2015秋冀教版英语八上Unit 5《My Future》(Lesson 29-30)英文学案.doc

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1、 Lesson 29 Our Ambitions and Dreams (New Class) 【Learning Aims】 IMaster the words: ambition;fisherman;policewoman; artist ; choice II Language points: Some stuents want to be fishermen, some want to be policemen or policewoman 【Foundation 】 I Free-talk: 谈论梦想 Key Words:_ _ II New words: Write as the

2、following, then read. eg. rather r: adv. 相当;宁可 1 ambition 2 fisherman 3 policewoman 4 artist 5 choice 6 strict 7punish III Translate the following phrases. 1 talk about _ 2 have no idea _ 3 have clear goals _ 4 want to be _ 5 the main thing _ 6 turn into_ 7 hard to choose _ 8 know yourself_ 9 choose

3、 the right path_ 10 be good at _ 【Direction】 I Listen to the dialogues and put the pictures in the pictures in the correct order(P75) II Read and answer. 1 What is the email about? 2 Whats the main thing to think about when you choose a job? 3 Why does Li Ming hope to be a teacher like Ms. Liu 4 How

4、 many kinds of jobs can we find in the emailis _ 【Self-check】 Translate the sentences. 1 Some of us have no idea _ 2 Some of us have very clear goals _ 3 What will I be when I grow up? _ 4 She encourages us to work hard, but she never punishes us. _ 5 Are you taller this year? _ 【Consolidation】 Read

5、 again to have a further understanding. 【Expansion】 按要求写出单词 1 punish (单三 )_ 2policeman( 复数 )_ 3 policewoman( 复数 )_ 【Assignment】 1 Finish off Part3 on Page75. 2 Preview lesson30. 3 Recite the words and read the text. Lesson 30 A Famous Friend? (New Class) 【Learning Aims】 I Master the words: wise; act

6、or II Language points: No matter what. Review the simple past tense 【Foundation 】 I 写出下列词的过去式 give say will ask II New words: Write as the following, then read. eg. rather r: adv. 相当;宁可 1 wise 2 actor III Judge the tense.(判断时态) 1 she gave me some advice. _ 2 Now Im making my poster. _ 3 I watered my

7、 seed._ 4 Im going to be a farmer. _ 5 Im drawing a flower bud. _ 【Direction】 I Listen and write true or false. 1. Danny is going to be a basketball player when he grows up. ( ) 2. Helen gives advice to people on the phone ( ) 3.Danny would like to ge a famous movie star someday ( ) II Read and answ

8、er. 1.What question did danny ask Helen? 2.Whats Helens advice for Danny? 3. Will danny and Li Ming be friends when they become fich? 【Self-check】 将下列句子改为一般过去时态。 1 She gives me some advice. _ 2 She says I will be a good teacher. _ 3 It will be great to be rich. _ II Multiple choice. 1 -she is a famous _ A act B actor Cactiong 2 She gave me some _ A advice B advices 【Consolidation】 I Read again 【Expansion】 Discuss if you will keep your friendship when you are older _ _ 【Assignment】 1 Finish part 3 2 Preview Lesson 31. 3 Recite the words and the text.


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