2013年小学英语PEP人教版四年级下册《Unit 5 How much is it》word版教学设计.doc

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1、PEP 四年级下册 Unit 5 How much is it? Lesson 1 教学设计 桐木镇三岔河小学 陈 觅 1、教学目标 (一)基本目标: 1、学生能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词 colourful,pretty,cheap,expensive; 2、学生能够运用句子 Its colourfulprettycheapexpensive等来评 价衣物,并能描述衣物的价格; 3、学生能够说唱 Lets chant 部分的歌谣。 (二)拓展目标: 1、学生能够综合运用本课所学内容联系前面所学,对衣物的各种特征进 行全面综合的描述。 (三)情感、态度、价值观等目标: 1、培养学生合作学习

2、的精神和良性竞争意识; 2、渗透正确的审美观和价值观教育。 2、教学重点、难点分析 A:重点: 1. 能听,说,认读本课时的评价衣物颜色、款式及价格的四个单词 2能听,说 Lets chant 的内容。 B:难点: 1. 本课时单词的发音。 2.让学生在适当的情景中运用句型:Look at the dress. Its pretty. Yes, it is. 3. 学生能准确认读, Yes, I want this shirt. 3、教具准备 1、单词卡片; 2、多媒体课件; 3、部分其他用品图片或实物 4、教学过程 Step 1:Warm-up(热身) (1)师生问好 (2)师生共同拍手说唱

3、 Unit3 Lets chant. Step 2:Revision(复习) 1. Lets say:认读衣物单词 2.Free talk: T:Whats the weather like today? Ss:Its hot T:Can 1 wear my sweaterjacket? Ss:No , you cant T:What can 1 wear? Ss:You can wear your skirtdress? T:As you know, the Childrens Day is coming, I want to buy a present for my baby sister

4、. T:Boys and girls, Lets go shopping. Are you ready? Step 3:Presentation (呈现) Lets talk(创设大情境,为小妹妹买儿童节礼物) 1.teach:colourful and pretty (1) 幻灯切换,儿童购物中心。 T: There are so many skirts, look at that skirt. How many colours can you see? S: I can see (2)引出单词 colourful 的教学。 T: The skirt has many colours. It

5、 is colourful. (3)Repeat: colourful (用不同的声调来教读) (4)贴出 colourful 词卡片,反复试读。 A、个别试读 B、开火车读 (5)呈现图片:skirt, r, rainbow, flowers T: I like the dress, it is colourful, How about the skirt, 学生试着描述。 S: The skirt is blue, purple and pink. It is colourful. (6)幻灯展示 T-shirt 图片 T: Whats this? S: Its a T-shirt. T:

6、 What color is it? S: Its white . T: Is it colourful? S:No. T:Its pretty.(呈现卡片 Pertty 反复认读 指名带读。) 引导学生说:Look at the . Its . (7)T: Look at my sweater, what colour is it? S: Its pink. T: I think my sweater is pretty. How about you? S: I think my sweater is pretty. (8)呈现图片: the Snow White, the Queen T:

7、 who is pretty in you mind? 2.teach:cheap and expensive (1)T: The T-shirt is nice, but it too big to my baby sister. Lets go and have a look. How about this one? Ss: Its nice and pretty. T: Can you guess how much is it? Maybe its 50 yuan?(板书 how much is it?) S1: Maybe its 40 yuan. T: No. T: Its 500

8、yuan. How do you think of this price? T: Its expensive.(出示 expensive 卡片反复试读) (2)学习 expensive。纠正发音(同桌互读、小组读) (3)呈现下一张幻灯片。T:Whats this? Ss: Its a dress. How about this dress? T: Its colourful and pretty. T: Guess, how much is it? Ss: T: Look, Its 45 yuan. Is it expensive? How do you think? T: Its chea

9、p. very cheap(出示词卡 cheap) T: Good, I want this dress. 3.情景练习 4.Lets play: Whats missing? 5.学生看动画,跟读单词。 T: Amy and her mom are in the shop, too. Lets go and see. Step 4:practice (操练) 1.找朋友 2. Lets play:贵还是便宜? 展示图片,规定价格在60元以上的物品为“expensive”,59元以下的为“cheap” , 学生快速根据标价说出单词,看谁反应快。 Lets chant 1.指前面游戏中出现的衣服

10、图片,以此引导学生理解、会说“a colourful dress, a pretty skirt,a yellow shirt” 。 2.教师做语气和动作示范,学生学说几遍,边唱边拍手。 3.学生跟录音齐唱歌谣。 Step 4:Consolidation and extension(巩固和拓展) 1.听一听:Listen and match 2.画一画:我的衣橱 Step 5:小结 1、学生总结,领读新单词。 2、学生上台表演,评价自己及他人衣物物品等 (拓展目标) 板书设计: Unit 5 How much is it? A Lets learn and Lets chant Look at

11、 the Its colourful /pretty /cheap /expensive How much is it? Its Yuan 教后反思: 1、在课堂上,我努力为学生营造出一个宽松愉悦、民主和 谐的英语听说氛围。在教学时,注意培养学生的学习兴趣。采用以 鼓励为主的操练形式,在课本学习内容的基础上,拓展到对学生身 边的物品进行描述,激发学生的求知欲和表现欲,对描述较好的学 生及时表扬,对勇于开口的学生给予鼓励,从而将机械性的操练变 成真正意义型操练,使学生的个性得到充分张扬。 2、在教学中采用的分层教学。 随着学生所学习的英语知识的不断增多,学生之间理解和灵活 运用语言的能力也逐渐有

12、所差异,对新知识的接受也有快有慢。 将单词分为两层进行教学。pretty、colourful 因为前面已经 接触过,做为第一层,以词带句,重点把词放入具体情景中运用; 而 cheap 和 expensive 则因为前面没有接触过,作为第二层讲解, 在应用 pretty、colourful 等描述的基础上用 How much is it ?询 问价格,引出 cheap、expensive,是以句带词。 3、游戏“贵还是便宜”可在生上台两组示范后进行组内游戏, 使每个学生都有锻炼的机会,避免在游戏中出现“观众”的局面, 应该对“练习中把时间放手交给学生,学生为主体,而教师指导” 这一思路进行更好的探索。 4、课堂上注重了对学生的及时正确的评价,在教学中,采用多 鼓励,多赞许的形成性评价,比如给学生小帖画,对学生翘大拇指, 使不同层次、不同能力的学生都能投入到英语学习当中,最大限度 地提高学生的英语水平。 5、教学过程中忽略了对拼读的强化训练,还可以通过开火车读、 小组读、点名读等多种方式进行读写训练。


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