) the food? Simon: It can be very good. Theres a kind of black rice dish thats quite (14) ! And at a lot of the restaurants theres traditional dancing, with Dai women playing on large elephant drums. It

46、can be quite hard to hear yourself speak! Jacky: Id love to go there. Simon: Well, Im definitely going back next year. I really (15) the place. Why dont you come with me? Jacky: Maybe I will. Ill (16) . It does sound very lovely. Suggested Answers: come across What are the local people like? make up

47、 heard of Apparently What do you reckon go on Im fascinated I guess put us up (11) green with envy (12) doesnt it get very hot in summer (13) What about (14) tasty (15) fell for (16) think it over Step 3. Grammar (2) 1. Ask Ss to work in pairs to do activity 1 on Page 63 and check the answers. 2. As

48、k Ss to make sentences with these phrasal verbs. 3. Ask Ss to do Activity 2 then discuss with their partners. Step 4. Everyday English 1. Ask Ss to read through the words and phrases in the box in Everyday English and make sure of their meanings 2. Ask Ss to finish the activities individually, and then check the answers. 3. Ask Ss to read the dialogue with a partner. Step 6. Homework 1. Ask Ss to preview The Bai Ethnic Group on page 65. 2. Ask Ss to do the Grammar activities in the Workbook. Period 4 Speaking and Function, Re


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