2013外研版(三起)六上《unit 1 pleased to meet you!》word教案.doc

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1、Module 5 Unit 1 Pleased to meet you! 一、教材分析 教学目标 知识目标:1.基本能听懂、会说词汇 pleased meet speak 2.掌握 can you he she?的语言结构并会做答.Yes, I he she can.No, I he she cant. 能理解并灵活运用句 型,Can you speak English? I can speak some English. Pleased to meet you! Can I write to you ? 3.初步感知 I have got Can you be my Chinese frie

2、nd? 的含义。 技能目标: 操练俩人初次见面时的问候语,及其询问某人某方面的能力的 句型。 情感态度目标: 1培养学生在活动中体会英语学习的乐趣 2. 培养学生熟悉生活和对异国文化的了解。 教学重点: 能理解并掌握句型:Pleased to meet you ! Can you speak English ?以及 Can I write to you ? 教学难点: 能灵活使用情态动词 can,并能灵活运用。 二、教学过程: Step1: 1.Warm-up (1) Greetings. (2) Free talk : T: Hello! Whats your name, please?S1

3、: My name is Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too. T: Thank you! T: Hello! Whats your name, please?S2: My name is T:Pleased to meet you.S2: Pleased to meet you, too. (3) Lets chant.“I am me and you are you”OK? (设计意图: 1.活跃气氛,拉近师生距离。2.这首 chant 里边有很多 can 的用法, 巩固对“can”的使用。引导学生明确本课的学习目标和学习任务。) Step2: P

4、resentation 新词呈现: (1)T:You can do so many things, so Im pleased to meet you.新授单词:pleased(由 please 演变) meet(同音词 meat) . (2)出示图片。Look,This is my friend.But I cant see him.I write emails to him.So he is my pen friend.出示单词:pen friend. T: Do you have friend? Can you talk about him/her? Can he play basket

5、ball? Can he sing song? Can she play violin?(老师再根据学生的实际情况提出问题,激发学生的兴趣。 ) (3)Next year youll go to middle school.I cant see you every day. Ill miss you. Can you write to me?屏幕出示老师 的地址及邮箱(lynlee0913 )。新授单词 address. T: Now, Can I ask you some questions? (老师用 can 设计三至 五个问题,其中重点要问:Can you be my friends?

6、Or can you be my pen friends? 并板书。让学生用 Yes, I can ./ No, I cant 来回答。当学生很快会使用的时候,老师让学生在小组之间 运用 Can you.句型来进行提问。 (Ask one by one, but dont say the same sentences.) 【设计意图】教师出示重点之后,小组间进行训练,提升学生灵活 运用知识的能力和小组合作意识,学生在描述自己能与不能时,老 师及时给予热情的赞扬或给建议,从而提高学生的自信心。 T: Today we have a new friend, look at the screen .

7、showing Lauras picture lets say .? (引导学生运用刚学过的 Pleased to meet you 来与画面中的 Laura 打招呼。 Step3:Learning 1. T: Listen to the tape for the first time,then answer the following questions. Q1:Where is Laura from? Q2:How many English friends has Daming got? Q3:Can Laura write Chinese? Q4:Can Daming write Eng

8、lish? Q5:Can they be pen friends? T:Now ,listen to the tape and try to find out the answer. 【设计意图】 通过学生听看和听回答问题,在真实的语境中帮助学 生初步理解和感知对话 从而使学生在完成问题的过程中把握故事 的主要信息。 2. Listen to the tape and repeat. First read by yourself then role play in groups. 【设计意图】通过让学生跟读,让学生模仿正确的语音语调,培养 学生良好的语感。同时 通过分角色表演读,可以促使学生小

9、组合 作学习互帮互组,让每一个孩子都有锻炼的机会,体验到成功的喜 悦。 Step4: Practice 活动 1. 出示自己的名片:Name:Li Lin Address: Shiyan Primary School Email::lynlee0913 I can write an email, dance and play table tennis. My name is Li Lin. This is my address-Shiyan Primary School. This is my email. And I can write an email, sing and play tab

10、le tennis. T: 现在你们自己做一张名片. (课前将表格发给每一位学生。) Name: Address: Email: Ability: 教师在课前要做好自己的几张漂亮美观,易于吸引学生的名片。选 择几名学生谈话(运用“can”句型) ,并送出自己美丽的名片。活 动 2. T: Listen to the music and pass the apple when it stops. Please stand up and pick the word card up .other students ask him/her can you write/speak english /be

11、 my Chinese pen friend/sing/swim. Then you answer it. S: Yes/ I can /. No/I cannot T: if student answer: Yes/ I can. Let him/her sing /Swim (do action) 活动 3. 用“can”造句 ,看一口气能说多少个句子。 【设计意图】在这些活动中,引导学生不但学到语言知识,提高语 言能力,满足他们的成就感,学生们轻松愉快的完成了学习任务。 Step5 Summary Step6. Homework 用英文给自己的网友或笔友写一封信 教学反思: 本节课的内容我选自第七册第五模块第一单元:Pleased to meet you!在备课的过程中认真分析归纳出本节课的教学重点和难点,根据学生 的实际情况创设了符合实际的教学情境,多种形式的应用练习,让学生学会在 实际生活中运用英语,并且以任务型教学和多媒体辅助教学贯穿于整个教学过 程的始终,加以小组自主合作学习,增强学生合作意识与自学的能力。但是在 实际的教学过程中也会存在着一定的苦难和不足,如何有效的进行任务型教学, 小组合作学习是否能够高效完成学习任务,还需要在以后的教学实践中认真推 敲总结,争取让课堂效果达到更好。


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