2014人教新目标英语八下 unit 2《What’s the matter》section a(2a-4)导学案.doc

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1、 重庆市第三十九中学八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Whats the matter?Section A(2a-4)导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版 【课前探究】 1 基础导航 1)在课文中划出下列新词汇:honey, dentist, rest, should, shouldnt=should not, ago, so, illness, advice, 并根据上下文猜测出生词的含义,试着朗读。 2)在课文中找出下列表达并翻译: lie down and rest_ _ see a dentist_ Thats too bad._ I think so._ for two hours_ 感觉好

2、_ 听起来像_ 一周前 _ 喝大量的水_ 加蜂蜜的热茶_ 2、 自主探究: 如果你的朋友不舒服了, 你是否该向他表示一下关心呢?那么你可以用_(应该)或 _ (不应该)来提出你的建议。例如: 你应该躺下休息。You _ _ down and _. 你不应该过度看电视。You _ _ TV too much. 【预习交流】 1、预习情况交流: 2、综合技能训练 1:听力训练 1)听录音,完成 2a。 2)再听一遍录音,完成 2b。 3、综合技能训练 2:对话操练 1) 请学生完成 3a, 然后请几个学生朗读 3a 和 4 中的对话 2) 小组练习: 参照 3a 和 4 中的对话, 与你的同伴进行

3、医生和病人角色的对话练习。 3) 交流展示 【互助提升】 重难点精讲精练 1) 情态动词 should 表示劝告,建议,认为某人“应该” 、 “应当”做某事,或“有义务和责任做某事” 。请认真 阅读 Grammar Focus 中含有 should 的句子,归纳出它的用法。 (1) 他不应该再吃东西了。He _ _ anything _ _. (2) 你应该去看看牙医。You _ _ a dentist. (3) 我们应当吃大量的健康食物。 We _ _ much _ food. (4) 我该怎么办呢? What _ I _? (5) -I have a terrible fever. - Y

4、ou _ see a doctor. A. may B. could C. will D. should (6) Schools _ allow students at least one hour a day for sports. (2007, 安 徽) A. would B. might C. should D. could (7) She should eats more vegetables. (改错) ( )_ A B C D 2) maybe =perhaps adv. 很可能,也许, 大概 (1). 很可能你是对的而我是错的。 _ youre right and Im _. (

5、2). -那是真的吗?-也许吧,我不确定。 -Is it true? -_. Im not _. (3). -你多久去看他一次?-也许一个月一次。 -_ _do you see him? -_ once a month. 对比:may be 此处 may 是情态动词,be 是动词原形,意为“可能是” 1). 他可能在家。He _ _ at home.=_ he _at home. 2). 她可能在购物中心。She _ _at the mall .= _she _at the mall. 3). 他们可能是学生。_they are students.=They _ _students. 【体验成

6、功】 根据句意补全单词 1. You dont look well. Whats the _? 2. Something is wrong with my _. I should see the dentist. 3. The song Take Me To Your Heart _ good. 4. Please take your temperature(体温) to see if(是否) you have a _. 5. He should lie down and have a good _ when he is tired. 6. Liu Peng began to feel bad

7、 two hours _. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 7.你应该躺下来休息。You should _ down and _. 8.比尔怎么啦? Whats _ _ _/_ _Bill? 9.李先生看起来气色不好。Mr Li _. 10.两小时内不要吃任何东西。Dont eat _ _ two hours. 11.你头痛吗? _ you _ _ _? 12.他的喉咙疼什么时候开始的?_ _ your sore throat _? 13.-她是个好学生。 - 我也这样认为。 - She is good student. - I _ _. 14.我希望你很快会感觉好些。I _ that you _

8、_ soon. 单选 15.Although Pete eats _, he doesnt look _. A. well, well B. well, good C. good, well D. good, good 16.-What do you think of the idea? -It _ great. A. smells B. looks C. feels D. sounds 17.You shouldnt eat _ before dinner. A. some B. something C. any D. anything 18.I like drinking _. A. te

9、a with honey B. teas with honey C. teas with honey D. teas with honeys 19.I _ you have a good holiday. A. want B. think C. hope D. wish 20.I hope _ my pen pal soon. A. hear from B. to hear from C. hearing from D. heard from 【拓展延伸】 完形填空 Dear Meimei, How times flies! You have been away for half a year

10、. Im sorry to hear that you are not feeling 21_ in New York. I think you 22_ talk more with your classmates. Try to 23_ friends with them. They can help you 24_ your English. You can teach them Chinese. Of course, the life is 25_ between Beijing and New York. In Beijing, our teachers often 26_ us wh

11、at to do and what not to do. But in 27_, maybe your teachers gives you a subject and let you write a composition. Before writing, you have to 28_ a lot of books borrowed from the library. Its really 29_ for Chinese students at the beginning. But most of them can do it well. So believe 30_. I hope yo

12、u will enjoy your life in New York soon. Yours, Fangfang 21.A. well B. bad C. fine D. terrible 22.A. cant B. could C. should D. shouldnt 23.A. do B. make C. have D. meet 24.A. in B. for C. about D. with 25.A. different B. differences C. difficult D. difficulty 26.A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak 27.A. New York B. Beijing C. Sydney D. Paris 28.A. see B. watch C. write D. read 29.A. hard B. easy C. happy D. sad 30.A. themselves B. yourself C. myself D. herself 【快乐心得】


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